WOW ok so um yea this will be the last chapter :D finally right? Lol. Those of you still waitin on "I need a Hero" I will update it once im done with this thingy here~

Oh and to the lovely anon who reviewed: You have beautiful vocabulary :) and since your such an expert please explain what I have on here that isn't accurate? I've checked back on my info countless times and see nothing wrong about it. How long have you researched Titanic? 2 days? Please, try to refrain from using all those profanities. People will take you more seriously.

Now that's out of the way: on to the story!

Elizaveta stared out to the dark abyss that surrounded them. She couldn't see anything except for the white air that escaped her chapped, nearly frozen lips. She tried finding warmth within her overcoat but found little; her life jacket is in the way. She sighed and sunk her head. She lost track of time once the ship went down. It could have been an hour. It could have been 15 minutes, she didn't know anymore. All she knows is what came after. Something that proved to be one of the many memories that will haunt her. The cries of those who were on board and now in the icy sea. All of them, begging and pleading for help. She had heard a whistle as well, constantly being blown in a repetitive loop. That was, until, the one blowing the whistle had succumb to the wrath of the bitter sea. After that, all the other voices began to die down. It had gotten quieter. Dead quiet. It was unsettling to her and everyone else in the lifeboat. She looked about and noticed the look of horror mixed with grief on all the passenger's faces. The majority being women. The one catching most of her attention was the women in front of her, Madeline Astor. The moment the screams and shouts began to quiet down she had her head down. Now that it was completely silent, she had wept silently, her hands placed at her tummy stroking it as though trying to comfort her child as well as herself. Elizaveta tried to sympathize with her but was struck with a grim reminder.

Roderich and Gilbert had still been on board.

Her eyes widened at the realization and she felt sick again. She looked back to where the ship used to be and silently prayed, begged, for some kind of miracle that the 2 men had survived. It had slipped her mind that they were nations, therefore they couldn't actually die. However they could get lost at sea and lords knows for how long. Tears pricked at her eyes the more she thought about it. She couldn't stand it. Not knowing whats to happen next. She quickly looked up to the one in charge of the boat.

"Ve need to go back." she stated more than asked. He gave her a odd look and he shook his head.

"No. If we go back they'll swamp the boat. Its our lives now not theirs. They had their chance." he said looking the opposite direction.

"Thats the problem! They didn't have a chance! They were denied the chance to escape und now they are dying!" Elzaveta's hands balled into fists and she ground her teeth together.

"They are already dead. All of them. Going back would be a waste of energy." no emotion evident in his voice.

Tears fell from her angry eyes. She felt herself lose hope and her arms fell to her sides.

"You..You don't know that..." she tried again.

"Listen to that. Can you hear anything?" he pointed out to the sea.

She tried listening but could barely here the shrieks and shouts from before now turning into soft cries. She shook her head.

"Exactly. If there had been any souls left you would hear something but you know what? All that's over there is a lot of bobbing corpses." he all but yelled.

That made Elizaveta sit down and look down. Her vision got blurry as more tears formed. Visions of Gilbert and his cockiness flashed through her mind, from when they were just tiny nations doing mercenary work, to the Austrian-Succession, and then their current situation after her and Roderich were married. Then flashbacks of Roderich came about. Everything they had been through together. She always took his side as she got older. First when she worked as a maid in his home then eventually gaining his trust. She couldn't bare to think of life without them. She layed her head in hers hands and sobbed. Suddenly she felt a timid hand brush her shoulder and she looked up. It was Madeline. She tried a smile but it didn't quite meet her eyes. They looked at each other for a moment and held each others hand. They would support each other and pray for their loved ones. They closed theirs eyes and let their heads fall, still grasping each other.

The red-eyed nation coughed up salt-water as he clutched onto the overturned lifeboat. He tried to climb up more so he could pull himself out of the freezing water completely. As he struggled, he felt other hands grabbing and pulling him on board. He looked up and saw that the others were helping him.

