A/N: I'm back! So, since I've done two short stories for Austin & Ally and you guys seemed to like them, I decided to do a series of one shots involving our favourite couple! At Percabeth619, I know you have a story like this, which I adore, but I swear I am NOT copying you with this story; I've had this idea for a long time, just never got around to writing it. Please don't be mad!

These chapters aren't in any order whatsoever, and some will be romance, some will be friendship. These are just random ideas that pop into my head that I think should just all be in one "story", and I don't know how long the story will be. It all depends on reviews and your opinions on it! But the chapters will all be fairly long because I like to explain things and not rush through them, so you get a better picture or idea in your head while reading, so I hope you enjoy! Oh, and POV's will change throughout the story. Sorry for this long rant, but it needs to be said! :)

Austin and Ally are dating in this chapter.

Sorry for mistakes!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Austin & Ally. Um, duh. I only own my own characters which will be through this whole story, and in this chapter, Ryder and Ryan.

Ally POV

"Here are the wristbands," Trish said as she handed me, Austin, and Dez purple bands. "Now we can go on the rides continuously without worrying about running out of tickets."

There was a big carnival on the pier near the beach, and since I had a day off work, we decided today would be a good day to check it out.

"So, where to first?" Dez asked.

"Skymaster!" I perked up happily. (A/N: That's what they call it where I go to carnivals and fairs since I live in Canada, so I'm not sure if that's what it's called everywhere).

"Come again?" Dez asked, surprised. They all looked at me like I had two heads.

"What?" I asked.

"You want to ride the Skymaster?" Austin asked, clearly shocked. "I never would've thought Ally Dawson would be one for thrill rides."

"Hey, just because I'm-"

"Boring? An angel rather than a daredevil?" Trish suggested.

"I was going to say not very adventurous, but thank you for that, Trish," I said while glaring at her.

"Oh, you know I love you," she said.

I rolled my eyes. "Anyways, as I was saying, just because I'm not very adventurous doesn't mean I hate thrill rides. Honestly, I love them."

"And I repeat, come again?" Dez said, still stunned.

"When it comes to carnival rides, I'm all for them. I'll ride anything, you name it. Although I tend to get sick on slower rides, so it's better if I stick to the scarier ones. You know, the ones that get your adrenaline pumping," I explained. (A/N: Okay, this is exactly what happens to me, I CANNOT go on slow rides, I need to go on scary rides, or else I'll feel sick. I know it doesn't make much sense, you'd think it would be the other way around, but it just happens. It's weird haha )

Austin shook his head. "Wow, a year later, and you still manage to surprise me, Dawson."

I smiled triumphantly. "I'm full of surprises, Moon."

Austin took my hand. Oh, yeah, did I mention we were dating? No? Oops. Well, we are, just to clear things up. Anyways, back to the story!

"Then let's go to the Skymaster," he said, somewhat doubtfully. The four of us headed in the direction of the ride, where you could see it towering over everything else.

For those of you who don't know what the Skymaster is, it's a SUPER tall ride with two caged in "platform" things where people sit strapped in, in rows of two on either side of the tower. The platforms are attached to an arm each, which swing back and forth opposite each other until it picks up enough speed to go all the way around, upside down and all. It eventually stops upside down at the top for a while until you swing back down. (A/N: For those of you who know what it is, did I explain it well enough? It's hard haha. Go look up a picture or video of the Skymaster ride; you should get a good picture. Some of them are different heights as far as I know, and the one I always go on is so high in the air. Like, I mean HIGH. Plus, the ride is pretty scary. I still scream, even though I've been on it a million times!).

Just as we were going to join the long line, Austin and Dez stopped. Trish and I turned around.

"What's wrong?" Trish asked, confused.

Austin and Dez grinned at each other. "Dez and I don't think you have the guts to ride this."

"What? That's insane; Trish can ride this no problem." Trish nodded in agreement.

"I'm talking about both of you," Austin said.

I did a double take. "What was that?"

"You heard me. Dez and I don't think you girls can do this. We may be your boyfriends, (A/N: Yeah, Dez and Trish are together) but that's not getting you any support in this particular situation," Austin replied.

Dez nodded. "So, we're just going to sit on the side and watch first. That is, unless you girls chicken out."

"Hell no!" Trish and I said in unison.

Trish grabbed my arm. "C'mon Alls, let's do this." We handed our boyfriends our sunglasses, gave them one last smirk, and joined the rapidly growing queue. They left to go sit on a bench by the side, with a full view of the ride.

I looked at Trish. "What the hell is it with them not thinking we can't do anything crazy?"

She shook her head. "Who knows? Probably because we're girls. Let's just prove them wrong and then they'll leave us alone. On a completely unrelated note, aren't you glad I made you wear shorts instead of a dress or skirt?"

I laughed and nodded. I had wanted to wear my usual outfit, but Trish insisted I wear shorts in case we went on rides like this, and I finally caved. I was wearing jeans shorts with a yellow tank top and sleeveless jean vest, black flip flops, and my hair was in a ponytail. On the other hand, Trish was wearing a purple t-shirt, jean Capri's and white flip flops with her hair in a braid.

