A/N: So I promised all of you guys that I would make an happy ending and so I did. Here is it.

I thank all of you for reading this story to the end, I know that especially in the end the time between chapters were too long, but I hope that you still enjoyed it.

I may even make a little sequel to this story, but it will be something that can be read separately from this story. So wait and see if the happens.

Enjoy this last happy ending.


The light finally faded away and he stared at the only person still standing. The illusion on the castle had lifted, leaving empty ruins behind. The black haired man lonely body stood in front of the broken throne, face looking down at the runes, which started to disappear.

Arthur stared not sure what to do, but slowly reached for the man. 'Merlin?' His lover didn't respond, so Arthur grabbed him by the shoulders and turned him around. He stared into those faraway blue eyes. 'Merlin... are you okay?' The raven didn't respond, instead he sank to the floor, while Arthur was barely able to catch him.

Arthur sank with him to the ground, holding him in his arms. 'Merlin... Merlin look at me!'

It was then that Merlin blinked and his eyes fixated themselves on Arthur's. 'Arthur?...'

'I'm here!' He gently looked into Merlin's eyes and held the slender body against his one. 'Are you okay?'

The raven gave him a sad smile. 'I don't think I'm.'

'Wha... what do you mean?' He asked, not wanting to accept the truth he already felt in his heart.

Merlin's hand reached for his cheek, he felt a shaking hand being placed on his face and his own hand quickly grabbed it, squeezing it gently. 'You know what I mean.' The others kneeled down next to them, looking concerned at their friend, knowing there was no hope.

'No... no! I don't get it, everything will be alright and we-.'

'Arthur!' Merlin interrupted him.

Arthur could feel a tear roll down his face and he slowly lowered his forehead so it rested on Merlin's. 'Please stay with me.' He whispered to him.

Merlin didn't react and it was Gwen gasping that caused him to back away and look at Merlin. The man gave him a soft smile, but his body started to become transparent. 'Merlin?'

'... I'm sorry, I think that I have to go.'

'What's happening to him?' He heard Elyan ask in shock.

'He's dying!' A cold voice spoke to them from behind, Arthur turned his head around, seeing Morgause standing behind them. He blinked at the witch, what was she planning now? He held Merlin protectively in his arms.

'Leave, we don't want you here!' Gwaine growled to her.

She glared at him, before looking at Merlin, Arthur narrowed his eyes and confusion spread through his head, why did she had that gentle look in her eyes? She slowly came towards them, holding her hands up to show that she didn't mean any harm. 'I'm only here to help.'

'Why would we trust you?' Leon asked angry. 'You tried to kill us.'

The blond witch stopped and looked at him. 'That was the woman I once was, I regret what I have done, please let me help.' She begged them and Arthur couldn't help feel that she really meant it. But none of them responded and Morgause's face saddened and she looked at her sister. 'Morgana... please.'

Arthur glanced at his sister and saw how she sighed. '... I trust her...' She looked at Arthur. 'We have no other choice.'

He gulped and turned his look at Merlin. The man lay in his arms, clearly under much pain, but the man still looked tenderly at him. '... Let her try...'

'Are you sure?'

Merlin closed his eyes. 'Otherwise I will die... I don't want us to be separated again.' A tear ran down Merlin's cheek.

Arthur knew that his lover was right, but the thought alone of Morgause touching him was unbearable. He leaned forward placing his lips on Merlin's, feeling how those gentle lips became colder and colder. 'Do it... save him.' He didn't look at the witch when she kneeled down, he didn't trust her, but they had no other choice, he could feel Merlin's heartbeat slowing down under the tips of his fingers.

He saw how Morgause's hands reached for Merlin, her fingers resting on his head. She started to speak long soft words, it almost sounded gently, something he never imagined her to be able to do. He saw how Merlin clearly relaxed under her touch, it was when she spoke her final words that the raven almost jumped up, his eyes wide with total panic. 'No!'

Arthur's heart skipped a beat, fearing for his lover's life. He reached for Merlin, wanting to pull him away, but instead he was stopped by the man. The warlock looked at Morgause, his whole body almost shining with life, but his eyes were not filled with anger or hatred, but the raven had a gently warm look in his eyes. 'Merlin?...' He tried, but the warlock was ignored.

'Why did you do it?' Merlin asked with a stern voice.

She gave him a sad smile. 'To repay my debt to you... I'm sure that you can put it to better use than I would ever have been able to.'

'Morgause... thank you.'

Morgana kneeled down next to them, her eyes on her sister. 'What did you do?'

It was Merlin that answered for her. 'She saved me... she gave me her remaining life and energy...'

'But... that means...' The black haired witch looked at her sister, a tear rolling down her face. '... you will die.'