"Come on, boy. Use your legs, there we go." Officer Lightoller said as he did the majority of the pulling.

The boat rocked slightly with the new weight but it didn't sink. Prussia quickly looked around in search of a certain aristocrat. He heard a sneeze and looked behind him. There was Roderich, he could hardly recognize him. His glasses had been lost in the sea, his usual kink in his hair was plastered on his forehead as the rest of his hair seem to be slick back from the weight of the water. And his clothes were soaked. was everyone else's but still. He then looked back at himself. He never was one to care for looks or to look nice in the first place, but still, his shirt had been torn in front, probably from someone wildly trying to hold onto something, exposing his chest, which didn't help him keep warm. He also took notice of how his sleeve had been cut so it ended just below his shoulder. He saw the cut that rested there. It seemed to have stopped bleeding since he had been in the water. He felt his hair practically glued to his scalp and ears. Sighing he layed back and wiped his eyes.

"Oh Mon Cheri, don't lay like zat, you'll make big brother want to do naughty things~" he heard his friend say.

"Surprised you survived this long, Francis. Thought you'd be a goner, heh." he said giving a forced cocky grin.

Francis merely laughed his french laugh and looked to the white haired nation. Gilbert finally gave a genuine smile.

"I'm glad your ok though." he said closing his eyes.

"ah oui, I can say the same for you, my friend." Francis patted Gilbert's wet hair.


The duo looked up and saw Roderich look at them with an annoyed look. He was trying to somehow fix his hair and his appearance.

"If you two are quite finished with your bonding, I believe ve should come up with a plan..." he said crossing his arms.

Lightoller stared at him for a moment.

"And what do you suggest we do? We are stuck here until rescue arrives." He groaned slightly.

Harold Bride, who had also gone on the overturned collapsible B, quickly nodded his head.

"Yes. I'm not sure how much time has passed but there is rescue coming." He said with confidence.

"How do you know? Mabye they did come by momentarily but saw no ship und turned back!" Roderich spat out.

Gilbert got up and went over to the Austrian, careful to not tip over the boat, and grabbed him by his collar.

"Listen you no good vuss, vhy don't you try being a little optimistic here eh? und if a ship did come by surely ve vould have seen it!" He yelled. He really wanted to punch the nation that had done nothing but cause him stress.

He probably would have if Lightoller hadn't come in and stopped him.

"Men, now is not the time to turn on each other to vent our anger! We need to get along if we're to survive. This boat isn't meant to be in this position so therefore we need to work together to maintain it and ensure our safety, got it!" he looked to the 2 nations. They nodded reluctantly and separated. He sighed and addressed Harold Bride.

"You, your one of the Marconi operators, correct?" he asked.

"Yes sir, I am or rather...I was." he hesitated slightly.

"Ok. Tell me, how far is the nearest ship." He demanded.

"Carpathia, I am not sure how far she is exactly but when we contacted her they said they would be here in 4 hours at full speed."

"How long ago was that?"

"um, i'm not was shortly after we struck the iceberg..." he said quietly.

Lightoller thought for a moment.

"Ok men, this is what we'll do."

Margret and just about enough of this.

She hated just sitting there as she heard more than a hundred passengers crying for help. She got up and turned to the women with her.

"Alright ladies, get up and grab an oar. We're gunna go back and help your men." She said.

"Are you out of your mind?" quart-master Hitchens asked hysterically.

"We're in the middle of the northern Atlantic! Theyll swamp the boat they'll pull us right under!" he shouted.

"Why don't you just shut up! All I been hearin from you were rude remarks and all these awful things all it does is frighten everyone here!" she stood up.

"Now I suggest you shut your mouth before I throw you overboard and can feel exactly how the ones in the water feel. I know you don't want that now, do you?" she said looking as though she were about to go through with her threat.

Hitchens was caught off guard but simply stayed silent. Margret tok that as her chance t take control.

"Alright ladies, lets go!"

