Hey! This is chapter two and I hope it's alright! I have had so much going on with school, graduation, and starting college, that I had simply lost the motivation with this story. For old times' sake I was re-watching InuYasha and remembered this story. It was then that I decided to take this story off of hiatus! Enjoy!

Inuyasha may not be in this chapter, but he may come in the next one. :3 It may take some time, but I'll get the next chapter up! I promise!

I know this isn't English class, but I threw some symbolism in here for kicks. Figure out what it is and I'll give you a shout out and a virtual cookie. :3

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha!

Saige groggily opened her eyes as she felt someone shake her shoulder. A yawn escaped her mouth as she heaved her body forward to rest her elbows on her knees. A tap was felt on her shoulder and she looked up to see Rikki watching her with a grin.

"Man, you must have been tired. You slept for the whole flight."

Saige groaned and forced herself to get up and followed Rikki and Landon through the aisle and out of the plane. "Shut up. I was exhausted." Saige made it a show to yawn when they got to the terminal gate.

Once they were out of the plane, Landon grabbed Saige's hand and began dragging her with no mind as to where they were going. What they did not notice was that Rikki was not with them.

"Hey, hey." Saige planted her feet on the ground and bring Landon to a stop, realizing that Rikki was gone. "Where did your mom go?"

"Huh?" Landon was confused as well and both of them scanned their surroundings. Saige did not catch sight of Rikki until Landon tugged on her hand and pointed over to the luggage carousels. There was Rikki standing with her hands on her hips and an exasperated look on her face while their belongings were surrounding her with a trolley. Judging by her posture and expression, Rikki clearly expected Saige to help.

Landon grabbed Saige's hand and dragged her over to where his mother was. "Here she is, Auntie Saige!"

A smile formed on her face and nervous laughter bubbled out of her mouth. "Yeah. I can see that."

"Y'know something, Saige." Rikki grunted as she handed her sister her luggage. "I kind of expected you to help me get the luggage from the carousel. But no. I turn around to see you and Landon gone."

Hands raised defensively. "Hey, that's all this kids fault here. He kept dragging me all over the place."

A sigh escaped Rikki's lips before she shook her head. "Never-mind. Just help me put these things on the trolley."

"How did you get this stuff off of the carousel anyways?" Saige was momentarily impressed until Rikki began swooning.

Rikki smiled as she placed some of the items on the trolley one by one. "The most handsome Japanese man helped me out. O'my. He had the most beautiful amber eyes I have ever seen."

A grunt formed on Saige's lips as she placed the last of their luggage onto the trolley. "Amber eyes? That's a thing?"

Rikki nodded. "Apparently so. Gosh those eyes were beautiful."

Her fawning caused Saige to roll her eyes before she frowned. "Hey, we didn't have this many items before."

Rikki didn't offer any sort of an explanation. She just shrugged and began pushing the trolley towards the front of the airport. Saige stared at Rikki's retreating back before shrugging. While holding Landon's hand, Saige began following Rikki, before she saw a flash of silver from the corner of her eye. Saige turned her attention towards searching for where that came from and ended up bumping into someone. She let go of Landon's hand and looked up apologetically.

"Oh, I'm sor-" Saige stopped in the middle of her sentence as she was captivated by the most amber eyes she had ever seen before she remembered herself and bowed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you." The apology was clearly spoken in Japanese.

"Auntie Saige, what are you doing?" Landon's voice caused her to look up to see that the stranger was gone.

Confusion caused her eyebrows to furrow as she moved from her bowed posture. "Where did he go?"

It was Landon's turn to become confused. "Where did who go?"

The sixteen year old turned in a complete 360 degree angle to survey her surroundings. "That man who I bumped into."

"Auntie Saige!" Landon grabbed her hand again and pulled her to catch up with his mom. "There was no one there!"

While she was being dragged by her nephew, she looked back in confusion before shaking her head. Due to Saige's dawdling, her and Landon ended up getting far behind Rikki. They finally caught up with her outside of the airport to see that she was exasperatedly waiting for them with a taxi.

"What happened now?" Rikki raised an eyebrow.

Saige took one more glance behind her before shaking her head. "It was nothing. Just a figment of my imagination."

All Rikki did was raise an eyebrow before she shrugged. "Alright then. Now that you're done wasting time, help me get this stuff into the trunk."

Saige narrowed her eyes, bit her tongue, and did as Rikki asked. It didn't take that long before all of the luggage was placed into the trunk. All three of them then piled into the taxi with Saige and Landon in the back and Rikki up front. Silver blue eyes of the sixteen year old watched as they rolled away from the airport. Landon could be heard babbling and rambling. About what, Saige had no idea and at that moment she didn't really care. Building upon building passed by them in a blur and Saige's thoughts wandered. She thought of her friends back in the States. It was curious as to what they were doing at that moment. Perhaps they were at the park enjoying the breeze and talking about random topics. Or perhaps they were playing Super Smash Bros and having a grand time. She didn't know. She didn't think she wanted to know unless she wanted to become sad about her departure all over again.

