Warning: there is cursing and violence in this chapter. I'm feeling a little angsty today.

Running over large pieces of rubble is hard enough. Doing it when four months pregnant, well what do you think?
"Run faster dammit!" Amy screamed from in front of me. Jack was using the sub-machine gun expertly. Rory held an axe in one hand and a hand pistol in the other. We ran closer to the building, hoping that it wasn't infested. My heart was pounding so hard that I could have danced a samba to it. Jack let out a scream of rage, making me jump out from my skin.
"We're almost there!" Rory yelled.
"I can see that!" I screamed back. Amy ran at the door, barrelling through it. As soon as we were all in she slammed it closed. Certain that they weren't getting in, we all collapsed on the floor, panting.
"Hey, I found ammo." Jack pointed to above his head, where a giant crate of ammo sat.
"Let's hope it has some guns too. I dropped mine." Rory giggled at my statement.
"Threw it more likely, you get really angry really fast." We lay on the floor, placed so that the doors and entrances were being watched.
"We really should move soon. We're almost as the safe zone." Amy eventually pointed out.
"Right, who has the map?" I sat up slowly. I looked at the others. They blinked back at me.
"I thought that you had it." Rory groaned.
"You mean we have no map?" Amy asked panicked. My jaw had fallen open at some point. I closed it and stood up. I walked over to the ammo cache, looking it over. There was ammo, a couple of guns, a couple of what looked like Molotov cocktails and three grenades. There was no map. I swore vehemently.
"No map?" Jack asked, pushing himself up from the ground. I shook my head. I placed my hand around the shotgun, picking it up and then picking up a handgun. I placed the handgun in the holster by my hip, first checking it for ammo. When I was satisfied with my ammo and guns I turned around, looking at Amy and Rory.
"We need to leave, quickly. Grab some ammo and we can leave." Jack had been checking his weapons as I talked. They nodded and walked over to where we were standing and we sorted them out. I placed the shotgun against my shoulder, securing it. I walked to the doorway we entered through and aimed at it. Amy and Rory flanked me; Jack moved ahead of us and held the doorknob. I checked to make sure we were in position and ready. When I nodded, Jack opened the door and moved out of the way fast. All three of us started rushing the door, spraying the things in front of us as we went. Jack followed, making sure nothing followed us. When we hit a clear patch, we legged it.
"Run to the hill! We might be able to see the safe zone!" I screamed, already changing our heading towards the hill to our right. I blasted a couple of the buggers on the way, hearing the rest do the same.
"The Doctor never approves of violence, Ceecee. Are you sure we should be doing this?" Amy asked.
"When else will we?" Jack answered for me. We all shrugged. We were climbing up the hill by now, it wasn't particularly high, but it was steep, and we needed to pull each other up at certain points. When we stood up at the top, we realised how screwed we were.
"Please tell me my eyesight is failing me." I begged.
"Nope." Rory looked just as devastated as I did. "How far do you think it is?"
"Far. Very far." Amy replied, truthfully.
"How did we end up turned around?" I almost burst into tears right then, I would have too, had Jack not been there.
"I dunno, but we have to go all the way back." He said, despair clear in his voice. I nodded, steeling myself, at least one of us had to lead us all the way back. The hill was so steep that I decided to forgo walking down, instead sitting and shimmying my way down instead. The others followed closely behind.
"I've memorised some landmarks, so we're going to make our way to each one." We moved quietly, hoping that we weren't heard. We walked for about ten minutes through the woods, my nerves winding tighter and tighter. "Where did they all go?" I whispered. Jack shook his head, Rory shrugged and Amy paled, she obviously realised that something was wrong. We stopped moving, I cocked my head to the side, trying to hear something. Suddenly, a branch snapped and I jumped around to see Amy attacked. She let out a shriek of fear, almost instantly shooting into the thing. Almost out of no-where came the horde of zombies. You aimed as well as you could, but they were coming so fast. I could tell when Amy fell, as I could no longer hear her screams of rage. I didn't let myself think about it, if even one of us could reach the safe zone, then everything was worth it. Jack threw the sub-machine gun at a zombie, switching to the katana he had picked up earlier. I ran to Rory, who was struggling to keep them away from him. When I pressed my back against his, wordlessly telling him what to do, he jumped but continued. I was speeding up, learning how to load the shotgun faster. Jack ran towards us and I turned around slightly, making space for him in our little circle. Now we were facing different directions, working as a team. We kept shooting, and the zombies kept coming. I heard Rory scream in pain, assuming that the zombies had got him, I grabbed Jack's hand and pulled him away, looking back to check on Rory.
"He's a goner!" Jack yelled, I nodded and let go of his hand, so that I had a better grip on the gun. We continued to run, barely outpacing the zombies. I found the first marker, we were only a third of the way through. I was really wishing that I had picked up at least one of the grenades now. Jack, with his superior leg length, started to pull ahead. My breathing was becoming more and more laboured. Jack noticed and made the mistake of looking back. When he was facing me a zombie ran out from in front of him, attacking him. I tried to shoot him off, but I couldn't risk slowing down. I managed to make eye contact with him, showing the regret on my face, but then he went down. I continued to run. I ran for a few minutes, it had gone from hard breathing and muscle pain to puke-inducing. I knew I couldn't get any further, so I decided to take as many of the buggers as I could with me. Turning, I used the last of the shotgun ammo at the approaching zombies. When I finished, I pulled the handgun out and emptied a clip right into them. The first zombie reached me. Its teeth ripped into my skin, and it was blooming painful. Then we were bombarded with more and I went down.

I opened my eyes.
"Dammit!" I shouted. I sat up, taking the visor over my eyes off. Jack, Amy and Rory were all standing in the centre of the room, their chairs abandoned, and the visors they had been wearing tossed onto the table next to them. I did the same with mine and shimmied myself off the chair.
"That, admittedly, was awesome." Jack pointed out, excitedly.
"Yes, and we are never telling the Doctor what we played." Amy glared at us, making sure we had got the point, we had. We walked out of the small room, a mechanical sounding voice wishing us a nice day as we left. We milled around a little bit, remembering the game, sharing sly little glances with each other. We decided to look for the Doctor, as he had decided to trundle off somewhere else.
"What do you think he's doing?" Rory asked. We turned a corner in the large, alien centre. I let out a giggle.
"He's eating fish fingers and custard." I pointed in the direction of the Doctor, who had a bowl of custard and fish fingers. He was currently trying to convince someone to try it. He glanced in our direction, smiling when he saw our group. He waved us over, hugging us all when we were close enough. The smell of custard had stuck to his clothes. The gold-tinged alien took this opportunity to run away.
"What have you four been doing?" He was grinning. We all looked at each other.
"We played games together." Amy said. No matter how much the Doctor tried to persuade us, and no matter how many nightmares we all got over the next few months, that was all that we ever said.