A/N: Hehe. It's me again, the super awkward writer. ^ w ^ I've just started reading horror urban legends, and damn, they're freaking scary. O^O but either way I find myself addicted to them xD. So I'm gonna start writing a multi-chapter fanfic where I use APH characters to write into urban legends that are already epic. Because Hetalia makes everything better xD. So...without further ado, let's start the fanfic! :'D

Characters used: Belgium (Bella), Luxembourg, fem!Prussia (Maria), Russia (Ivan) and Moscow (Anya). Moscow and Luxembourg are my OCs~ and Russia and Prussia are married in this fanfic. Moscow is their kid of doom. xD If you don't like it, then don't read it. :P


Bella groaned. Babysitting was such a tiring job; if it hadn't been for the fact that her younger brother needed money to pay for his tuition fees, she would never have taken the job. She had been employed by Ivan and Maria Braginski, and their kid was practically insane. Bella began to suspect that she had ADHD; Anya couldn't sit still for more than five minutes unless she was watching a television programme.

So far, the red-eyed child had unrolled six rolls of toilet paper, thrown a packet of cereal on the floor – which made it spill its contents, almost eaten paper, and attempted to paint the walls. And now it came to the worst part: trying to persuade Anya to take a bath.

"Nyet! I don't want to bathe!" Anya screamed, thrashing around on the couch as Bella tried to hold her down. Anya kicked out with her legs, but Bella simply tightened her hold and lifted the six-year-old up high. "Anya, it's not that bad. Plus what would your Mutti think?" Bella chided, looking into pools of defiant red.

"Mein Mutti would not want me to bathe because bathing isn't awesome," she argued, crossing her arms and pouting.

Shaking her head, Bella replied, "You stink, and that isn't awesome either, is it?" Anya burst out crying and started to hit Bella repeatedly with her small fists. Bella winced – the child had a lot of strength for her young age – and carried her upstairs, trying to ignore the screaming.

After she had given the child a bath, Bella carried her to her bedroom and gently tucked her under the Russian-flag-printed blanket, kissing her forehead and smoothening out her hair. Anya yawned, and within minutes she had fallen asleep. Bella sighed in relief, then made her way downstairs. She took out her cell phone and called Maria. Just seconds later, a loud, obnoxious voice blasted in her ears.

"Did someone call the awesome me? Be prepared to feel my awesomeness!"

"Guten tag, Maria. I've just put Anya to sleep, so what should I do now?"

"Danke, Bella. You might want to watch TV for now…Ivan and I won't be back for –aah….Ivan!" Bella's face turned red as she heard the sensual moan that cut off the Prussian's sentence. Ivan had probably taken the phone, as he spoke after that.

"Remember to take good care of Anya, da? Also, try not to call us for now; Maria and I are in the middle of something~! Do svedaniya!"

Bella sighed as Ivan hung up, then decided to make her way to the living room to watch television. She settled down in the large beige couch and turned on the television. She grinned as she saw that one of her favorite programmes was on, 'Mind Your Language'. It was an old British sitcom, but the older sitcoms had always seemed funnier to Bella, so she continued watching it.

Abruptly, the house phone rang. Slightly irritated, Bella got up and reached for the phone, putting it to her ear and saying, "Hello?"

There was nothing on the other line but heavy breathing. The caller ID couldn't be identified. Thinking that it was a prank caller, she was about to hang up when a loud, gruff voice asked, "Have you checked on the child?" Just hearing the voice send chills up Bella's spine. She swallowed, then nearly jumped when she heard the question repeated again, followed by bouts of crazy laughter. She hung up immediately, then sat down in the couch again, breathing hard and telling herself, 'It's just a prank call, it's just a prank call, it's just a prank call…' She repeated it in her head like a mantra, and finally managed to calm down.

The programme was almost over when the phone rang again. She tried to ignore it, but the loud ringing of the phone through the silent house was nearly as creepy, so she decided to pick it up. "Y-Yes?" Her voice was shaky. Beads of cold sweat ran down her forehead and her throat seemed so dry.

"Check on the child, go on!" That same insane, mental laugh followed. Bella's hand shook, her palms sweaty and uncomfortable. She slammed the phone down on the receiver, trembling uncontrollably. Without further hesitation, she called the police and informed them of the situation. The policeman who had picked up told her to try and keep the man talking; they would trace the call. She hung up, feeling more reassured now.

The phone rang. Bella took a deep breath to calm her frayed nerves, then picked up the phone. She heard heavy breathing, loud and clear, then the same question repeated itself three times before the person started laughing again and again. She crossed her fingers, hoping that the police would have already traced the call before hanging up. The laughter was going to drive her crazy.

Just a split second later, loud ringing from the phone sounded again. Bella quickly grabbed it, hoping that it was the police. It was, but what they said made her blood run cold.


Screaming in terror, Bella dropped the phone and made a crazy run for the door, aware of someone right behind her. She opened the door and slammed it shut, locking it just as a bloodstained hand crashed against the frosted glass door. She shrieked again and ran right into the waiting arms of the police, who were right outside the house, Ivan and Maria with them.

"Where's my baby? Give her to me!" Maria was hysterical, having to be restrained by two policemen and her husband. However, the minute she saw the figure slamming against the door, she screamed, "YOU GODDAMN BASTARD! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU! I'LL END YOU! GIVE ME BACK MY BABY!" She broke down, sobbing into Ivan's arms and clutching at his beige jacket.

The figure at the door froze for a second, then disappeared. Moments later, Bella's own cell phone rang. She flipped it open, and screamed, dropping the small device on the ground immediately. A picture had been sent to her, along with a text message.

Anya's body had been completely ripped up, all her intestines and organs spilling out. Her face was twisted into one of horror and shock, and blood was everywhere. Her tongue had been cut out, and all her fingers had evidently been pulled off. The text message, however, was even more frightening than the picture itself.

'I told you to check on the child~'


Um, yeah. Here's my first attempt at writing horror. I kinda changed the ending, lol. And I know Prussia was OOC, but I see her as someone who cares a lot about her kids xD. Hope I didn't fail too badly….orz….

Reviews? :3