Morgause's softly nodded. 'Yes... but I know that Merlin will put it to better use, I have nothing more to live for, but he has.' Morgana opened her mouth to comment, but Morgause didn't let her. 'It has been done sister, goodbye.' She leaned forward, letting her head rest on Morgana's, before her body started to shine.

'Thank you Morgause.' Merlin said again, before the woman's body disappeared into nothingness.

The all went silent again, mourning over their lost ally. Arthur saw how Morgana started to cry, immediately Leon was with her, pulling her against his chest.

Arthur turned his attention back to Merlin and pulled the man into his arms, he felt the raven shiver. 'You okay?'

'Yeah... I just feel sad that Morgause had to die for me and... I just feel so empty without my magic.'

Arthur blinked in surprise. 'You have no magic?'

Merlin looked up, locking eyes with the blond. 'I lost everything when I stopped Mordred and Morgause's powers only gave me enough to live one human lifetime.'

Arthur smiled. 'I guess that means I have to learn you to live without magic.'

'Please do so.' Merlin replied and he pushed his lips against the blond's.


Aithusa looked at those bright stars, the same that had been in the sky the night before, but somehow they looked brighter, a smile was spread over her lips. She was all alone outside, but she didn't care for it, she needed time alone, time to think.

She had been able to turn back to her human form after Merlin defeated Mordred, but she wasn't able to do anything after she changed. Seeing Merlin dying in Arthur's arms, there was nothing that could frighten her more than the thought of her dragonlord dying and at the same time have the thought that she couldn't do anything for him.

She sighed , she just felt so tired. Merlin now had a human life and he would spend the rest of his life with Arthur, but... that meant that he didn't need her anymore and without that she had no reason to stay on this earth. Maybe it was time for her to follow her uncle Kilgharrah to the other world.

She sank away in her thoughts, while looking up at the sky who in all those years had stayed the same, she didn't even hear the footsteps walking towards her.


She jolted up and almost fell of her chair, turning her head towards the voice. She looked at a stunned Gwaine. 'Gw... Gwaine? What are you doing here?'

He blinked before answering. 'I wanted to bring you back inside, it's rather cold out here.'

The white dragon gave him a gentle smile, she had always cared for the man. 'No thank you, I'm just going to stay out here for a little while longer.'

He frowned. 'Are you sure about that, It's rather cold outside.'

'I'm a dragon, we have a thick skin.' She may tell him, but she couldn't let the goosebumps on her arms disappear, which the brunette had already noticed.

'I can see that.' Without saying anymore he placed his jacket over her shoulders and sat down next to her. 'So what's wrong?'


He leaned forward. 'I know something is wrong, just tell me.'

She sighed, she knew that man and was sure he wouldn't stop before she would tell him. 'I... I am not sure what to do now... I mean, Merlin doesn't need me anymore and I... I have nothing more to do on this earth.'

Her words shocked him, both pain and fear appeared in his eyes and for a moment he was stunned. He eventually grabbed her hands, while looking in her eyes. 'But we're still here...' The next thing he whispered. 'I'm still here.'

Aithusa stared at him. 'But you don't need me.'

Gwaine sighed. 'I... I want you by my side.' She opened her mouth to comment, but he didn't let her. 'I have never said this before, but when I first saw you at school, before I remembered, I... I fell in love with you.' A blush spread over his cheeks.

She gapped at him. 'But you like guys.'

'I did, but there was something about you... So do you want to be with me?' He asked nervously.

She looked at him, as if he became mad, but... but was that really what she felt... She didn't even realise how tears rolled down her cheeks, how her hands started to shake. 'I... I want to be with you too!' Her mind finally realised and she threw herself in his arms.

She felt how he sighed in relief, holding her tightly against his chest. 'I love you.' He kissed her forehead.


Merlin smiled and kissed Arthur on the lips, while they sat down on the grass watching the children run around them. It had been 15 years since their fight with Mordred and they all were living happily.

All of them, Arthur, Merlin, Gwen, Morgana and the knights were out picnicking, together with their children and the day couldn't be better.

He let out a laugh, just knowing how wonderful the last couple of years had been. He rested against his lover's chest. Their love had been great, of course they had their own fights, but that was only normal.

They even decided to adopt a little girl, who was now running around with the other children. She was a 5 year old little blond girl with deep brown eyes. He smiled seeing her run around, seeing her pure old soul.

He even aged, something he had never imagined. He saw how Arthur grew older, like he had watched happening years ago, but this time he was not afraid to lose his lover, because he would never be alone again, he was finally able to die.

He heard Arthur rustle and both men locked eyes with each other. Arthur wore the same warm smile as Merlin on his face. 'I love you.' The blond commented with a bright grin on his face.

Merlin laughed at him and kissed him gentle on the corner on of his mouth. 'And I love you too.'