A/N: So, in this chapter will Austin take Lester's advice? Or will he die alone?

On Ally and Dallas's date, you could actually feel the awkward(1). "Sooo..." said Ally. "How ya been?"
"Good, good," said Dallas. Luckily, they were saved from the tension by someone bursting through the door of the private restaurant.
"Ally!" he yelled.
"Austin? What are you doing here?" asked Ally.
"Ally, I have to tell you something."
"What is it?"
Austin stood next to Ally and took her hand in both of his. "Ally, you need to know this. I-I-" He glanced outside at the bushes for support from Dez and his, uh, bazuka. Dez gave him the thumbs up. Austin smiled at Dez, then turned his attention back to Ally. "Ally, I-I love you. Not like friend love like Trish and Dez or like family love like you and your dad, like true love. Ally, I know I'm only sixteen but somehow I already know that I love you enough that I want to spend my entire life by your side. Oh, and uh..." He pulled out a single red rose. "I brought this for you because it reminds me of you. It's amazingly beautiful, but obviously doesn't realise it." He held out the rose to Ally and smiled at her.
"Austin," she said. He could see she was crying. "I love you too!" She stood up and flung her arms round his neck. Austin laughed out of relief. Trish, who had just been fired as their waitress by...herself...was crying. Dez, outside the restaurant, was being dragged off by the police for being in possession of a bazuka.

(1) Thank you Samantha Puckett!

Hope you liked it, another short and sweet chapter from me. bye!