A/N: My take on the classic story Cinderella. Hope you all enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or the idea of Cinderella, they belong to JK and Disney.

Chapter 1

Once upon a time in a far away land there lived a small family. They had a very nice home, bigger than a cottage, but smaller than a mansion. Here lived a quiet couple, James and Lily Potter. They where both excited and happy when they found out that Lily was pregnant with twin boys.

"Can we name them now sweetie?" Lily asked her husband while rubbing her 8 month pregnant belly.

"Alright, what about James Jr.? I think that would be a good name for the both of them." Lily giggled at the enthusiastic father to be.

"Alright you can name one of them James Jr. and we can name the other one Harry."

"Harry? If you say so love, as long as I get my James Jr."

A month later the babies where due to be born, and Lily fell deathly ill. Lily didn't survive delivery. The last thing she did was name the smallest of the two babies.

"This one… is… Harry. He will be great… one day. Take care of him… James. I…love…you." And with that she passed. James stared at his two sons, James Jr. Potter and Harry Potter. The biggest of the twins was James Jr. He looked the most healthy and most likely to survive. And little Harry looked as if he would die right there in James' arms. He was skinny and so small, he looked like the wind could blow him away.

After Lily's funeral the next day, James promised his sons that nothing would happen to them as long as he was around, but what James didn't know was that something was happening to one of his sons right under his nose.

Four days after his mothers death James Jr. died of the same illness that killed Lily. Some how the illness only was passed on to James Jr. and not Harry.

After his son's funeral he knew that nothing could happen to Harry. 'He will be great one day' he remembered his wife saying, but all he could think of was how can something so small be so great?

A/N: well I know its short but hey its just starting. The first few chapters will be short so don't kill me if the are. R&R