Hello~ this is a new fic ima be working on starting next week for Titanic's 100 year anniversary. I apologize to anyone who has been following my "I need a hero" fic. Ill try to update it soon but only after im done with this one. Just know this is NO WAY going to reference the movie. Its all going to be based on the actual ship with accurate historical information. Also there will be NO YAOI. The only relationships shown will be cannon ones based on the governments of each country in this time period IE: Austria-Hungary. So please read and enjoy~

Arthur sighed as he sat down on his chair of his study. He ran his fingers through his hair as he began going through the days mail, flipping through the ones he deemed as unimportant, until he stumbled upon one envelope that had a small, red flag with a white star in the middle of it. As he stared at it momentarily his phone began to ring. Getting up with the mail in hand, he went to the phone and grabbed it and pressed one part to his ear and the other to his mouth and spoke.
"Yes may I speak with Mr. Kirkland please?" a voice echoed through. Voice proper and polite.
"This is him." Arthur responded in the same manner.
"Ah yes good afternoon Mr. Kirkland, this is J Bruce Ismay, Chairmen of the White Star Line company." the person identified himself with pride in his voice.
"Oh i have heard quite a bit of you, good sir." Arthur smiled. Yes, he has heard many great things of this man. He is the Chairmen of one of the best and most respected company of ocean liners. A company that does their best at providing the best of the best in oceanic transportation. He has heard of some of their newest plans. and hasn't been disappointed. he has seen their newest liner, Olympic. She was a beauty. Large and luxurious.
"I could imagine." the man said not even trying to show modesty. "I have been working with your brother, Scott, quite recently." he paused. "Or rather he has been working on one of my latest projects as of late."
Arthur looked out the window as he kept speaking with the chairmen. Yes he is more than fully aware of this being the same man his brother has been speaking of lately. It hasn't really been all good things as he hears from the growing media and people who have worked with him, but then again Scott never has anything nice to say about anyone.
"Yes, i am quite aware of this Mr. Ismay, and if i do say so myself, i am quite excited as to what your company has come up with." Arthur said, hiding his said emotions. Ismay chuckled slightly at the other side of the line and cleared his throat.
"That's just great to hear Mr. Kirkland. Now i presume you should have received the mail had sent to you?" Arthur's attention quickly went back to the envelope he had earlier and he gave it another look. underneath the small flag and the words 'White Star Line'.
"Yes i have just gotten it moments before you called."
"Good. Have you seen its contents?"
"Not yet, i will do so now." Arthur tore through the top of the envelope and pulled out a folded piece of paper with his country and human name scrawled at the top along with other information. The top read "Boarding Pass". Before he had a chance to ask Ismay spoke.
"I had done the honors of already getting you a ticket for our newest ship. i found it only right for our very own nation to be the first to sail our large, luxurious,'unsinkable' ship." He said, emphasizing the 'unsinkable' part. Arthur's eyes widened. 'Unsinkable? now that's quite a feat...' he thought to himself. He smiled. He would be the first nation to have such a technological success. An unsinkable ship..and its suppose to be grand! and he would be the first to sail. To witness the power it would hold.
"Thank you very much Mr. Ismay. I appreciate it greatly. I look forward to sailing. where will it be sailing to may i ask?" Arthur asked putting down the boarding pass.
"Its final destination will be New York, America. but on the way it will have some stops for mail and passengers." Ismay replied. Arthur rolled his eyes slightly. America. Why there of all places? Oh well, he might as well call the git and let him know he'll be visiting soon.
"When will it begin its maiden voyage?" Arthur inquired.
"Its maiden voyage will be set for March 20th"
"Perfect." England said about to end their phone call. "I look forward to sailing our ship Mr. Ismay and i know you will not disappoint. ill be waiting for updates on the ship that you wish to share."
"I will be sure to call you periodically on it Mr. Kirkland. Do take care." Ismay said bidding farewell.
"Will do." and with that hung up. He sat back in his chair and looked at the boarding pass, with a picture of the liner he will be sailing in time. The twin sister of the grand ship liner, Olympic, and will prove to be grander.

Historical notes:

J Bruce Ismay: Chairman of the White Star Line Company. He came up with the idea of the Olympic, Titanic, and Gigantic (later renamed Britannic) He was aboard the ship when it sank but escaped into a lifeboat that Officer Murdoch was loading.

Titanic being Olympic's "Twin": Titanic and Olympic were being made in the same Harland and Wolf shipyard in Belfast, Ireland and Titanic's design was very similar to that of her older sister Olympic. SO many referred to them as twins. However Titanic proved to be larger in scale and faster and more luxurious.

Titanic sailing March 20th: The Titanic's original sail date was to be March 20th but due to many technical errors, its been pushed to April 10th.

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