We waited in line for ten minutes, watching the ride start and stop over and over again with people screaming, before I finally groaned. "Uh, this is taking forever. I want to get on the ride already!"

"No kidding. Hey, maybe if I-" Trish started to say, but I cut her off.

"No way. You are not going to go interrogate the worker or do anything else abusive to him just to let us on before everyone else."

Her shoulders sagged in defeat. "Awe, I was just going to go talk to him."

I scoffed. "Yeah, talk." I air quoted "talk".

She just rolled her eyes. After another five minutes in line, we were finally at the front. The only people in front of us were a couple of teenagers around our age holding hands. The worker was just checking everyone's seats before starting the next round.

The girl, who had long blond hair, turned around casually and did a double take when her eyes fell over me. "Ally?"

I looked at her and gasped. "Oh my god, Ryder?"

She shrieked and tackled me in a hug. "Yeah! Wow, I haven't seen you in six years, how are you?"

I laughed and hugged her back. "Hey! I know, it's been forever. I've been good, and you?"

She let go. "I've been great!"

Ryder was a friend of mine from way back when we met a summer music camp when we were nine. We clicked instantly and stayed in touch for a while after the summer, though she moved away shortly after, and we haven't talked since. Until now.

"This is my best friend Trish," I said as I introduced them.

'It's nice to meet you!" Ryder said, hugging Trish quickly.

Trish smiled. "You too."

Ryder looked at the boy beside her, who had turned around at some point to watch out little reunion. He had jet black hair and sea green eyes, and was super cute. (Anyone recognize the reference? ;) )

"This is my boyfriend, Ryan. Ryan, Ally and Trish."

"Hey," Ryan nodded at us, and then looked at me separately. "So, you're the famous Ally."

I froze. How does he recognize me? I didn't think anyone knew who I was.

He laughed at my expression. "Yeah, Ryder's mentioned you before. She said you guys met at camp."

I sighed in relief and chuckled nervously. "Oh, yeah, we did."

Ryder spoke up. "So, what about you two? Boyfriends?"

I nodded and pointed in Austin and Dez's direction. "Over there. Austin's mine with the blond hair, Dez is Trish's."

Ryder's jaw dropped and her eyes looked like they were going to pop out of their sockets. "Oh…my…god. You're dating Austin MOON?"

I laughed at her and Ryan's shocked expressions. "Yeah, I am."

Ryan looked at me. "Then that makes you Ally Dawson, his…" he trailer off in realization.

"Songwriter, yeah," I finished for him.

"Wow. I can't believe I never knew that you were dating Austin Moon. I mean, he mentions an Ally Dawson all the time, but never that you two are dating. And you never show on TV, so I didn't even think that you could be that Ally Dawson. But i guess there might not be very many Ally Dawsons," Ryder admitted.

"Yeah, we kind of keep it private. Well, as private as we can," I explained. Ryder nodded in understanding.

"I get it, no worries. By the way, your songs rock. Ryan and I love them. I guess that music camp really came in handy," she laughed.

I grinned happily. "Oh, thanks, it means a lot!"

By now, the ride was over and people were getting off. The worker opened the gate and Ryan and Ryder showed him their wristbands, Trish and I following suit.

He pointed at Ryan and Ryder. "You two on one end of the first platform, you two on the other end," he directed the last part at me and Trish.

Trish and I bolted in excitement to the opposite end of Ryan and Ryder, buckled ourselves in, and pulled the part that goes over your shoulders and chest over ourselves. Austin and Dez appeared in front of us outside the fence near the bystanders.

"Still think we're chickens?" I asked them.

"Honestly, I thought you were going to chicken out in line," Austin admitted.

"Austin!" I yelled at my boyfriend.

He threw his hands up. "Sorry Alls, but I believe you now. That means you're riding the Zipper with me later," he smiled. (Look up the Zipper if you don't know what it is. That's what they call it in Canada; again, I'm not sure anywhere else).

I grinned back. "Deal."

"Dez, you're going on the Zipper with me too," Trish told her boyfriend.

Dez stomped his foot. "Oh, come on! I wanted to ride the ponies first."

Trish rolled her eyes. Oh, grow up Dez. You're fifteen, not five."

Dez sighed. "Fine, I'll go on the Zipper with you later."

"Kay!" Trish smiled in victory.

I laughed at the two. Same old Trish and Dez, I thought.

The worker came over, double checked our safety bonds, then caged our platform in. He went to start the music again on the control box, which immediately blasted from the giant speakers near the Skymaster, turned on the flashing lights, and blew fog from the fog machine.

"Awesome!" Trish and I yelled in unison.

"Have fun!" Austin and Dez yelled at us over the loud music and waved for good measure. I noticed they had something behind their backs, but didn't have time to ask them about it before the arms jolted and started swinging.

