Her world felt empty, it felt cold and forgotten. She wanted to cry, but she couldn't even if she tried, there was too much confusion in her to remember what crying was like. She couldn't even think of the words to explain how she felt. She was lost inside herself, in a dark pit that had become her soul and she could no longer see what lay before her. What happened to her happily ever after? What happened to magic and true love winning over all?

Her feet shuffled through hot sand, it poured in her now ruined silk shoes as she wandered helplessly. She left with her home in ruins, her kingdom burning. He made her leave; he shut the secret tunnel behind her and told her to save herself. The sound of metal slicing against metal and flesh stained her memories like ink stained silk. She looked down at the blood coating her tiny fingers and stumbled. It nauseated her, the smell, and the thick texture against her skin. She was shaking, she was scared and a part of her knew that they were coming after her. She knew on horses they would come racing through the desert sands after the young princess. She wasn't running though, she couldn't comprehend what running may do. What did she have to live for; she left everything behind amongst the meaningless slaughter.

She left him… She left her father… her friends… to be killed.

Her breath caught in her throat. Her feet stopped beneath her, all she could so was stare at the endless night sky beyond, stare and wait for the pain to come… For everything to end.

They lived happily for a year after the incident with the dark sorcerer, happily with no problems, in naive bliss. They actually thought that nothing could come in between them again. What children can believe that someone, who grew up in the streets, could completely turn a non-educated life into one that could rule an entire country? She loved him so much that she allowed herself to believe he could overcome this, that he could grasp what was needed to be a great ruler. Her love just didn't have it in him, and the Kingdom began to come crumbling at their fingertips. Her father tried to fix what he could along the way, but before anyone could have seen it an army was at their doorstep. These men demanded war, and to rule over the kingdom. Her love soon learned that saying no to a war load ended in horrible ways.

That's what got her here, in the dark heat of the desert nights, wasting away in the sands. She was growing tired, she didn't want to walk anymore, and she didn't want to be here anymore. She wanted to be in his arms, acting like the idiotic children they were. She forced herself to take another step forward and it ended with her body tumbling down the hill of sand before her. It burned, she inhaled a great deal of the tiny grains and it burned her lungs. Her body heaved for air, for water. Unlike her mind her body would fight to live, taking natural instincts to continue moving.

She rolled on her back and stared up at the stars, in all her might she forced herself to breathe. Her body was giving up slowly, as much of a front it had put up… she was growing tired. She let her hands fall from her heaving chest heavily; they felt like weights against it. The sand welcomed her figure in a tempting embrace, slowly covering her body every time the wind would blow. She glanced towards one tiny hand, watching in wonder as it began to disappear under the sand. Her fingers twitch in anxiety, is this how it would end? Being buried alive beneath the sands? She stretched her finger towards the surface seeking to feel the air against her skin, but instead she felt the smooth surface of metal. Her eyes searched the top layer of sand and saw nothing of the sort. She brushed her hand against it again, and again. It was defiantly there.

Knives, it felt like scorching knives where piercing her skin when she forced her tiny body to roll it its side. It was hard to move, but something was telling her that she had to see this object. Something from that darkness buried inside her soul bubbled in curiosity and called for this object. She let her buried fingers latch onto the smooth material and with as much as she could muster she began to pull it from the sands below.

Then her heart stopped, a great hand cupped her shoulder and the sound of horses rang haunting tunes in her ears. She didn't want to see the group of men behind her; she didn't even want to acknowledge the thick fingers that dug into her flesh. She gripped the object beneath the sand hander, as if the stupid thing could save her. "You're quite the little cunt aren't you?" The man's voice was think and ridged, it twisted the burning knives in her gut. Men who killed for pleasure sickened her. Then his hand was in her thick black locks, pulling the poor girl to her knees in the most painful way she could imagine. She wanted to scream in pain, but she wouldn't grant the bastard the pleasure. So instead she listened to the metal object she once grasped so desperately toss through the sand when it fell from her hands. It gave her an odd comfort knowing it was so close and once again on the surface. She tried to look for it, but the barbarian's free hand took a hold of her chin, forcing her to look at his scared face. "Fuck, quite the pretty lil' thing you are," The man lustful chuckle never missed her. She glared at him in all her hate and used the last of her sand filled saliva to spit in his face. "And a fuckin' feisty one. It'll be fun you break you lil one."

