Transformers are not mine

Bumblebee couldn't breathe. His armor had been changed, colors reversed so he was black with gold stripes, a Decepticon symbol, done in red, upon his chest. The only thing that hadn't been changed were his eyes, filled with sorrow and anger.

"Damn you, Megatron!" He cursed, slamming a fist into the mirror, distorting his image in a spiderweb of cracks.

"Bumblebee, what are you doing?" Demanded Megatron, stepping into the room.

"Redecorating," Bumbelbee scoffed. "What brings you here?"

"Just seeing how your armor change went." He said, crimson eyes devouring the Autobot's form. "You look breathtaking in black."

"My old armor was just fine!" Snapped Bumblebee.

Frowning, Megatron stepped towards the Mech who darted behind a chair. "One, your old armor was filthy and unsuitable to be in our home. And two, it's rude to talk to your mate in that tone."

"This is not my home!" Hissed Bumblebee. "And you are not my mate. In name, yes,"-he added when Megatron made to speak-"But never in the way mates are supposed to be."

"And why not?" Megatron demanded, agitatated by the Mech's behavior.

Bumblebee put a hand to his chassis. "This," He said with a glare. "Will never be given to you!"

Letting out a irritated growl Megatron stocked forward, forcing Bumblebee to retreat to the edge of the large berth.

"Hey!" He yelped as he was pushed onto it, Megatron Pressing him into the sheets.

"Your spark," He growled. "Along with the rest of you,is mine! Get used to it."

"Never!" Bumblebee cried, kicking and punching at the body on top of him.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, Megatron got up and went to th door. "I don't care how much you protest, little bee, until the day you die, you are mine."

When he left Bumblebee crawled beneath the covers,pulling up the sheets till only his eyes showed. The room was richly decorated; silk, marble, and cyber crystals, made the space an ode to wealth. A sonnet to sophistication. An artifact of greed. A gilded cage, trapping one, very sad, bird.

Look out for part four "The Talk". Also, for those of you how maybe wondering why I am doing a series of one shots is because I don't want to start this as a full story and stop, leaving my readers hanging.