Hello everyone! I will continue to write my other story but I was thinking about random things and this came up….please be nice, no flares… I would love though if you have tips for me or ideas for the story! So here it goes!

Chapter 1

I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. All around us guardians and strigoi were still engaged in the fight but most were trying to get away the sun was almost down. My heart was beating so fast and all I could think of was Dimitri. I didn't know where he was. That's when I saw him and what I saw almost made my heart break. Dimitri was lying on the floor unconscious, with a big cut over his head. A blond strigoi was hovering over him, his teeth sank in Dimitri's neck.

Noo! – I yelled as I ran to him.

Rose. Wait! - I heard my mom call after me but I wouldn't, couldn't stop.

I threw myself against the strigoi, stake in hand, to get him away from Dimitri. The strigoi staggered a bit but quickly recovered and I put myself between him and Dimitri. By then, most of the guardians had left the caves. Distantly I noticed my mother had reached us. Then I felt a stir behind me. I turned my head to see Dimitri begin to move and raised his eyes towards me. I wanted to run to him and make sure he was ok.

But then his eyes widen from something in front of me. That's when I felt a blow to my head and slumped to the ground. The last thing I remember before everything went black was seeing Dimitri's eyes as my mother tried to carry him out and fending the strigoi that were closing in.

I woke up in a dark room and with a major headache. Then I remembered everything and stand immediately. My head swayed but the dizziness passed quickly, I couldn't afford to be unprepared (though it was a little late for that). That's when I realized I couldn't really move much more. My ankle was chained to the wall.

After trying (and failing) to break free, I looked for something to break the chain and escape. No such luck. The room was pretty plain. There was a bed, a door and no windows. And definitely no stake. Figures. So I just leaned against the wall and, since I really didn't have anything better to do, I let myself be pulled to Lissa's mind.

"What do you mean you can't find her?" – Lissa was yelling to Alberta. It was dark outside and she was at the infirmary. She had probably gone there to help heal the injured.

"Sorry princess, but we haven't being able to find her… her body yet".-(what? They thought I was dead?) – "We will have to wait until there's light out…"- Alberta was telling her but Lissa cut her off.

"WHAT DON'T YOU HEAR OR WHAT IM SAYING! SHE. ISN'T. DEAD." – She shouted out of herself. – "I would felt it if she was."- With that she stormed off.

It pained me to see her so angry and worried about me. And the darkness was just making things worse so I took a little bit from her. Meanwhile Lissa had run straight to Christian's. Although we had our ups and downs, I was sincerely glad that Sparky was there for her. I was seriously beginning to wonder how the hell was I supposed to get out of here. When she reached the door, she didn't bother knocking she just barged in. Christian looked a little stunned at first but quickly recovered. Lissa on the other hand didn't hesitate to go into his arms.

"They all think she's dead "– she mumbled in his shirt, holding back tears.

"How do you know she isn't?"- he asked. I don't think he meant to sound that rude but that is how Lissa took it.

"People have got to stop saying that! I just know ok? If the bond broke, I would feel it!" – She said pulling away from Sparky.- "she could be hurt in those caves. She needs us."

"Shhh... hey, don't worry, after all is Rose we are talking about. I'm sure that she'll make it back anytime now." - He tried to sound convinced but I could see the trace of doubt in his voice. Luckily Lissa didn't seem to realize it.

"I guess so – she answered- I just wished that there could be a way for us to know where she is.

I was yanked out of Lissa's mind by the sound of the door opening. I immediately put myself in a fitting stance. If I was going down, I was going down fighting.

Seemed like a good point to end it. So like? Hate it? Please R&R! Hope to read many reviews. If you have any tips or ideas please let me know!