"Big Brother Antonio..." the tiny Italian sobbed.

Lovino glared at him and quickly looked around to the rest of the passengers in the lifeboat. Much to his relief, none of them seemed to notice how deep his "sister's" voice was. He put an arm around Feliciano and rubbed his shoulder.

"Listen, you can't be crying out loud like that." he whispered, annoyance evident in his voice.

Feliciano looked up to him from underneath the hat, his eyes red and puffy from crying.


"I know." he cut-off his brother. "I'm sure that tomato-bastard is just fine." he whispered.

"B-but how..." The younger of the 2 began to cry again. Lovino quickly leaned in and whispered.

"He's a former pirate. Trust me I'm sure he's been through this before." he tried to smile but ended up scowling instead. Luckily Feliciano knew and he tried a smile.

In the corner of his eye he saw a women glaring at him. She had been probably the moment he boarded.

"Whats your deal, lady?" he spat.

"I don't see how you were allowed to board, of all men. Its not quite fair I believe."

Oh this was just grand.

"Listen lady, I honestly don't care what you say. I am here for one purpose and one alone and that's to take care of my...sister..." he said looking at feliciano who had hidden his face with his hat.

The women huffed and looked away. Feliciano used that opportunity to hug his big brother, and Lovino hugged back.

"You better be OK Tomato-bastard..." he muttered.

Everything was black. His body was numb. He didn't know where he was, couldn't remember anything. Couldn't here anything. Cold. Thats the only thing he could register, that it was cold wherever he was. Then he felt something, or someone, poking him. That was when finally heard something. Someone calling his name.

"Arthur! Arthur you limey bloke wake up! Don't make me have Francis give you CPR."

Arthur opened his eyes right away. His vision slowly coming back to him. The figure above him was none other his brother.

"Scott?" He said, his voice raspy from the cold.

"Oh thank Gods you finally wake up. You had me worried ya did." he said smiling.

Arthur looked around, as though searching for someone.

"Don't worry, Francis is not even on this boat. I saw him scrambling on the collapsible that flipped over." he laughed.

"Gee, why must you tell me that? I'd be better off thinking he died." he groaned.

He then realized his back was numb and noticed that he was in water. He shot up and saw that water was in the boat they were in.

"We couldn't find the plug in soon enough. So we actually should try to avoid being in the water as much as possible..."

Arthur lifted himself up from the water as did Scott. There wasn't many in the lifeboat with them he noticed. He felt a weird trickling coming from his temple and he brushed his hand and looked at it. Crimson liquid splayed on his hand.

"When the fourth funnel was bout to collapse, the connector smacked you in the head with metal on it, that's when you blacked out." His brother explained.

Arthur examined his head for further damage but luckily found none. He looked about and saw several other lifeboats coming near them. Along with that he also heard something haunting,

Desperate cries for help..

He quickly looked to where he thought the noise came from and scanned the area. Unfortunately the night was so dark he couldn't see anything or anyone. He sighed in dread and buried his face in his hands. All those souls...

"We have to go back."

Arthur's head shot up at the suggestion and he looked to find the one speaking.

"You can't possibly be serious!" came another voice but from a different lifeboat.

"I can't be more serious than this." he stood his ground.

He had a flashlight in hand and shined it over the other lifeboats, examining the passengers.

"Is everyone here?" he asked.

"Yes, all here." a crew member responded.

Officer Lowe looked back to where the Titanic sank and paused for a moment, debating whether or not to go on with his plan. With a finality he looked back to the passengers in the lifeboat.

"Right, listen to me men we have to go back! Lets transfer all the women from this boat, to that boat, as quickly as you can please!" he commanded.

Crew that were in charge of lifeboats hustled to get the passengers organized. Arthur went up to Lowe and told him.

"I'm going with you to save passengers." he said, no questions asked.

Officer Lowe thought about it momentarily but realized who he was speaking to and quickly nodded.

"Yes, sir."

As the passengers moved from one boat to the other, Feliciano held onto Lovino.

