Hehe admit it. Didn't think this was ever going to be updated, did you?

(Yeah sorry that's completely my fault... bashful face. I promise not to leave as big a gap between updates of this story again.) There should be about eight more chapters.

The strength of us Trinket women is something truly fascinating to behold. Rather like Haymitch's white liquor. And it was that which kept me going through one gruelling Victory Tour.

Of course, it was my hour of triumph. My victors! Hailed by everyone! The nation's stars! Panem's sweetest sweethearts. And even if that horrible event in District 11 almost ruined everything, it wasn't so bad after that. They even stuck to the cards! Alright, their delivery was terrible. So wooden. They just weren't conveying the essence of my work, in fact I don't even know if they were really trying. The true genius of my artistry was lost. But at least it had its moment in the light. Even if the light was tainted by all that was occurring.

In fact, I felt proud of Haymitch when I learned that he told them they were reciting from a drilling manual. Too right they were. Not that I would ever put my point across in so blunt and vulgar a fashion. I have standards about these things. But I won't deny ever thinking it.

But they got engaged! My victors! Together at last! I would have cried when he proposed only I was wearing make up that wasn't waterproof. It would have ruined the moment to have me there blubbering with messy make up.

I should have known of course, that it would all go downhill from there. The forgetting to wear waterproof makeup was just the start. It was foreshadowing the terrible fate that befell us all.

But I was young. Young; and wild (in a constrained sort of way) and beautiful and headstrong and beautiful and naive and beautiful, so I was too foolish to heed the warnings. It is always the way, isn't it? In all the stories, it is always when they're all at their happiest that everything goes-well, wrong.

Things really came to a zenith for me at the Presidential party! I heard some rather rude comments comparing my blue hair buns with the ears of a certain cartoon mouse, but like a true lady I disregarded them.

"Chins up, smiles on." I reminded them. It's practically the Trinket family motto. Now what would that be in latin, I wonder?

"I'm looking at you, Katniss!"

See, I know her so well by now I didn't even have to look.

And mahogany! So much mahogany! Mahogany everywhere! And over there- wasn't that - ooh, curtains!

I spotted Flavius and Octavia, which excited me very much as it meant that Cinna might be around somewhere. I'd been meaning to talk to him for a while about an idea I've had. I thought it was about time the fashion world freshened up their patterns (leopard print is so last games) and I was thinking- mahogany print. The richness of colour you could achieve! The swirling pattern of the wood! Maybe even a few tree rings.

Of course the poor darling is dead, what a tragedy that was. Such a shame. What could have been. I could have been the model for mahogany themed fashion, can you believe it? His absence truly makes the world a less bright place to live.

Oh, don't talk to me about that photoshoot! (Mostly because I want to talk to you about the photoshoot.)