A/N: Beck's point of view during, and after The Worst Couple. One-shot, but it might be two( Jade's Point of view). I haven't decided yet. Hope you guy enjoy reading it.

Also to those reading "Unspoken Truth", Sorry it's taking a while. I have no inspiration for a bade fluff since the break up. I'm still sad about it and that is why i wrote this x::C. But I will try to update as soon as i can. Thanks for your understanding and thank you for all the reviews... Don't forget to do the same fro this one =)

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own the song "I never Told You" by Colbie Caillat or Victorious. =)

I Never Told You

"I see your blue eyes every time I close mine. You make it hard to see where I belong and when I'm not around you. It's like I'm not with me." ~ Colbie Caillat

"I'm not happy with our relationship," he said in the heat of the moment. It came out wrong. He meant to say he wasn't happy with all the fights they're having lately and he wanted them to end, but he never told her. Why didn't he just tell her that? It would have made a difference. Nope he never told her, he just shook it off. Things will get better right? They always did.

"Ten" Why aren't you opening the door? Why aren't you going after her? Do you really want your relationship with her to end? No, you still love her. You can't live without her. But you were also sick of all the stupid arguments. It's tearing you both apart. The two voices in his head kept on fighting. Well we all know who won.

No matter how hard he tries he can't stop thinking about her. It's like she's permanently tattooed in his brain. Her scent still lingers in his RV. Making it hard for him to breathe. Every little thing in his RV reminds him of her. It reminds him of them and how it used to to be. All those moments lying in his RV watching reruns of Full House, all those sleepless night just keeping each other company are just nothing but memories. He wishes that he had just opened the door.

He misses her so much. He misses everything about her, her beautiful eyes, her beautiful smile (her real smile. Not the fake ones she gives to everyone else). She is truly the most beautiful person he has ever met. He loves how the wind flows through her soft silky hair as she walks around full of confidence, or how she's not afraid to speak her mind. Even though her words may hurt, she wasn't afraid to tell the truth. He misses how they fit in each other's arms perfectly, and when they slept together, it was like their heart beat as one. Now that she is gone, he even misses the fights. He would rather have them screaming their heads off, yelling at each other. At least the fights would eventually stop, and she would still be his arms. That was better than lying in cold, alone in his empty RV.

He sees her walking by. He knew it was his chance to apologize to her for not opening the door. To tell her how much he misses her, how miserable he is without her and beg her to take him back.

"Yeah, Hey" she replies and walks away.

But he never told her. No, he just held it in.

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It will really make my day =)