"Fratello..." he cried

"It'll be alright you damn cry-baby..." he said quietly but oddly comforting.

Feliciano's eyes skimmed through the life-boats in search of a certain Spaniard, and he paled when he didn't find him.

"Lovi...Big brother Antonio...Big brother Francis...They're not..."

"Fucking bastards...why aren't they here..." he growled as they sat down in their new spots.

Elizaveta heard the Italian curse and looked behind her, about to yell, but realized who was there.

"F-Feliciano...?" she almost screamed.

Lovino quickly shushed her and held Feliciano. She then realized what was going on.

They had dressed Feliciano in girls clothing to get on board.

She looked around and then went back to facing the Italian brothers.

"I'm glad you made it." She smiled.

Lovino tried a smiled but it faltered right away.

"we can say the same for you.." he responded.

She smiled again and went back to facing Madelaine Astor, and helping her cope with the possible loss of her husband. Officer Lowe looked at the group of survivors they had, then to the men in the boat with him he was about to take.

"Alright, are you ready men?" he asked.

Arthur and the others nodded, grabbing oars to get ready to row. Lowe then looked to the others and nodded.

"we'll be back then. Take good care to try to stay close." with that he ordered to start moving.

They weren't prepared for what they were about to see.

For awhile it was just dark. Lowe held his flashlight firmly, scanning over the ocean, then above it. He flashed almost everywhere for signs of any life. For a moment he thought the bodies had gone down with the ship, until he began to see random bits of debris. Followed by pieces of wood, he began finding bodies. All of which bobbed lifelessly on the ocean surface. There body parts didn't even move along with the water. The expressions on their face, forever frozen in time. Their skin had paled to a color beyond white, their hair having already developed frost within a matter of minutes. Most ,if not all, had been clutching onto some kind of floatation device, whether it was a large bag, or a deck chair, or parts of what remained of the grand-staircase, there was always passenger holding onto it even after their death. Lowe paled at the sight and almost felt like vomiting. Arthur merely avoided the lifeless stares of the deceased. He felt a awful aura in the immediate area. Lowe, despite what he sees, still flashes the flashlight onto everyone.

"Is anyone alive out there?" he shouts.

No response.

"Do you see any moving?" he asks the men with him.

"No sir, none moving sir." one responds.

"Well check them!" he commands. He continues to search.

"Is anybody alive out there! Can anybody here me?" he asks again.

"H-here..." a faint voice erupted.

All of their attention quickly turned to where the voice came from and they saw a Asian looking man sitting on top of a large piece of wood. They quickly got up blankets and helped him on board and covered him in them, padding his body to try to get rid of the wet. After bringing him aboard they continued the search. They found more frozen dead bodies than living. They had gathered 2 other men that had somehow survived and were currently picking up their third. It was a rather big man, who had been swimming in the water as though it were a pool back on Titanic. He was the head chef for Titanic, and he had been completely smashed. He apparently drank so much whiskey through the sinking that he actually felt really warm in the water. Before completely getting on the life-boat, he went back to where he was found, and picked up a passenger who had been with him. They both went onto the lifeboat and got covered up in blankets to try to keep warm. They still searched more. Even though it seemed as though everyone had succumb to the cold.

He could here voices. Calling for people. But he couldn't talk. His voice was so raspy from the cold and from screaming right after the ship had gone under. Antonio had gotten separated from Francis and the other 2 and didn't know what to do. The last of the events went by in a blur. All he could register is that he was in the water, hanging on to a deck chair that was either thrown carelessly off the ship, or fell off as the ship sank. He tried to sit up and yell but the cold had numbed his body it had made everything a challenge for him. He continued hearing the voices and saw them near. He then decided to use all might might to try to swim towards them. Unfortunately, his legs refused to budge. He slammed his head on the deck-chair in defeat. He couldn't make it. Even if he had tried, and dammit he did try. He was about to let himself just die when suddenly he heard a oddly familiar voice.

