Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia, nor the quote below.

"It has been said something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world." - Chaos Theory

Yao Wang, born and bred in China before he grew old enough to well, get the hell out of there. It wasn't that he hated the place, he was quite a nationalist when it came to his country, nor was it because of his parents as he had the manners of respecting his elders long embedded into him, it was because he wanted an adventure. He had already completed highschool and few years into college, he figured that America was a good place to switch to. With that, and his amazing grades the Asian decided to transfer to college with a strong-grasp of the English language. Yao, with a teary goodbye from his mother and his ever stoic father waving, hopped onto the plane to America. That was a year ago though, and our story starts with the present, where he decides to one day take the subway instead of walking, and is the day he regrets his laziness.

Arthur Kirkland seemed to spend more of his days on a plane than he would ever have liked. His cousin lived in America, and even if he didn't hate the country he preferred England over it any day. Yet, he owed his aunt and uncle for taking care of him, and therefore did his best to take care of his irresponsible nineteen year old cousin whenever he had time. It was never fun, especially when you were crammed on the train to get to your said cousin's apartment. Which in turned meant being stuffed into a subway like a box of sardines, because really who finds that fun? The poor golden-haired boy had to suffer with a seat neighbor that fell asleep; head leaning on shoulder and drool leaking out of her mouth. He couldn't wake her up, as she was an elderly woman and he was a gentleman.

The train halted to a stop, multiple people got off but it seemed more even got on, filling the already full train. He inwardly groan as red shirt blocked his view. Looking up, the person back he saw a pony tail and concluded it was women.

Chivalry may be dead in America, but not where I am, he thought. Arthur was really actually in denial though, chivalry was dead, way past dead, but he was an English gentleman and he behaved like one. "Excuse me ma'm, would like to have my seat? It's only a few stops until I get off anyways," he said, ready to get off when she said yes.

The insects are born.

Yao knew he was never very masculine looking, and he knew that his hair wasn't very helpful either when trying to convince people of his gender, but it was a sad day when a man offered his seat to him thinking he was a lady. Turning around, he was faced with a golden hair man with very peculiar eyebrows, but it seemed to help drawing people to look at his eyes. Beautiful, green eyes that shade had no exact name but, it had depth, emotion, and it drew him in like a moth to a flame. Catching himself staring, he found his cheeks heating up both from the embarrassment of being called a girl and staring at the green-eyed man. The moments that followed could be called awkward silence, saved for the fact that the train was not silent. It was awkward though, completely and utterly awkward, and it seemed that the minutes that passed were hours. "No thank you, sir," he said hoping that he catches his drift, because really, if he didn't then Yao would be stuck with this person thinking he was a girl forever.

Arthur blinked in slight surprise, the girl seemed to be very flat-chested. Then the girl opened her mouth and he felt his face slightly heat up at realization. The voice was seemingly androgynous with a slight accent, but it set into his mind that it was male, no matter how slightly high it would always be. Staring up, he was about to apologize to the man, but he couldn't help stare into those golden eyes that reminded him of a cat. Before he could even open his mouth though, the train stopped and the man stepped out the train leaving Arthur alone. The British man was upset and happy over this action; the silver lining of this would be that he didn't have to deal with the awkwardness over this ordeal, but it would mean that he would never able to say sorry to the man. Unless fate, of course, had different plans.

And the caterpillars turn into cocoons.

A/Note: This has a plot, it really does. I was going to actually make this a tragedy, but then I changed my mind and made it humor instead. Though it may mean that this won't go very well as I have a dry sense of humor. Review please? It makes me happy to know someone likes this and wants to read it.