Tony Played by BabyRie16

Rhodey Played by Billby

Rhody stopped in at the hospital to check on Tony, come to find he wasn't there, of course. "Worse than a kid." He muttered and went to find him.

Tony was at home, bandages still around his head arms, and left shoulder. He was sitting at his desk making alterations to his suit.

"Can't ever listen can you?" he said as he entered and just gave him an agitated look.

"Oh, hello. How was your day?" he asked, writing on his blue prints.

"Fine, fine, is Pepper here to watch you? You know you weren't supose to leave without anyone."

"No, she's off doing things," he said as he grabbed one of the suit's repulsiors to check it.

"So, you left and you're alone?" He started walking towards him.

"Well Happy dropped me off," he took notes.

"Still, you're supose to have someone around to keep an eye on you."

"I have J.A.R.V.I.S." he tightened a bolt on the hand.

"Not the same and you know it." He flicked his bandaged forehead.

"Quit it," he shook his head, "Is there something I can help you with?"

"I'm checking in on you. You were supose to stay at the hospital, or have someone to watch you. You listened to neither. Not a suprise."

"Exactly, no reason to be surprised. Thanks for the checking, I'm fine, and unless you brought alcohol or food I'll see you later."

"I think not, you are either coming with me back to the hospital or we are gonna have problems."

"I am NOT going back to that hospital. It's boring there." he jotted some more notes.

"Yes you ARE." he took his arm.

He grit his teeth, "No way," he pulled back, "I'd rather stay at home and eat my own food and wear my own clothes. Afterall they did give me the option of coming home."

"With someone to watch you." He pulled him along.

"Let go, that hurts!" he pulled back, "You're here, aren't you? You did say you were just my babysitter."

"You know, you're right. How about I start treating you like the kid you are acting, and really give you something that hurts."

"You're gonna feed my your tuna casserole?" he scoffed.

"Maybe after this." He said as he hauled him over to a chair, sat, and threw him over his lap.

He grunted, "What is this suppose to be?"

"I thought you were a genius? You should know what a spanking looks like."

"Spanking? I don't do foreplay with guys, no matter how close we are."

"Always with the smart $$ comments." He brought his hand back and then down hard.

He grit his teeth, "That hurt!"

"It's supose to, I'm really starting to doubt this whole genius thing." He swatted him again.

He pushed at Rhodey's side, "Well stop it! As you can see I've been thoroughly hurt!"

"I'm not going to stop 'til you start listening and come back to the hospital. Besides, this won't kill you." He pushed him back down and swatted again.

He grit his teeth and kicked, "Quit, Rhodey! I hate hospitals!"

"Hate them or not, you need to be there." He started swatting harder and faster.

"Ow! Quit!" he pushed, he could feel his bottom heating up under the jogging pants he was wearing.

"You gonna listen and come back with me?" He asked with a raised hand.

"Why can't YOU just stay here and pretend to watch me? All they're gonna do is making me stay in bed."

He swatted him hard. "That didn't answer my question. Are you coming with me or not?"

He flinched and grabbed his butt, "I don't want to go back to the hospital!"

"Alright then." He pulled his hand away and secured his arm, then started tugging down his pants.

"Hey!" he kicked and tried to pull away.

"Before I take your bratty butt to the hospital I think some home remedies should be administered." He brought his hand down on his bare skin.

"Oww!" he kicked, "Sadist!"

"You asked for it."

"I did not!" he pushed at Rhodey with his free arm, "Let go!"

"You wanted a babysitter, babysitters punish kids who don't listen." He pushed his hand away and started smacking his sit spots.

"Owww~! Ok, Rhodey, quit!" he pushed at the ground with his feet, eyes beginning to burn almost as bad as his bottom and face.

"You gonna start listening like a good boy?"

"You're a jerk," he complained.

"Again, that didn't answer me." He swatted hard 10 times.

"Ow, ow, ah!" he sniffed, "Ok, I'll go back to the dmn hospital!"

"Good. Now I'm gonna smack you 20 more times for making me have to do this. Act like such a brat."

"I thought you were suppose to be my friend! You're acting more like my mom!" he kicked

"Friends are sometimes forced to do this." He started swatting and stopped just before the last. "Are we gonna have to have this talk again?"

He sobbed, "Just let me go!"

He sighed. "Yes or no?" He smacked him.

"Ow!" he whined, "NO!"

He nodded, and tugged up his pants. "Hope you learned something." He stood him up.

He groaned and rubbed his butt, "I learned how much I hate when you're in mom mode."

"Well, I wish I would of thought of this sooner, maybe you would of started listening a long time ago."

He huffed, looking away angirly.

"Wanna hug?" He half smiled at him.

He pouted and looked to the side, not wanting to admit anything.

He smirked and stood, pulling him into a bear hug. "It's ok little bro."

He grumbled, "You're still cruel."

"And you're still a brat. Come on, lets get back to the hospital. Maybe they got some ice for your butt."

He groaned