Sing Me To Sleep

~set after "love fades. Mine has." Rose ends up leaving court, because of two reasons. Two horrible reasons.

Please tell me what you think. Review.

Chapter 1

"Love fades. Mine has."

I felt like I was stabbed in the heart. Dmitri looked at me coldly. I got up and said my last words to Dmitri. "Good bye Dmitri, take care and be happy, move on." When I spoke to him it was in a monotone voice. I don't know what he saw on my face but there was a little bit of alarm on his face. As I walked away I was mentally making a list of what to pack.

That's right I'm leaving; I've had enough of doing so much for others and getting no peace of mind, no peace for my heart, doing almost nothing for myself. I walked into the guardian dorms, Lissa ran up to me. Her face was a mask of anger and sadness.

"How could you? I told you to leave him alone! He needs time to recover! I cannot believe you!" Lissa was yelling almost screaming at me, but I was only mildly surprised. I had to tell her something so that she would get off my back so I could pack what I needed and leave.

"Valissa don't worry about it, I'm done with him… for good. Can you tell him that for me? Sorry Lissa I can't really talk anymore right now I'm in a hurry." I told her. I was even serious about what I said about Dmitri. I WAS done with him; I didn't want him anymore not after what I had seen or what he had said to me especially after what he had said to me. Lissa looked at me in shock, I could feel through the bond she did want to talk to me, but she didn't know that I knew about her and Dmitri. I pulled away from the bond and from Lissa.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FLASH BACK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was in the gym when I was pulled into Lissa's head by strong feelings of love, lust and well over all hornyness. Oh shit! I DO NOT want to be in head while she's with sparky! But I saw through her eyes she was with Dmitri! Why was she feeling this with him? Why was she in his arms? What was going on?

"Do you still love her?" she asked him… wait what? What was she doing?

"I don't know all I know in this moment is that I want this. I want you." What the fuck was he talking about! He doesn't know if he loves me after all I've done for him? After what I have sacrificed for him?

He leaned towards her and put her lips against his, at first it was only a small kiss but steadily grew into a passionate kiss. It then went farther than that. Clothes were pulled off. Belts unbuckled. A bra went flying. Boxers gone. Panties gone. Limbs entwining together. Sweat dripping. The emotions from her were so strong that I couldn't pull away. I tried, and I tried. When I finally got out of her mind I passed out from exhaustion and shock.

When I woke up I went to church went to the church where he was sitting down on a bench.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~END OF FLASH BACK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"I really do have to go valissa, was there anything else I can do for you?" I asked her, turning formal in an effort to push her away. On her face pure shock came out. "Good bye then princess" while I walked through the dorms towards my room, I texted Adrian. I hated to do this to him again but I couldn't stand to be here anymore. I hated both of them. I needed just enough so that I could but plane tickets and a small apartment. I packed just the essentials. Adrian arrived just as I was zipping up the bag.

"Little dampire! How are you? My, my someone sure is looking sexy today!" Adrian's eyes were lit up when he looked at me. "Um Adrian I really hate to ask for this again but can I have some money? I'm leaving…" I looked up at him pleading with my eyes. There was a long silence. Then he answered me sounding sad "of course rose". He then pulled out his wallet. Adrian handed me the same credit card I had used while I was hunting for dmi-him. He finally asked the question I knew he was going to ask.

"When are you going to come back?" he sounded so sad. "I don't know if I want to come back Adrian, I just have to leave, I have to get away from here, from them. I can't be here anymore." I told him. I gave Adrian a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Good bye Adrian I'll miss you."

I grabbed my duffel bag and walked to Hans's office. I told Hans that I was resigning from being a guardian. I told him that I was leaving court. He asked why, and I answered that I just wanted to leave I was sick of how things are here. Hans told me good luck, and that I was always welcome back to court. He let me have one of the guardian cars. I gave him my thanks, took the keys and my bags got in the car and drove to the airport. When I got to the airport I went up to the postal station, got an envelope and put the car keys within the envelope. I licked the seal and then wrote the address on the guardian headquarters.

Then I went up to the ticket counter and bought four tickets. Three were decoys. I bought one to New York, one to Russia, one to turkey, and one to New Orleans. Adrian might just be mad about the four tickets… I knew that he would check the credit cards statement. The plane I actually boarded was the one to New Orleans. I figured that would be the last place they would look for me, it would also be really easy to blend in. as soon as I got to my seat I pulled out my iPod, stuck my head phones in my ears.

Next thing I knew i was being gently shaken awake by the flight attendant to tell me we had landed. I was in New Orleans...