Her heart sunk. Break her, this bastard was intending to treat her like a wild horse? Have his way with her until she could be sold off to the highest bidder because she became obedient? The abyss inside began to crawl up, anger, it want to be free so it could fill the emptiness inside her with cold hatred. She took in the sight of the men around her, she'd rather die.

The warrior gave her toss into the sand and began to fumble with his clothing. "Hold the bitch down." She could hear them moving closer. She look towards the endless desert, and in her search for answers she saw a black object laying in the white sand, standing out like a sore thumb. She crawled for it. If anything she could use it as a weapon and run, so she reached her finger just grazing its surface before fingers engulfed her small ankles. Those fingers pulled her body back to the group of men, and let other fingers take her other ankle. Their ruff skin chafed her petit legs, groping her skin in ways she didn't want to understand. Two free men took her wrists and before the young princess would even realized she was pinned between men and sand.

The man who said he would break her, crawled on top of her, his large body covering her own. He had a sick smirk on his face and an all too lustfully amused look in his eyes. He griped the silk fabric that contained her lower half and gave a quick tug. The echo of the ruined cloth was frightening; it sunk deep into her bones at the realization. She wouldn't be able to run away from it, she wasn't going to leave with her innocence in tack.

His disgusting fingers began to stoke her opening, making her chest tighten in fear. She didn't want to glance towards the sight… so all she could do was stay silent, force back her screams and her tears. "Look you lil' cunt. I want you to see me forcing my cock into untouched pussy." She ignored him and looked into the distance of the sands. The burn of his hand contacting her cheek scolded her, her skin ached and her body shook. So she gave him what he wanted, she looked at him… but her face was emotionless. He growled in frustration with her. She was a stubborn bitch, but he'd make her scream one way or another, he was determined. He pushed his body forward rubbing his member against her, it made her flinch but it didn't make her face change. "I said look you lil' bitch." His hand was in her knotted locks again, forcing her to look down, to see his hard appendage pushing against her frail opening.

Tears began to weld up in her eyes, and her black hatred rose. She glared up at the man who hovered over her so possessively. He was amused to have his way, to see her breaking down. She mumbled under her breath hastily at him. "What did you just say?" suddenly an evil smile broke her lips, and the tears running down her cheeks no longer seemed like an accomplishment.

"I wish you were all dead."

The princess couldn't explain what happened next, but blood coated her skin. The colors of black and red eclipsed the area around her and left the men dead in its wake. All she could do was smile, she was clothed in their blood and she smiled at the horror of it. She no longer felt empty…. She felt like the black abyss consumed her completely. She began to laugh, it was a small and feeble sound but it welcomed her to feel whole once more. She leaned over the man who tried to rape her just so she could watch the life leave his eyes.

She couldn't stop smirking down at him, the evilness that took a hold of her was happy to see him struggling for life. She hastily gripped the broken warrior's chin and pulled his face towards her "Look at me…" slowly his eyes jittered towards the tiny girl, frightened. Her fingers tangled against the dagger strapped to his thigh, pulling the blade from its sheath. "I said look at me, I want you to watch me driving your blade through your throat." Her smile grew as the horror washed over his features. She put the blade through the soft tissue of his under jaw and pushed it till it punctured through bone of his skull. The man choked on the blade in his mouth. She twisted it and pushed harder until the hilt met the wound. She watched his eyes roll back in his head and the blood pool from his mouth like a river.

Her breath began to heave, and her body rushed with adrenaline, she didn't understand what had just happened… but she was forever thankful to whatever it was. She let herself collapse into the coated sand behind her; she could feel the long awaited tears rushing down her face and the frightened quaking of her skin take over the dark amused rush that had once been there. It was at that moment she realised she wasn't alone amongst the dead warriors; she froze as a dark voice pored over her senses.

"Now, pussy cat, I do believe we need to have a chat."

She knew that voice… but she didn't want to believe it to be true. This voice was nothing to be thankful for.

(A/n - thought i'd try something new and you know, destory disney a little with a twisted version of Alladin. This story is sopost to take place after the first movie, so the second one isnt sopost to happen. Tell me what you think. :)

Thanks 3)