Its short and late i know, but i've been feeling a bit meh this week and i've been trying to write a prophecy that doesn't sound to far fetched

Its late again (1:30 am in fact) so thanx for reviews/favs/alerts and on with the show

Chapter 8 – Answers

I was sat with Edward, snuggled in the love seat, as we watch Carlisle dial Eleazar's number for the second time in two days, once again searching for answers. Tanya is sat on the floor against the wall furthest from me shooting nervous glances in this direction.

As the call connects Carlisle puts his cell on speaker phone.

"Hello?" Eleazar's voice echoed through the phone.

"Eleazar, its Carlisle."

"Ah Carlisle I was planning to call you later on tonight." Eleazar replied.

"You found what you were looking for then?"

"Indeed it did old friend."

"Excellent," Carlisle released a relieved sigh "I was actually calling as there has been another development."

"What happened this time?" Eleazar asked.

"Tanya turned up here a few hours ago…"

"What? She said she was going hunting." Eleazar said cutting Carlisle off.

"Yes well she lied and she's here," Carlisle said shooting Tanya a look, "bet she wishes she wasn't now though…" he muttered before trailing off.

"What do you mean 'wishes she wasn't'?" Eleazar wondered.

"Well it seems that Tanya, even though you explained that Edward had found his mate, arrived here with the intent to once again try to seduce Edward." Carlisle was also annoyed my Tanya's harassment of Edward over the years.

"Why would she do that? I thought she would be smart enough not to go after someone's mate" Eleazar sounded frustrated.

"Yes well apparently not, this is actually why I'm calling, Bella warned her to stay away from Edward and Tanya didn't listen, in fact when Bella left the room Tanya began insulting Bella and tried to kiss Edward."

"Shit!" Eleazar muttered

"Bella…well to put it simply, Bella kicked her ass." Carlisle said chuckling; everyone looked a little shocked that Carlisle had sworn. There was a groan on the other end of the line.

"What happened?" Eleazar asked.

"Well it seems Bella didn't really leave, she hid just round the corner and listened to what was being said, after a few minutes she came back into the room and answered a question Tanya had just asked Edward. They spoke for a few seconds then, so fast nobody saw it, Bella had Tanya pinned to the wall a hand around her throat." Carlisle said.

"She was about to attempt to kiss me." Edward added "Not to mention Bella had already warned Tanya as soon as she got here after hearing her thoughts about why she showed up unannounced."

"Well I can't say I'm surprised." Eleazar sighed "As I said I've found some answers for you, I managed to get in touch with someone who is in possession of some of the original scrolls from the Library of Alexandria, they Volturi actually only have copies, not that they know that, anyway only the top of the scroll is readable at the moment the bottom half is extremely faded. My contact is trying to restore the scroll as we speak."

"Alexandria?" I gasped.

"I'm not surprised you're shocked, but the guardian at the time of the fire was a vampire and was able to save a surprising amount of the library's content. I did however have to tell him why I needed to know the exact wording of that particular scroll, I only told him enough to appease him and I didn't tell him any names or any information that could lead to you. Unsurprisingly his was excited to know that the prophecy may be true, as most vampires these days he is sick of the Volturi, not just because they are increasingly violent and abusing their position of power, but he has been hiding for millennia to keep the real scrolls from them."

"What does it say then Eleazar? We're extremely anxious to find out what's going on." Carlisle asked.

"Would you like the exact wording or cliff notes version?" Eleazar asked.

"The exact wording if you don't mind Eleazar that way we avoid any confusion or misinterpretation." Edward said from above me, once again worrying.

"As you wish, is everyone ready?" After everyone had turned their full attention on Eleazar he began.

"The prophecy tells of a mated couple who share the purest of true love. The man, who has travelled the path of darkness and the path of light. Who has seen the world through the eyes of many, those human and immortal. The destroyer of those who aim to destroy the innocent. His wife…" that word made me gasp. "…a women of kindness and looks for the good in all. She who has survived evil. A pair who have stayed together through less that favourable odds. The pair, that through the twining of their powers will not only change the supernatural world but rule over it, overthrowing those who have ruled through violence, intimidation and manipulation." At this point Eleazar became quiet. Everyone in the Cullen house was also quiet and speechless, even their thoughts were quiet and silence was deafening. After clearing my throat I decided to break the silence that had settles over all of us.

"Ermm is that all Eleazar?" I asked my voice cracking slightly.

"That's all that is readable at the moment, there are a few more lines which say something about family but until it is restored I have no more answers for you I'm afraid."

"I don't mean to sound ungrateful of the effort you put in to find some answers for us Eleazar, but what makes you think this is us and not someone else?" Edward asked.

"Think about it Edward, light and dark, the dark times when you were alone, the only unmated member of your family along with the guilt you carry from the time when you followed a more...traditional diet and the light, happy times since you've met Bella. Seeing through the eyes of the mortal and immortal is pretty obvious. Bella's run in with James. Bella is gaining powers while she's human, Edward even your powers have changed if you think about it and you can now hear Bella and you're the only one not affected by her shield. There's nothing to say they won't continue to change." Eleazar paused for a second before continuing with a sigh. "I imagine that Bella is a sweet girl otherwise Edward you wouldn't be interested and I think that the fact that she is your singer would count as 'less that favourable odds'."

"You must admit Edward it makes sense." Carlisle said looking in our direction. "Thank you Eleazar for what you have found out and please contact us immediately old friend." Eleazar agreed and bit us goodbye.

"He definitely right about one thing Edward." Jasper announced from his spot besides an unusually quiet Alice.

"And what is that Jasper?" Edward asked calmly although his mind was whirling as he tried to process what Eleazar had told us.

"I've never met a couple who love each other more that you and Bella," He said with a warm smile. "And I'm an expert at this sort of thing."

"I think we should take an hour to let this sink in then look for the simplest way to proceed from there." Carlisle said. "That is of course if you two are okay with this being a family discussion once again?" Edward and I shared a silent conversation before nodding as Edward scooped me up in his arms bridal style, with the intent of taking me back to his room. On his was over to the stairs he shot a look over his shoulder to the lone figure in the furthest corner of the room.

"Tanya, I think it best you leave you are not a member of this family and as we will be having a family discussion it would be inappropriate for you to be here. Not to mention that you are unwelcome here, not only did you just drop by unannounced you were rude, not to mention disrespectful to my mate." He finished with a snarl before climbing the stairs.

I am sorry for shortness/lateness but i shall make it up to you with a nice lemon next chapter ;)

goodnight my lovelies

PS i've created a twitter for my fanfic the link is on my profile if you're interested