Hi guys! Im baaaccccckkkk! Okay I really wanted to say thank you so much for all of your wonderful replies! Especially those of you who have been there from the start! I was not expecting this and to know that this has over 60 follows makes me overjoyed! I would have given this up a long time ago if it wasn't for you all! Thank you guys for understanding my super long absence!

OH! And my other story Percabeth Proposal and Baby, well im going to continue it! I am very truly sorry it sucks right now but please forgive me I was 11 when I started that haha, well enough of me rambling!

P.S. My twitter is mckaila519 if you wanna go and follow me! Thanks!


When we got to the restaurant, a very pretty lady came out and hugged Sally. "Oh! I'm so happy you could make it!" She exclaimed. She looked about her early forties. She was wearing some khaki pants and a purple ruffle shirt. She went to Percy and hugged him. She then realized I was there. "Oh dear, im sorry, excuse my manners! I'm Becky! Emily's mom and you are?" She asked nicely. Well, at least she is different than her daughter…

"I'm Annabeth, Percy's girlfriend." I said smiling. She smiled back at me, then a look of realization came on her face.

"Uh oh. We left Emily in there, with her sister." She led us back into the restaurant and when we got in we sat down. Surprisingly Emily smiled at me. What?

"That's not Emily, that's her twin sister Selena." Percy whispered in my ear, oh, that makes sense. Suddenly, I felt the urge to pee.

"Ill be right back, gots to go potty!" I laughed. I kissed Percy on the cheek and went to the bathroom. When I opened the door I heard crying. I opened the stall door and saw Emily crying. What do I do? She looked up and saw me and she wiped away her tears. She stood up.

"What do you want?" She asked me bitterness in her voice. Just go pee, don't ask, don't ask, and don't ask!

"Erm, well I came in here to go pee, but then I found you crying. Why?" What the heck? What happened to not asking?!

"Like you care." Right, just say you don't.

"Why would I ask if I didn't? Look, I know we don't like each other very much just can we forget that for like five minutes while you tell me what's wrong?" Really? I am such a caring person. She looked like she was considering it and finally she let the whole story spill. She explained to me that her sister was evil. Her words not mine. She told me that her mom always compared her to Selena because she went to this special school and was smarter. That she always stole the guys she liked and started so much drama, and now she was back to stay for good.

"Look, don't let her get to you, stand up to her. But now I really have to go pee so yeah." I said. She laughed and then realized it.

"Just because I told you all of that doesn't mean were friends." She said snarkily. I rolled my eyes, and went in to the stall and did my business.

When I came out I found out that Percy ordered for me and the food was already there. I ate happily and made small talk with Percy. Then Selena spoke up.

"Oh my god my boyfriend is here! Can I call him over please?" When Becky nodded, Selena squealed.

She got up and went over to someone. She brought him back and I was still talking to Percy.

"Hey everyone." Wait a minute, I know that voice. I looked up and choked on my water. Percy asked me if I was okay and I nodded. Selena's boyfriend was Luke, my ex. I whispered to Percy who he was and Percy looked like he wanted to kill someone.

"So you're the asshole that cheated on Annabeth, huh?" Percy exclaimed. Please calm down, you tried telling him with your eyes.

"What?" Selena looked confused. Emily just looked shocked. Becky looked angry, and Sally looked sympathetic.

"Sel, they are lying I would never cheat on anyone. Besides, I don't even know her." Luke replied casually. You stood up, grabbed Percy's coke and dumped it on his head. Feeling accomplished, you walked out of the restaurant with Percy by your side.

Sorry guys if that sucked… I was going to leave a cliff hanger but decided not to! Oh well! Please review and tell me what you think! Oh! And before I forget, if you wanna be in the fanfiction just describe yourself and I will try my bestest to find you a place! Much love guys!