"I love this!" I yelled in happiness. Trish grinned.

"Woooo!" we screamed along with everyone else.

The arms gradually picked up speed and when we flew backwards, we could see Austin and Dez in the same spot, laughing at our shrieking.

The arms finally flew upside down and all the way around, causing everyone to scream in excitement, me and Trish included, not going to lie. The music, flashing lights, and fog machine was making it so much better.

The arms flew around a few more times before starting to slow down, causing us to stop upside down on the third swing about fifteen seconds before it swung back down.

When the ride finally stopped, the worker came over and unlatched the cage, letting everyone out. Trish and I immediately ran over to the guys, where they were waiting at the exit.

I took my sunglasses from Austin. "Thanks."

He grinned and brought out whatever was behind his back. "For you, my love," he said in a joking British accent.

I laughed as I saw that he was holding a "bouquet" of pink cotton candy, and I saw that Dez did the same thing with Trish.

"When did you guys get this?" I asked Austin.

He shrugged. "We went to get it when you guys were waiting in line."

I smiled and hugged him. "Thanks, I love it!" I took a huge bite.

He laughed and slung his arm around my shoulder. "You're most welcome." He leaned down and took a bite of the cotton candy.

"Ah, that ride was the best!" I exclaimed as we starting walking.

"Yeah, you two looked like you were having a good time up there," Austin replied. "Sorry about doubting you."

I shook my head. "Nah, its fine. I can see where you'd think I wouldn't have the guts. I mean, come on, I'm Ally Dawson." All four of us laughed.

"Ally!" I heard a voice call. I turned around to see Ryder and Ryan heading our way.

I headed over to them. "Hey Ryder, Ryan. What's up?"

"I forgot to give you my cell number so we can stay in touch and hang out some time," Ryder said.

"Oh, sure, definitely!" I said as we exchanged phones and gave each other our numbers. After that was done, I pulled Austin over, with Dez and Trish following.

"Ryder, Ryan, this is my boyfriend Austin, and Dez. Austin, Dez, this is Ryder, an old friend of mine, and her boyfriend, Ryan," I introduced.

Ryder shook hands with Dez. "It's nice to meet you."

"Likewise," he replied.

She shook hands with Austin next. "Oh gosh, I can't believe I'm meeting Austin Moon," she gushed. "You're like, the best!"

Ryan nodded. "Yeah man, your music rocks."

Austin laughed. "Well, thanks guys, but it's all thanks to Ally here," he said as he wrapped an arm around my waist, causing me to blush at the compliment.

Ryder and Ryan smiled. "Well, since we're meeting you, and we never thought we would, could you sign our phones? We've got nothing else," Ryder laughed as her and Ryan pulled out their phones.

Austin nodded. "Yeah, sure, no problem. Dez, pen?"

Dez reached into his backpack, (I still don't know how he fits the strangest things in there) and pulled out a pen.

"Here man." He handed Austin the pen and he signed Ryder and Ryan's phones.

"Thanks!" they said.

"You're welcome," Austin said happily.

Ryder looked at her watch. "Well, we better let you four get on with your day," she said. "It was nice seeing you again Ally, and nice meeting you three," she waved at Austin, Dez, and Trish, which they returned. She gave me one last hug and walked off holding hands with Ryan. "I'll text you later Ally!" she called over her shoulder. I waved in reply.

"So, how exactly do you know her?" Austin asked me.

"We went to a summer music camp together six years ago, but we lost touch when she moved away. I hadn't seen her after she moved, until today," I explained.

"Wow, what are the chances of that? Well, I'm glad she's an Austin Moon fan! Same with her boyfriend," he said.

I laughed as the four of us headed in the opposite direction. Dez and Trish tactfully walked ahead of us.

I took Austin's hand and he laced our fingers together. "It's kind of hard not to be an Austin Moon fan," I said.

Austin looked down at me and smiled softly. "You have no idea how much that means to me coming from you. Besides, I wouldn't have this career if it wasn't for you, Ally. You're the whole reason why I am who I am."

I blushed and leaned my head on his upper arm, as I was even shorter with flat shoes on than I was with high heels. Maybe he's just too damn tall.

"Thanks Austin," I answered quietly. He leaned down and kissed me softly.

When we broke apart, he said "I love you."

"I love you too," I replied smiling, before giving him another kiss.

A/N: There you have it, chapter 1! I hope you guys liked it; I thought it was pretty good and it took me a long time to write! I know there was quite a bit of Ryder and Ryan in there, but I decided to make Ally have a reunion with someone from her past, so I hope you enjoyed that part. Oh, and it may sound weird that Ryan likes Austin's music, but guys can love other guys' music too!

Please review; I need to know what you guys think! Let me know in a review if you recognize Ryan's appearance reference as well!

Question of the Chapter: What's your favourite Austin Moon song so far on the show? Let me know in a review :) Mine is "A Billion Hits". I just love it!

Thanks again!

Joelle xx

Follow me on Twitter? joellemc29