Disclaimer: I do not own glee, nor do I own any of the characters. I, sadly, only own the plot of this particular story.

A/N: Hello everyone, this is my first published story. I'm pretty nervous about it, but still excited nontheless.

Please excuse any mistakes it hasen't been beta-ed yet, but if anyone is interested please PM me, I'm in desperate need of one.

Anyway, on with the story.

Thanks again for reading and I hope you enjoy.

Jay xx

Chapter 1: The first time I ever saw your face

Sam Evans sat alone at the bar sipping on his whiskey sour, his suit jacket folded neatly on the back of his stool, and his blue tie hanging loosely around the unbuttoned collar of his crisp white shirt. He didn't typically come to places like this, preferring the scene at trendy bars on the upper West side to seedy little dives like this one, but his Best friend puck had been nagging him non stop about coming here, stating that the women were hot and the entertainment, even hotter. After weeks of pestering, Sam finally agreed, and Puck, the bastard, was 20 minutes late.

Sam Looked down at the expensive watch on his wrist checking the time and deciding that if Puck wasn't there in 5 minutes he was leaving. The second hand smoke was getting to him anyway.

"Hey man, Sorry I'm late I decided to share a cab with this hot little number and I got a bit, eh, held up." His best friend said, grinning like the Cheshire cat and cuffing his shoulder. Sam shook his head, a small smirk staining his plump lips.

"You're such a whore, Puck."

"Hey, when I see an opportunity, I grasp it. It's not my fault you're frigid, man." Puck said, waving the bartender over, and ordering a beer. "How long has it been since you've gotten laid anyway?"

Sam said nothing, shooting him a look that clearly told him to shut his ass up.

"So, mind telling me, again, why I'm in this dive instead of a nice air conditioned bar, not risking my life with second hand smoke?"

"I told you man, the women here are some of the hottest I've ever seen, plus the entertainment is great, and you could use a break from all those stuffy Upper West Side bitches." Puck mused sipping his beer.

"Entertainment…?" Sam queried, trailing off.

"Singers man, some amazing fucking singers perform here." Puck answered, his gaze following a busty Latina who was heading towards the restroom. "Man! There is some talent here tonight."

Sam shook his head at his friend's antics. Just then, an older black man took the microphone on the small platform at the front of the bar.

"All right, all right, quiet ya'lls asses down, we got a treat for ya'll tonight" His New York accent was thick. "This is her very first time performing at sully's and I want ya'll to make her feel welcome, Give it up for Mercy Jones." The audience applauded politely, a few of them even hooting.

Sam could only see her silhouette as the club lights darkened. She was short, only about 5'4, he assumed, and Her figure was curvy, like a rounded coke bottle. As the spotlight came on, the air left his lungs in a deep 'woosh'. She was beautiful. Her long brown curls falling loosely in perfect ringlets around her small shoulders, Her wonderful chocolate brown complexion glowing even under the harsh, unflattering blub of the fluorescent spotlight. Her face was perfect, perfectly rounded eyes, a cute button nose, and full, plush lips. Her makeup, from what he could see of it from the back of the bar, was done lightly, just enough to highlight her features without overpowering her natural beauty. Her dress was red, hugging her bountiful curves without clinging to her too tightly, the top half exposing a peek of her delicious breasts and the bottom, stretched over her magnificent ass. Her legs were short, but her calves were slightly muscular and her small feet encased in stilettos, the same crimson red as her dress. In short, she was exquisite.

She smiled, her straight, white teeth gleaming.

"How are you guys doing tonight?" She asked, her voice her was small and firm at the same time. Sam could tell from her accent that she wasn't from New York, though he still couldn't quite place where. The audience let out their collective replies, most of them being a simple 'good'.

"Good, that's good" She nodded her head "Well, I'm gonna shut the hell up and sing now."

She took a step back, cleared her throat and closed her eyes. When she began to sing Sam could feel the hair on the back of his neck stand up. Her voice was amazing, and not at all what he expected from her speaking voice.

Ain't no way for me to love you,
if you won't let me.
It ain't no way for me to give you all you need,
if you won't let me give all of me.
I know that a woman's duty is to help and love a man,
and that's the way it was planned.
Oh, but how can I, how can I, how can I
give you all the things I can,
if you're tying both of my hands?

