
"Mate, if I could I would have you come stay with me but you know I can't what with Mum and Dad taking us to see Bill for the Christmas holidays and then seeing Charlie and-."

"Ron, I already told you, it's perfectly fine, stop worrying." Harry informed him, cutting him off from saying anymore excuses and apologies.

"I know, but you're stuck here alone with Malfoy! You have to spend the entire Christmas Holidays stuck with bloody Ferret Face!" Ron exclaimed, almost going as red as his hair from immense frustration.

"Calm down, if I can defeat Voldemort twice I think I can handle Malfoy for a little while, now go finish packing unless you want another lecture about punctuality from Hermione, the train leaves in an hour remember." Harry reminded him whilst subtly steering in the direction of the boys' dorm. "I'm just gonna head down to the kitchens for a sandwich then I'm going for a walk so I'll see you after the holidays."

"Alright then, Mate, take care." Ron said before beginning to ascend the staircase to finish packing his trunk.

(line break)

This holiday is going to be brilliant Harry thought to himself as he walked along the seventh floor imagining the exact type of room he wanted the Room of Requirement to produce. He checked his watch; he was five minutes earlier than he had to be so he gave the room some finishing touches. He lit a fire and rolled out a rug in front of it, he poured two cups of tea making sure his was extra sugary before settling into the forest green sofa and relaxing in the velvet cushions and setting himself into deep thought.

Coming back for eighth year to finish off his N.E.W.T.S (after endless nagging from Hermione) turned out to be one of the best decisions of his life.

Hunting for horcruxes had ended up disrupting his seventh year and it was nice being able to come back to the first place he'd ever been able to call home. He was distraught at first, walking through the doors of the newly rebuilt Hogwarts and immediately being haunted by the faces of people he wasn't able to save during the war, he slowly calmed down and by Halloween he was able to settle into the normal routine of things.

He was still staring into the fireplace unaware of his surroundings and not noticing when the door was opened and a set of silent feet covered by dragon skin boots gracefully glided across the concrete floor. In fact Harry was entirely unaware someone was behind him until he was encased between two long, pale slender arms and a silky voice whispered in his ear; "Hello Gorgeous, miss me?"

Harry visibly jumped from surprise before biting out two words filled with annoyance.

"You're late."

A/N: okay so, my first fanfic, was going to be a one shot but decided to make it a bit longer but I probably won't make it like 20 chapters long, it'll end up being less than 10 but it all comes down to how my mind decides to work so yeah, hope you like it so far.

Not too bothered by reviews so this will probably be the only time I mention them unless I'm begging for an opinion on a future chapter so yeah :)

Not sure how often I'll update, its summer holidays so I have time to do whatever…