There was no telling how much time had passed when she was left with her thoughts, but when she finally came back to reality, it dawned upon her that there were nothing but trees that were flying by in a near blur. Brown eyebrows furrowed and Saige glanced over to Landon to see that he had nodded off in his seat. Her eyes trailed over to Rikki to see that she was wide awake and was in a deep conversation with the driver. Saige didn't care to find out what they were talking about. Silver blue eyes wandered back to the window and watched as the amount of trees tripled. A thought drifted out of her mouth before she realized it.

"Where are we going that there's a lot of trees?"

Green eyes glanced at her before turning back to the cab driver. "You'll see."

All that was heard was a sigh before young eyes turned back to watching the scenery fly by. There was nothing but trees, trees, and more trees and the sixteen year old was quickly becoming bored. It all made her wish that she could just fall asleep again, but she was too wide awake to do so. Just as she was about to open her mouth to express her unrelenting boredom, the cab slowed to a stop as her sister turned to her with excited green eyes.

"We're here!" A smile was flashed towards the two in the back before she began speaking to the cab driver again about payment.

A muttered finally escaped Saige's mouth before she turned to wake up her nephew. "Hey, it's time to wake up. We're here."

"Huh?" The young boy groggily opened his eyes and yawned.

Knowing that he was up and awake, Saige got out of the cab and her jaw dropped at what she saw. The house was by no means super large, but it was perfectly beautiful in her eyes; not too small and not too large. From the outside, it appeared to be two stories with two balconies on the second floor, perhaps another one in the back. The paint appeared to be a blue gray with a slightly darker shade for the frames of the windows and doors. Vines appeared to be running up and along the wall to the right side of the house that seemed to disappear towards the back. There was no yard. Only some wild flowers that dotted the ground with, what appeared to be, soft, yellowing wild grass as it was surrounded with trees.

Saige was struck with wonder as she gazed upon the house that she would never have thought existed. She could faintly hear Landon express his wonder and excitement over their new home, but could pay no mind to it. Her thoughts were far too gone. At least, until Rikki started talking to her.

"So," Rikki broke her out of her reverie, "what do you think?" She then chuckled as she watched her younger sister struggle to find the right words to say.

"I. I mean." It took her a few minutes to capably formulate words. "How did you do this?"

A smile formed on the eldest lips with a wink. "That's a secret."

Landon bounded up to the both of them and grabbed his auntie's hand. "C'mon, Auntie Saige! You have to see inside!"

Said person flashed a questioning look towards her sister who shrugged. "I got the luggage out, paid the driver, and opened the door while you were stuck in lala land." As if that was enough of an explanation and sure enough, it was.

Taking his mom's response as an okay, the five year old boy proceeded to pull his aunt towards the door. Once inside, Saige began to examine her surroundings. The walls were painted a soft tan color with white trimming running along the corners of where the ceiling and the wall met. Picture frames upon picture frames dotted the walls. Some of them were old family portraits and some of them were random images of nature landscaping and flowers. A mahogany foyer table rested against the wall to her right with a clear glass vase that had a mixture of lilacs, sweet pea blossoms, and white dogwood. Saige thought that the combination of those flowers was odd, but that soon became a passing thought as Landon chose to drag her towards the back, not giving his aunt any more time to examine the inside of their new home.

Landon quickly switched gears as soon as they were outside. "Let's play hide and go seek!"

"Ah, ah, ah." Saige frowned. "We need to help your mom first."

"No, it's alright." Rikki's voice came from the door. "Go ahead. I'll handle things here."

"Okay!" Landon took that as a go ahead and exclaimed with a large childlike smile. "I'll hide and you count, Auntie Saige!"

Said girl thought about protesting for the sake of helping her sister, but soon shrugged. "Eh. Alright." She turned towards the house and covered her eyes. "One. Two. Three." The counting then began and Landon ran into the woods.

"No peeking!" His voice resounded through the trees.

"I know!" She responded and then began counting again. "Four. Five. Six." Saige counted all the way to twenty before she turned around. "Ready or not, here I come!" The sixteen year old then began her trek through the trees to search for the hiding boy.

All that could be heard was the sound of the wind and the rustling leaves as Saige examined her surroundings to find where her nephew went. She searched every nook and cranny she could find. She looked in the trees, in the bushes, even in the hollowed out trunks of dead trees. Twenty minutes passed and she wasn't any closer to finding the five year old than she was before. 'Oh c'mon! He couldn't have gotten too far!' She thought to herself, frustrated.

Suddenly, all sound came to an abrupt pause and Saige quickly became sick to her stomach. Dizziness hit her head like a freight train and she lost her balance. Her body hit the forest floor with a thud and she couldn't move. With each passing second her mind continued to blur.

'What's going on? What's happening?'

Then her world faded to black.