Latvia looked around nervously, shaking in his ragged clothes, tears brimming in his pain filled eyes as some of his people lashed ropes to one of the many statues of Lenin in his country. All throughout his body the personification could feel similar statues coming down. This was not good, Russia was going to find out and be so mad, what was he thinking? How could he go against Russia, the powerful behemoth who had owned him for so long?

"Hey." Someone nudged him gently with their elbow, and Latvia looked up at one of his citizens, a woman, who smiled comfortingly down at the poor, scared, shaking teen that was on the brink of tears. "It's okay." She urged gently, wiping away a tear that had fallen to the young teen's cheek. "Don't be scared. They may have guns, but we have guns too, and even better we have numbers and anger. We need to fight for what's right, we need to free ourselves! Russia has owned Latvia for far too long; we need to show them that we don't belong to them, that Latvia can stand on its own two feet!"

'Yes…'Latvia thought, smiling gratefully at the woman and taking the rope she offered him. 'I can do this! My people believe in me, I need to too! Russia doesn't own me, I'm my own country! I have every right to do what I please, just like everyone else!'

With his people he pulled, and with his people Latvia cheered and cried happily as that statue fell to the ground and broke, Latvia laughing and smiling for the first time in his life. 'You don't own me Russia!'