Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi

Beta: MissKatt

To become

Chapter 9

Sesshomaru walked down the halls of his castle with a goal. It had been centuries ago when he had felt this sort of anticipation.

He finally found it!

The Taiyoukai pressed his hand to the secret pocket over the heart on his silver and blue PaSuit. He released a breath when he felt the item he had hunted for so long resting there.

It was finally time. Many called him insane, other called him fool, but none understood him. No one could. It mattered little to him if he was considered the black sheep of the family or the mentally instable one. The truth was he was the one with the power and they had to obey him. He was the only one with the true ability, and blood, to rule. They had to obey.

The tall Taiyoukai flew the last steps to her chamber, long tresses of silver hair floating behind him, and pushed the door open. He closed the door behind him and stalked to her bed; movements impossibly sensuous in his body-tight suit, "Good evening, Kagome."

As expected, and as always, she kept her silence. He merely smirked. He knew today was going to be different. Today, she was going to wake up. Finally.

He sat at her side and kissed her nose tenderly. After that, he took some of her meters-long ebony hair and pressed it to his cheek comfortingly before using it to surround his neck. He kept her hair in perfect condition, brushing it almost daily, and sleeping with it as if it were his long-lost mokomoko. He missed mokomoko too.

After taking comfort of her, he finally dug out his treasure. The Shikon no Tama glowed a dark pink on his tainted hand, but as he drew the object closer to her it turned a pearlescent pink. Golden eyes watched with rapt attention to the changes of the Jewel before pressing the sought after item into her heart. The arrow which had cursed her had disappeared ages ago… but not the curse. The curse kept strong.

A gasp escaped the Taiyoukai when the Jewel sunk greedily inside of her and its energy faded from the world. His heart ran thrice as fast. His hand sweated. His golden eyes feel hot.

This was it.

This was it…


As if per magic, which was true, a pink glow emanated from under her skin and she awoke with a hungry gulp for breath which propelled her up into the bed.

He had planned on hugging her for life, kissing her for life…anything… but he could not move.

It took a second for him to know something was wrong, though. She instantly fell back to the bed with a mortal cry. Fear prickled at his heart and he surged towards her and studied her face. As soon as their eyes met she screamed.

The Taiyoukai winced and moved back a little, "Kagome," he said in a loud voice, "Do not be afraid… it is I, Sesshomaru."

While he spoke, her scream died down and blue eyes scanned his face curiously. The scrutiny lasted almost a full minute, "Se-Se—sho—ma—ru?"

Elation like he has never known tickled his chest and he bent down and touched his forehead to hers, "Kagome… you are finally back." He whispered in a prayer and nuzzled his nose to her hair.

"Se—shoma—ru… it…hurts," her voice came forced, in pain, "my…bo—dy."

Sesshomaru let out a relieved breath, "It is understandable, Kagome, don't worry… you'll get better," he explained and then moved away to meet her eyes, "You've been asleep for a long, long time. You must get therapy to regain the use of your body."

Kagome frowned, and winced in pain, "How…lo—ng?"

Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes in thought, and then replied, "Five hundred years."

Kagome gasped and her eyes expressed horror, "Wh-at?"

"Shh," cajoled Sesshomaru and once again rubbed his nose to her hair, "Calm down..."

"Why? Why am…I alive?" asked Kagome, tears flowing down blue eyes, "I—am suppo-sed to be…dead."

Sesshomaru frowned and was about to speak when he noted the glow to her skin intensify. Golden eyes watched as the light seemingly started healing tissue, muscle, and gave her back the rosy color he remembered she had when she was alive.

"Sesshomaru?" Kagome asked fearfully, "What is happening to me?" she asked, her gaze looking at him pleadingly.

The Taiyoukai settled besides her and brought her close to him body, "You saved me, remember Kagome?" he asked in a murmur, "You took an enchanted arrow for me."

Kagome furrowed her eyebrow but then mumbled, "The woman."

"Yes… Izayoi…my half-brother's mother," Sesshomaru said softly, "You saved me. I owe you."

Kagome frowned, "That's why," she said, nothing hindering her speech anymore, "you seemed to know her," she breathed out in surprise and he nodded, "You…you owe me nothing… I wanted to. Besides… I was dead… how could I ask payment?"

Sesshomaru growled, "I wanted to pay," he said and pressed his face to her neck, "My life is yours since you saved me… now, since I saved you, your life is mine," he said possessively.

Kagome shivered, "Eh? No… now we are even," she said logically, a little apprehensively even. She never learned to deal with him as a child and now, as an adult, he was scary and possibly very dangerous.

"No," growled Sesshomaru again and nicked the skin of her neck in disapproval, "I've been waiting a long time. You are mine."

Anger startled bubbling inside of her, and a lot of confusion, "Sesshomaru-"

"No," he snarled now and hugged her smaller frame tightly against him, "Say you are mine," he demanded while applying more pressure to her frail, and recovering, body, "Say you will stay with me forever! Say you will not leave me alone again!"

Tears of helplessness came to Kagome, "Sesshomaru-kun-"

"No!" he roared, "This Sesshomaru is not a child anymore! He's older than you! Say it!" once again he said and this time he pressed his fangs threateningly over her pale neck. He waited for her to say it, growling low in his throat, but she resisted. He got angry, his eyes bled red, "Say it!"

"I'll stay!" screamed Kagome when the lack of oxygen made her chest hurt. When he didn't let go she dug her nails into his side and tried to claw at him. It was useless, "I will stay forever!" she cried, desperate for air.

The Taiyoukai rumbled approvingly and sank his long fangs into her shoulder. Kagome screamed and kicked, but her shorter legs helped none. After ten seconds he released her and licked her wound, "Welcome to my pack, my beloved Kagome."

Kagome sighed softly when she was finally released and took the much needed oxygen her lungs demanded. After some moments her blue eyes went up to his and something inside of her stirred. His eyes, in that moment, resembled the eyes of the child she was familiar with. Behind that gold shone his insecurity, his loneliness, and that need to reach out, to prove himself. That heavy weight of one who was born to be a ruler… she knew then, who he was. Who he still was.

"Sesshomaru," she whispered warmly, understandingly.

"Kagome…san," he replied back with a guilty expression.

The awakened miko smiled and reached out for his hand, "Everything will be all right," she told him reassuringly and he squeezed her hand back, "I am with you now."

Sesshomaru nodded his head and smiled a peaceful smile. Then he pulled her closer and settled his chin over the crown of her hair and closed his eyes. "This feels good…your warmth, Kagome-san," he whispered with a smile and then promptly fell asleep.

Finally, after five hundred years he finally slept peacefully. He even dreamed! He dreamt about the wild flowers he used to love so much and their appealing scent… and Kagome and him, sunbathing amongst them.


Dokuga_Contest Prompt: Baa, Baa, Black Sheep

Words: 1327


This is 'the end' of this story. If I try another challenge, I will probably just continue this story ^^

Thanks for the support!