Omnitrix Warrior and Tamarenean Warrior
Ben x Starfire
Story Start

For the time being Starfire was being fostered in a small, one bedroom apartment until she got better adjusted to the Earth. Ben used some of the money he got from the lawsuit against that silly cartoon ripoff that aired years ago to not only pay for Starfire's rents but to also handle her utilities until all the paperwork and documentation was done and she was accustomed enough to earth culture to find some sort of job.

Since Ben was the legal paying tenant and on the lease he had a copy of the key to apartment. This morning he was stopping by to spend more time with Starfire.

Heading to Starfire's room, he wanted to make sure that she had found things okay in her first night.

Opening the door, he noticed Starfire starting to stir, shaking around her bed as she rose from it and into consciousness. Rubbing her eyes with her hands, Starfire saw Ben standing in her doorframe.

Starfire greeted him with a smile. "Morning Ben. How was your slumber?"

"I slept rather peacefully. How about you? Did you sleep well all things considering."

"I slept well, I believe. The mattress you bought was most soft, which served to relax my strained muscles."

"I'm glad you like the mattress." He would have felt bad having a princess sleep on a regular crummy old mattress. Ben's eyes nearly bugged out when Starfire left the covers revealing the see through negligee. He was quickly remembering the discussion about the nudity taboo here on earth and how she needed to wear clothed, especially in public. In the comfort of her own home he supposed she had the right to wear what she wanted.

Walking to the bathroom, Starfire proceeded to take off her clothing before beginning her shower, turning on the water and making it cold, which was perfect for her biology, especially since she could withstand the cold.

As she showered, Starfire began to think about all that had happened. The last few days had been rather interesting. And while she was essentially marooned on this planet for the time being she had to admit all together at least her host was enjoyable to be around.

Following the smell of something cooking Starfire entered to see Ben was using the appliances to make food.

"Do you know how to operate all of these devices?" They looked reminiscent of the cooking devices back on her world.

"Yeah, when you travel as much as I do learning how to cook is a vital skill. When we get the time I'll teach you all about earth cuisine later. So tell me, do you prefer coffee or tea?" The look she gave him clued him in he needed to be more specific. "Coffee is a bitter black liquid used to awaken you in the morning. You can add other liquids or sweet substances to it. Tea is similar, but not as bitter and comes in different flavors."

The clarification was all Starfire needed to give her answer. "I prefer the tea substance with whatever your equivalent to sweetening is."

Ben poured the hot water from the faintly humming kettle into the cup and added a tea bag and some sugar before handing it to Starfire. In one second, Starfire quickly downed the hot cup of liquid. Man not being that sensitive to temperatures was really useful.

"Such a collection of food. I am a it excited to try it all." Starfire said as the food on the counter drew her attention.

A plate of egg, an assortment of slice and cooked ham, crispy bacon, and sausage. There was also hashbrowns as well as a stack of pancakes with a pan of oatmeal and a plate of grapefruit. Ben decided to edge on the side of caution and have plenty to choose from.

"Have as much as you like."

"Then what will you eat?" She asked so innocently that Ben knew she was being genuine.

"Starfire quick question, in regards to your biology how many stomach do you have?"

"I have nine stomachs. Currently only two of them were full. While last night's meal was enough in where I would not go hungry I do admit human portions seem rather meager. How do your people ever manage to put on any muscle?"

'Nine stomachs?' Oh he could already feel the cash from his wallet vanishing.

After seeing to it that Starfire had her fill Ben suggested they spar for a bit. If Starfire was going to join him on missions he needed to see how well she was at adapting and how much control she had. They were currently borrowing one of the training rooms of a nearby Plumber's facility.

"Now, this is no holds barred spar. You get to use the full extent of your powers, but also for fairness sake, I'll stick to only one alien deal.

As she said "Yes", Star smirked at Ben as she was ready for combat. Activating the Ultimatrix Ben changed into Diamondhead and gave the go ahead to go. Charging at Ben, flying with a starbolt forming in her hand, Ben fired diamond projectiles at her.

Forced to evade, she used her starbolt to counter the blast the oncoming shards. The blast sent his shards hurdling back and smoking.

Starfire gave charged with great speed with a fist surrounded with a green glow. Changing his arms into blades he blocked the fist sending tremors through his body.

Maneuvering away from Starfire, Ben launched a series of swings to which the princess maneuvered around with surprising aerial agility. He kept forcing the defensive, controlling the pace of the battle until Starfire was pitted against the wall. He went for an overhead swing only for Starfire to use her braces combined with her strength to block the powerful move long enough to slam her back into the wall and threw legs out in the form of a powerful double kick sending Diamond Head flying back.

Diamondhead slammed on the ground and rolled a few times before quickly recovering. Slamming his fist into the ground a trail of diamonds began to erupt and surge at surprising speed. Starfire simply flew above the attack her hands blazing as she began firing a series of starbolts.

Even with his alien's durability he could feel the force behind the powerful bolts as he stumbled back before Starfire slammed into him pinning him to the ground. The Ultimatrix had chosen that time to time out.

"You're really good Star," The alien was caught off guard as the shape shifter hero laced his legs around her neck in a surprising display of flexibility and flung her off him. Her power over flight allowed her to flip over and right herself right up "But I'm not that easy to beat." He leaped back up to his feet.

"If that had been it I would have been disappointed." Starfire replied as mirth danced in her eyes.

This was going to prove a fun little spar.