Her voice was wonderful, slightly raspy, a little sweet and perfectly strong. It gave him Goosebumps. He wasn't sure who sung the original song but he was sure that they would have been proud to hear this spectacular voice doing it justice.

Oh, it ain't no way (ain't no way).
It ain't no way (ain't no way).
It just ain't no way, baby (ain't no way).
Ain't no way baby (ain't no way).
It ain't no way for me to love you,
if you won't let me.

Stop trying to be someone you're not.
How cold and cruel is a man
who pay too much for what he got?
And if you need me to love you, say, say you do.
Oh, then baby, baby, baby don't you know that
I need you.
Oh, Oh, it ain't no way.
I'll tell you that it ain't no way,
It ain't no way.
It ain't no way, baby, no.
It just ain't no way.
It sure ain't no way
It ain't no way for me to love you,
if you won't let me...no way...if you won't let me...ain't no way

Her spectacular performance granted her a standing ovation from the entire bar. Sam was speechless, he could only listen to her sing that song everyday, for the rest of his life and he would be perfectly happy. He looked over at puck who was stood up out of his seat, grinning and clapping enthusiastically.

"See, what'd I tell you, fucking amazing" He said.

Sam barely registered Mercy bowing and giving her thanks before stepping off the platform and making her way towards the bar, toward him!

As she walked through the throng of people towards the bar, Sam could feel his throat closing up; she was even more amazing up close. Sam hadn't felt like this since he was a nerdy teenager, he had been sure that his days of getting flustered around women were long over.

She stood next to the stool closest to him and waved the bartender over, ordering a gin and tonic. She looked over and smiled at him and he had to close his eyes briefly to control the tightening in his slacks. He cleared his throat and spoke up.

"You were amazing out there." He spoke; feeling a wave of confidence hit him.

Her smile was blinding, "Oh, thank you so much, I was crazy nervous." He opened his mouth to speak again, when Puck's deep voice sounded from over his shoulder.

"Well, aren't you a delicious glass of chocolate milk, you were amazing out there lil' mama."

Mercy only quirked an eyebrow and raised her glass to her plump lips taking a generous sip. Puck stretched his arm over Sam's shoulder, opening his hand in the universal gesture for handshake.

"I'm Puck."

She smirked, "Your name is Puck?" Ignoring his outstretched hand.

"No, it's Noah, but I prefer Puck, it sounds cooler." He laughed at his own mediocre joke.

Mercedes only replied with a hmm sound, effectively dismissing him. "I'm Mercedes" Sam snorted into his whiskey at her jab and Puck looked taken aback. She turned to the blonde, a smirk still playing at her lips. "And you are?" she questioned.

"Sam, Sam I am." He dropped his head in embarrassment at the lame line. She only giggled.

"And do you like green eggs and ham, Sam?" Her smirk now a full fledged smile.

"No actually, I hate the stuff" Sam played along.

Puck scoffed behind him, still sore because of her previous dismissal of his charm. Mercedes didn't have time reply to Sam's comment when the busty Latina that Puck had been eyeing earlier came up to Mercy and swung an arm around her shoulder.

"We gotta go Wheezy, We have Brunch with Kurt in the morning remember." She said, completely ignoring the boys.

"Right, right, let me go get my bag and we'll go" Mercedes said nodding her head, then turning back to Sam and Puck. "Well, I gotta go but maybe I'll see you around sometimes, Sam I am." She mocked before grabbing her friends hand and heading back towards A door marked Employees next to the stage. When they were out of earshot Puck spoke up.

"Well, she was a sassy little thing." He muttered, his voice sarcastic.

"She was beautiful." Sam muttered quietly, still staring at the door that Mercy and her friend had entered.

"Whatever man, it's like 2 in the morning, let's get the fuck out of here, I wanna go home." Puck boomed, standing up and grabbing his Navy blue Suit jacket and slapping a bill on the bar.

As Sam and Puck exited the small bar, no doubt reeking of cigarette smoke, Sam smiled, thinking of Mercy Jones and her magnificent face. Promising himself that he would make her his.