I have no idea where this is going but I got sudden inspiration and decided to write :D

Warnings: T just in case. Character death

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia.

"15 year old Raivis Galante from Latvia was found dead last night…" Alfred Jones read aloud from a piece of paper he was holding, he looked up at his assistant, Arthur Kirkland. "Another possible murder…" The American sighed.

"Said to be a friend of Eduard Von Bock and Toris Laurinaitis, who were both found dead last month," Arthur answered, taking the paper from Alfred, who protested, as he hadn't finished reading it yet. Arthur grumbled before handing it back to him.

"If there is a murderer running around out there, we're going to have to catch him or her, who knows what could happen next," Arthur murmured, "we need to get to the meeting, everyone will be wondering where we are otherwise…" The detectives hurried off.

They had a crime to solve.


Upon arriving at the meeting they were greeted by the other attendees. There was a small amount of chatter in the room before the entering of Ludwig and his brother, Gilbert Beilshmidt. They sat down in the seats and the meeting began, a serious atmosphere looming.

"We're here today, to discuss the recent event of Raivis Galante's death," Ludwig announced, "believed to be a good friend of both Eduard Von Bock and Toris Laurinaitis, who were found dead last month," He took a breath before continuing, "Raivis was found with a stab wound to the chest along with several bruises and the letter 'L' scratched onto his wrist."

"Wasn't Eduard found with an 'E' on his wrist and Toris with an 'L'?" Roderich Edelstein asked, "a hidden meaning perhaps?" He tilted up his glasses as he began to rummage through his file to try find something. The letters had been pushed aside in the last meeting due to them thinking that there was no relevance to the deaths.

"'LEL' is not a word as far as I'm aware…" Arthur pointed out, "maybe there is someone playing with us, trying to build up the tension with these small murders, then they'll do something big, it is a little like a giant jigsaw puzzle and we need to solve it, what do you think, Mr. Jones?"

Alfred glared at him, "I told you to stop calling me that…" He grumbled. "Oh, and I can't think on an empty stomach," The other attendees looked at him with annoyance.

"Fine," Ludwig sighed, "Mr. Jones is very hungry, I'm sure you all are too, how about we all have some lunch so we can have some proper input and maximum effort, and where on Earth is Elizabeta?" He said before leaving, Gilbert following.

"Why must you demand that you eat all the time?" Roderich asked, standing up and leaving the room, Arthur glared at Alfred before following Roderich out of the room. Alfred realised he was in the room by himself and ran after them, scared that some sort of monster would attack him.

When everyone had seated themselves in the lunch room, Elizabeta Hedervary arrived, looking quite stressed. "Sorry I'm late, there was a problem with my car and my dog ran all the way down the street and almost got hit, then I got lost on the way here." She panted. Everyone looked at her and she suddenly felt a little awkward, she shuffled to go and sit next to Roderich, taking the sandwich he was holding and eating it.

Alfred was slowly becoming more satisfied while he ate a hamburger, Arthur looking on with disgust, wondering how he could eat such things. Arthur shrugged it off and tried to not watch him eat, it made him feel very sick.

After the short lunch break, they returned to the meeting and Alfred seemed to be a little more prepared to put in some effort. They took their seats and continued from where they had left off. "So, Mr. Jones, what do you think?" Gilbert asked, probably the biggest sentence he had said in the whole meeting itself. "Or are your ideas not awesome enough?" He smirked.

"I think we need to look at the connections of the victims to each other! If they were all friends there has to be something in common between them that would cause them to have to be killed! They all have a letter on their wrists, which acts as like a symbol! I bet if we can figure out what the hell those things are, we'll have this thing sorted out!" Alfred grinned, looking proud of himself.

The others stared at him in utter amazement. A good idea coming from Alfred Jones, not something that comes by that often, they began to analyse what evidence they had.


The meeting finished at roughly 4pm, they had managed to link the three boys together, close friends, had known each other for a very long time. But they could not figure out why they were killed, there was not enough evidence to figure it out.

"If we can't find a reason to why that these boys were killed, we'll never be able to stop this murderer," Arthur sighed, "there isn't much to work with here."

Alfred looked at Arthur in disappointment. "I don't care if we don't have much to work with, I'm not giving up until we figure this out, I want to stop this person from killing more people, because it is a very likely chance that it will happen if we don't come to a conclusion, Arthur, we can't give up!"

Arthur looked at him. Since when had he ever felt so deeply about anything like this?


I'm hoping the next chapter will be a little more interesting T_T