"Over there! I think I know them! He may still be alive!" Arthur pointed at a spot 10 feet away.

Harold Lowe saw nothing but commanded to go forth anyway. As they neared, Antonio could barely hear their shouts. He felt himself quickly being overcome by sleep. He fought with himself to try and stay up for when the lifeboat came by him. When it was next to him, Arthur quickly went and began pulling him up. Antonio groaned as he felt pain from his stiff muscles moving so suddenly.

"Come on you wanker." Arthur mumbled as Lowe and another crew member helped him pull up the half-frozen Spaniard.

He landed into the lifeboat with a thud and was ambushed by blankets. He tried to warm his frost-bitten hands and feet but with no avail. The pain of the numbing cold almost made him want to cry. Arthur looked sadly at the nation he had a history of fighting against. By no means did he like the man. But he can tolerate him, which is more than what he can say about Francis, whom he can hardly speak to without wanting to pummel him. He went back to the oar and they finished they're search. They had to have gone through the area of corpes more than 5 times. Even when everyone had lost hope. Harold Lowe was the one still looking. His voice had gotten hoarse from shouting and calling for any passengers that may have still been alive. On their 6th round, with much relent, they called it quits. Ending with a total of 6 passengers pulled from the water. They rowed back to where the rest of the lifeboats, where they would wait, in hopes for rescue.

They didn't know how long it had been. Nor did they even attempt to try. All they knew was that dawn had arrived. The sky that had tormented them with its nearly endless night had finally turned lighter. Revealing exactly where they were. There had been pieces of ice and icebergs surrounding them. Little Eva Hart felt frightened at the sight, some of them towering over their heads. Maybe about 70 feet. Those rowing needed to be careful where they went, unless they were to go down just as Titanic had gone down. The survivors in lifeboat number 2 found a ship in the distance, as did the other lifeboats. They all fought to try to get the attention of the passing ship. Eventually, those on the ship saw them and hustled to have everything sorted out for the survivors. The boats rowed towards the ship to get to the waiting ladders for them to climb up. As they neared, they saw them name of their savior.


The first boat to be unloaded was lifeboat number 2. Those who were able-bodied climbed the ladder, those who couldn't move due to frostbite or any other injury were lifted on a sling of a sort, then children were lifted in sacks. As they got onto the boat deck, they were greeted by a line of crew members, and some passengers, with blankets, tea, soup, even alcohol by a few. The process went on for awhile until all of the lifeboats were emptied. As Harold Bride made his way to the ladder, he tried waking his friend Jack, who had been with him on the overturned collapsible B.

"Oi, Jack. Come on! Rescue is here!" he said cheerily.

His smile soon became a frown as he saw his friend wasn't budging.

"Hey...Jack...come now..." he tried again, shaking him.

But still nothing. He felt someone lay a hand on his shoulder and he quickly turned to see who. His eyes met with fire-like red ones and he stumbled for a moment before regaining composure.

"I'm sorry...but it doesn't look like he made it..." Gilbert said sadly.

Harold looked back to Jack and back to Gilbert. After a moment he nodded his head and went with him to go up the Carpathia.

On deck, everyone was either going about finding loved ones, going to seek medical attention or a crew member, or staying put trying to completely comprehend what had just happened.

The nations were no different.

Elizaveta, the moment she helped Madeline get comfortable and felt safe enough to be alone, she ran off to find her loves. As she ran, she passed by all sorts of people giving her looks of sympathy but she didn't care. She needed to make sure they were ok. She went straight to where she thought Roderich could be, which was where all the first-class men that had survived were. As she looked around she couldn't find him, and she felt her heart stop. Then she heard a piano being played. Based on instinct she went straight to where the melody was coming from, and found her husband playing. Apparently, he had only one request, and that was to play their piano. He played one of his favorite pieces, the he always played to cheer him up. She stared longingly at him, relieved that he was fine. She couldn't help but notice how awful he looked. Then again, nearly everyone who had been on Titanic looked awful. She sighed and left. Knowing Roderich, he would be on the piano until they landed, that was his way of coping. But she didn't care. He was safe and thats all that mattered. She turned to leave but bumped into someone fairly hard. She covered her head from the pain and began rambling

"Oh, Uh i'm very truly sorry, I vasn't vatching vhere I was going und-"

"Eliza...?" the person asked.

