Rumplestiltskin took her to the best bedroom in the castle...his. He felt horrible about the fact he put her in that enclosed room so much. He watched her lay on his bed. It was depressing. The only woman to love him the way he was now. How could have he been such a fool? Was his power worth all of this…for sacrifice? Would she even love him if she woke? Rumplestiltskin knew, if he kissed her, to bring her back, he would lose all of his power. He was hesitant.

I watched her lay on my bed. A bed she could have slept in, next to me. For the rest of her life…as my wife. But I had to be the villain, I had to have the upper hand. Now look what's gotten me…a broken, empty heart, a broken cup, and a dead Belle.

I have heard, if a powerful one such as I, kissed her, I would lose my power. But, what would I rather have…all my power, and loneliness, or my Belle…alive, with half. Of course, I could go completely though with it and be a man, with no power.

What did she want with me anyway? I have to be at least 15 years her senior. I never asked her age, 25 perhaps? My goodness, your beautiful. Inside and out, how did I deserve to cross paths with a girl like you?

He bent down and kissed her check, the stroked her cheek. He laid next to her, trying not to cry. This was the moment. This was it.

Rumple bent down and intertwined his lips with hers. Nothing. The tears came flowing out of him.

"Please, my sweet girl, please…come back to me. I will do anything, I will sell my soul, I will give up my home, my spindle wheel, I will give up anything for you. Just come back." Out of desperation, he kissed her again, holding her closer.

"I…I love you, my Belle." He sat up, his back facing her. He couldn't stomach looking at her lifeless body, this false hope made it even harder. Suddenly, the was movement on the otherside. He turned around.

"Rumple…I…am I'm really here, is it you." Rumplestiltskin wiped away his tears. He looked down at her. She was alive!

"Why… are you standing there, whats going on, why am I back." He sat back down on the bed.

"I thought you hated me-" his lips were on hers. He wanted to express how he felt. He wanted this curse gone. He wanted her and nothing else.

Belle closed her eyes and kissed him back, her fingers through his hair, her other hand on his back. She didn't want to stop. He never felt so human until now. Rumple held her close.

"Belle, I brought you back. You were dead." She looked at him in shock, still playing with his curls.

"No,no,…no, you rescued me, remember? You visited me in the tower last night, and… I jumped to you, you caught me" He shook his head in disappointment.

"That was a dream, dearie. You must have accidently jumped off the tower. Iv'e only been with you for 2 hours at the most. You were dead." She looked at him.

"It was for you…I died to you," she whispered. She got off the bed.

"Who-," she was speechless when she looked at him. He looked like a ordinary man.

"Your…" He rose up and pulled her in.

"Not evil anymore." She touched his face, he closed his eyes.

"Oh my. I feel bad knowing you will lose everything you got from your powers." He giggled.

"Actually…I have created a spell while you were gone, a spell for any ordinary man to obtain half the power I have put magic into it. So all is not lost…seems I obtained more then I lost. He stopped, then continued.

"By the way, I…made quite a mess downstairs."

"You just resurrected me… and you want me to clean for you?" Rumple laughed.

"no, no, no, just a warning if you see it. I got into a fit when I found out about your "homecoming." Belle fell back down to the bed. She signaled him to follow. He obeyed. They held each other in their arms, and shared the best kiss two people could have in a lifetime.

4 Months later.

It was a beautiful winter day. The two decided to pay a visit to Maurices castle. Rumplestiltskin had quite a few surprises for Maurice. Rumple got off the carriage, and quickly ran to the other side to help Belle off. She took his offered hand and stepped off the carriage.

"I'm a bit nevous my love..." Rumplestiltskin shook his head.

"Don't be." They walked into the castle. A guard let them in, they were to shocked to see Belle, alive, with him.

"By the way, is Al the young guard still here," he asked the guard.

"No, he left. Without a word, rumor has it, he found fortune and relocated." Rumple grinned.

"I see." Belle led him, hand in hand, through the main hall, into the main room. Her Father was over the table, reading maps. Rumplestiltskin cleared his throat. Maurice turned around. His jaw fell forward. He saw him, and Belle… in the most beautiful gown even his money could not afford.

"Hello Father, I have something to share with you." She put her hand on her 4 month pregnant stomach.

"Actually, Belle, aren't you going to properly introduce me to your Father, after all, were family now."

"I am so sorry my love, thank you for correcting my mistake." She smiled at Maurice, whom was still to dumbfounded to say anything.

"My husband…and me have news." She exhaled.

"I am carrying my first born. Being you were never a kind Father, you will not have to worry, about seeing your…grandson. Yes, Rumplestiltskin can forsee the future. After that, I will have a girl. I will treat them with equality. Thanks to magic, excuse me…his magic. I am alive and well, and happy! I will never talk to you again. I have a new family now, full of love."

Rumplestiltsin giggled. He offered his arm, she took it. They turned around and walked away.

"Job well done, my sweet dearie, let's go home now."

"I'd love to," she replied.