So, it's been awhile hasn't it? This is the first multi chapter fic I've written in a long time, so hopefully it all goes smoothly. I apologize ahead of time for the slow update... you know how life can be sometimes.

"So how did Sid's set-up go?" Stella asked as she gently nudged Mac with her elbow. They both walked to the crime scene at the end of the block through the chilly November air. Mac chuckled softly as he glanced at her, sending her a sly half smile.

"Let's just say I don't think there will be a second date," he said. Stella cringed with a sympathetic smile.

"That bad?" she asked. He let out a laugh.

"Well, I endured through the fangs, but when she asked what my view on blood drinking was, I was done," he said. Stella couldn't hold back her laugh.

"Fangs? Really?" she asked in disbelief. Mac nodded.

"Apparantly, Sid and I don't have the same expectations of what blind dates should be like," Mac joked as he held the door open for her. She continued to laugh as they entered the scene.

They stood in a bright doctor's office that was squeezed between a laundry mat and a tanning salon. The whole office was eerie with its pristine furniture and pure white walls. Not a magazine was out of place, to say the room was unfriendly would have been a drastic understatement. Sadly, the only thing out of place in the room was the man lying sprawled in a pool of blood. His white lab coat was crimson and there were three deep stab wounds in his chest.

"What's so funny?" Flack asked as he appeared from a back room. Stella grinned up at Mac.

"Inside joke, Flack," she explained before staring at the scene around her.

"Body or perimeter?" Stella asked Mac over her shoulder.

"Perimeter," He answered and Stella couldn't help but grin to herself. she knew he hadn't chosen to process the perimeter because he wanted fresh air, he had chosen it because, ever the gentlemen, he didn't want her standing out in the cold.

Soon, Stella became absorbed in processing the doctor's body and didn't look up until she heard a shout from a room to her far left. She stood up quickly and started to unholster her gun.

"Mac?" she called out slowly as she rounded the corner and peered into the room. she stopped in surprise as she saw Mac punch a hooded man in the face. Stella watched the man turn and grab a jug of colorful liquid from the table behind him.

"NYPD! Freeze!" Stella quickly yelled as she pulled out her gun. Quickly, the man sloshed the liquid into Mac's face and ran for the back door. Stella swore as he slammed the door on her and locked it from the outside. She radioed Flack his location as she rushed to Mac, who was bent over, wiping his eyes.

"You okay, Mac?" she asked as she grabbed his arm. He straightened and opened his eyes. His eyes looked past her as he blinked several times. The skin around them was red and she felt her heart drop in her chest as she heard the panic in his voice when he spoke.

"Stella, I can't see...I can't see anything."

So? How'd you like it? Please will make me so very happy. I'll try and update soon, but until then review, make suggestions, whatever floats your boat. :)