Her head shot up and she almost felt like crying. The one other person she had been so worried about.

"Gil...bert..?" she asked, unable to hide the shake in her voice.

"Eliza..." he said again, pulling her into his arms.

She wrapped her arms around him, holding him. She began to cry, so happy that he was alive. He stroked her back and whispered re-assuring words to her. They remained like that for a moment or 2 before separating.

"How did you...?"

"Me und Roderich here found ourselves on one of the collapsibles, though it flipped over, he stayed on it. I even found Francis on it to." he said grinning.

"All we need now is..." he trailed off.

"Vhat?" she asked.

"Antonio..." he said worriedly.

Almost on cue, the two Italians came running by.

"Hey you! Have you seen that no good tomato-bastard around? He had me and my little brother worried sick!" he shouted, worry evident in his eyes.

They both shook their head and the older brother groaned.

"I swear. If I don't find him, I'm going to..." he went off again with Feliciano in tow.

Elizaveta and Gilbert looked at each other sadly and followed them.

Arthur sat down on the deck floor staring out into the sea. He could still hardly believe that Titanic had actually sank. He looked at the ground and pulled the blanket tighter around him.

"Mon cheri...i don't like seeing so sad like zis."

"Can it, frog." he groaned. He was the last person he wanted to hear from.

"ooh. 'ow you wound me so~" he mocked hurt.

"What do you want?" Arthur demanded wanting to be alone.

"I merely wanted to know if you 'ave seen my friend Antonio. The little Italians are searching for 'im, as am I."

Arthur sighed.

"He's in the infirmary, being looked after." he said. Then heard the frenchman leave.

Sighing he lied down. He was exhausted.

At the news: The Italians and everyone else basically ran there to see the man that had saved Lovino and Feliciano. He was extremely pale from the cold, and his hands and feet had been covered in bandages.

"Damn tomato-bastard..." Lovino growled.

"I heard that Lovi~" the spaniard said quietly, voice still raspy.

Feliciano's eyes widened and he smiled.

"Big brother Antonio, your ok!" he cried.

"Man...looks like it got it worse than the rest of us did..." Gilbert said almost surprised.

"Yea...thats what happens when you've been dragged out of the water, mi amigo." he said attempting to laugh but ended up coughing.

"You stupid asshole! I knew you should have come into the lifeboat with us!" Lovino yelled, receiving a glare from a passing nurse.

"I did what I thought was right Lovi...and it was good. You and little Feli are ok. Thats all I was worried about." he said happily.

"Big brother Antonio~" Feliciano ve'ed.

"Whatever..." Lovino simply crossed his arms.

"Well when you get better, me, you and Francis are gunna go for drinks!" Gilbert shouted trying to lighten the mood.

Antonio nodded and closed his eyes.

"Si...that sounds good..."

Feliciano got worried.

"Big brother Antonio!" he cried in fear.

"Don't worry dear, hes only asleep.." Elizaveta assured.

Feliciano nodded and sighed. Happy to know that Antonio would be ok.

Suddenly a loud banging noise erupted and they all screamed. A nurse came in.

"Don't worry. Its just a thunderstorm." she said.

This was going to be a long voyage.

AAAAAAAHHHH fail ending was a fail :I i'll prolly go back and fix it some other time. I just wanted to finish this. But I feel like I have a lot of stuff not I might make another chapter...if I get requested for it anyway. This was much longer than I had expected o,o; but oh well. What do you guys think? Love it? Hate it? Wanna murder me? Let me know in a review :D

thank you for reading~