The Welsh man shifted in his sleep one last time before finally waking up from his long slumber. He didn't bother opening his eyes yet, since he was in a lazy and relaxed mood. Though It wasn't until he noticed the lamb he usually snuggled with not by his side did he actually open his eyes. He looked around, a bit in shock at what he saw. He wasn't in his home, or in his country for that matter. He was in Scotland's house, in the man's bed to be exact. How...weird.

Did he get drunk by accident? ...No, that couldn't be the case. He was certain that he had no alcohol the day before even if his memories of yesterday were a bit blurred. He climbed out of bed and looked around again for a moment, did Scotland's house and bed shrink? Or did he hit a major growth spurt? He shook his head, deciding he was still a bit tired and seeing things. His first priority was to find his eldest brother and ask why he was in his room and what exactly happened the night before.

Wales strolled out of the bedroom and entered one of many corridors the Scotsman had. Why did his brother have so many rooms again? He sighed and opened the door to the left of the room he had just exited. What he saw was a shower though for some reason inside of it was a bottle of whiskey, an average toilet seat and a medium sized mirror. He would've walked out since there was no Scotsman to be found but instead he was frozen in complete shock at what the mirror reflected.

Forest green eyes, blood red hair, and a much more muscular and bigger figure now replaced the Welshman's usual turquoise eyes, golden locks and small petite frame. To put it short, he looked like a replica of his eldest brother. He touched his face in disbelief, walking towards the mirror cautiously. "B-Broth?" That only scared the Welsh man more. His soft voice was now replaced by a rougher sounding, deep one. Why did he look and sound like his brother?

He panicked and raced out of the bathroom, down the corridor, and opened a door that lead to a much more open space area which consisted of the Scot's living room and kitchen. "Alright calm down...calm down. Everything...will be fine" He reassured himself, though not doing a convincing job as he was still very distressed. He couldn't exactly call Scotland since he was him at the moment so what could the Welsh man do, Call himself? A light bulb suddenly turned on in his head at the idea, no matter how idiotic it sounded.

He looked around for the Scot's cell phone, finding it on the side of the man's coffee table before dialing his cellphone number, his heart racing more and more as the phone continuously rang.

I'm sorry that this chapter is very short QwQ I promise the next one will be much longer~ Since it involves another UK brother that's not as calm as Wales~ I've wanted to write about this idea for ages but always forgot to actually do it until now xD

Anyways, I'd love to hear what you think of the story. Such as your thoughts on how Wales or even the rest of the UK bro's ended up like this and who you think will be who later on~ xD Whoever guesses right get's a prize. OHOHOH. Though I doubt many people will read my shiznits anyway QwQ But that's alright~

Favorite and review please~ another chapter is on the way very very soon.