Disclaimer: Noblesse isn't mine.


"We made chocolates in our culinary class today." Suyi dropped a bag on the coffee table and slid into the seat next to Yuna. "I can't eat any sweets since I'm about to go on tour. Help yourselves."

"If you made chocolates, then does that mean Yuna and Seira did as well?" Ikhan glanced at Seira expectantly.

"What! Seira, did you?" Shinwoo pounced on Suyi's bag and stuffed a piece into his mouth. "You're going to share, right? I want to try your's, too, Yuna."

"You just want to eat more." Regis said flatly as Ikhan shoved a handful at him.

"This one's mine." Yuna removed a piece and set her bag next to Suyi's and Seira's chocolates. "Ajussi, try one."

He held out his hand silently as she placed it in his palm, hovering just a moment before dropping her hand to her side. M-21 watched the gesture carefully, and he didn't need Tao's teasing whispers to understand what moments like this meant to her. He just, even if he couldn't return her feelings, even if Tao joked she would physically be his age someday and Takeo just as quickly insisted she would one day be older, even if... he just... It was nothing like love, not even for her, but the idea that someone could love him, he just, it felt... human.

M-21 slipped out onto the balcony, cautious not to let his sentimental reflections lead her on. She misunderstood, of course, how important it was to him. To feel human, it was what he and M-24 had hoped for. It was something he held close to his heart.

M-24. If he hadn't stopped him from disposing of the infected, it would have never attacked Yuna, and he would have never taken the path that led him here. To feel-


If he had never stopped M-24 from disposing of the infected, it would have never attacked Yuna. Shinwoo wouldn't have fought the infected. Jake and Mary would have never found out about it and kidnapped the children. M-24 wouldn't have died saving them. Dr. Crombel wouldn't have become aware of Frankenstein and his master. M-21 would have never joined them. Would DA-5 have even come? Dr. Aris and Yuri? Even with the current incident, if he hadn't caught that punch with one hand...

"M-21?" Frankenstein appeared on the balcony and handed him a cup of tea. "What are you doing?"

"I," he hesitated and took a sip, "can't I get some air?"


"Have the children gone home?" M-21 turned away from him. The rail felt cold against his arms.

"They are playing a computer game. Now, what has you so upset that your power is fluctuating?"

"What do you mean? I'm fine."

"Do you really believe I can't tell? Something is bothering you, and it's causing my master to worry. If it's about raising the KSA's suspicions, I told you to stop blaming yourself."

"It's not that." M-21 sighed and finished his tea. "Isn't it dangerous to have three enhanced humans in a school? We're in hiding, and we haven't even left the city we disappeared in. Wouldn't it be simple for the union to find us? Even with Tao monitoring the area, I'm putting the children in danger again."

"Were you thinking of leaving, then?"

"No, nothing like that. But, why did you take me in? Everything that has happened was my fault. Even from the beginning with the infected."

"Even from the beginning, my master could have changed the situation at any point, but my master chose to allow this. I trust in his decisions about you. Perhaps you should trust in him as well? Now, if you have finished your drink, you should go lie down."

"What? Why?"

"The truth serum in your tea has sedative side effects."

"A truth serum wouldn't work even on a low rank agent like me. Why would you even do something like that?"

"Do you really think a simple truth serum would be difficult for me? As to why, it seemed the most effective way for you to open up. You, M-21, never say what is on our mind. Now, you only have a few moments. Your body will process the side effects much more quickly than a regular human. At this rate you'll barely make the living room."

"I'm not even tired. The sedative side effect must not be very strong." M-21 walked into the living room as the edge of his vision rapidly faded to black. He blinked, fighting it off, only to open his eyes to a spinning room. He staggered and collapsed onto the floor. "Whoa, now I'm tired."

"As I said, since you are enhanced it may take effect suddenly. At least pull yourself onto the couch."

"Shouldn't I be mad about this?" M-21 grabbed the edge of the couch and hoisted himself onto the cushions. "You used truth serum on me. I should be mad."

"I also included calming agents. After all, you do have a nasty temper." Frankenstein sighed and walked into the kitchen. He should have used it after M-21 washed the dishes.