Alfred knew he had to think of a way to get Kiku out of there, but. . . it was so incredibly difficult. It was getting tougher to keep Kiku from the grasp of the other guards. . .

One day, they discussed it together in Alfred's quarters.

"Kiku. . . I'm so sorry." Alfred swallowed. "I. . .I promise, I really will get you out. . ."

Kiku took Alfred's hand. "I know," he said with a soft smile. "And. . ." The small man fidgeted a bit.

"What is it, Kiku?" Alfred gently pulled Kiku into his lap, cradling him. "You can tell me anything. . ."

"I'd like to take Isamu with us when we go."

Alfred blinked. "Isamu?"

Kiku nodded. "Yes, the boy whose father was. . ." He trailed off, chewing his lip.

Alfred understood immediately. Kiku wanted to adopt that poor young child.

"Of course, we'll take him with us." Alfred pressed a gentle kiss to Kiku's temple.

It was settled, then. They would escape together, and they would start a family, the three of them. They would be happy. . .

They wouldn't have to suffer anymore.

A/N: So! I finally uploaded another chapter after, like, what. Forever and a day. ._. But here it is! Too short. OTL But this is all I could manage to squeeze out over tahsilduhfgkjnasdiofbg however long it's been. I've kinda got a lot of shit going on right now, so I'm sorry if the next chapter takes forever too! OTL

Please review! It's rather motivational. =3= Also, I don't own Hetalia.