It's what the title says. About Jade. I just found out it's Bade week, Happy Bade week! Please review! It'd mean a lot if you gave me your thoughts! Hopefully the rest will be longer, but this is sort of an opener for the mood of the rest of the story (no she won't be upset all the time). It's just about Jade.

Jaded. It's what she is. She was in my RV her hair staining my pillows. She had a fight with her dad again. I can't really call it a fight though- their long silent stand offs.

Her dad isn't angry and hands off. He's cool and indifferent, in a manipulative sort of way. He's not a bad father, in the old sense of the word. He's always done more than provide. He's a successful, wealthy man, but he never subscribed to what it meant to be a father now. Attentive, caring, supportive.

But she didn't only come over after fights, she came over just to be here. When her dad was on business trips she'd leave. Her mom was at home, but the house was so big, so lonely, and she didn't like being in there. It was deafening to be alone in such a giant house.

Sometimes she went to Cat's, but not too often. She didn't like upsetting Cat. That and she said she liked sleeping here.

Today it was about her play. He's missed it even though he said he'd be there. However she didn't express herself in words- she expressed herself in actions. She'd dye her hair, and write a play about it. However I know that not because she told me, but because I was at her play, and her dad wasn't there- again. I know the rest because I know Jade.

I don't ask her if she wants to talk about it. Instead I rub her back, and glance over at the clock. It's only 3:00 am, it's not as if I should be sleeping. She won't cry, not yet. Not until she thinks I'm asleep.

"It looks nice" I say "The black looks really pretty on you." She doesn't say anything, she doesn't face me. I know she's seething, holding in all of her anger, holding back her tears. I kiss her cheek and turn off the light. I feel weight shift on the bed, and feel her breath. She's rolled over to face me.

"Beck?" she whispers as if to hide herself from the rest of the world "Will you make me coffee in the morning?"

I don't push her tonight, or make her say please. Not when her voice is soft and gentle.

"Of course" I say as I pull her forward and kiss her forehead. As the anger wears off she gets closer and closer to me until she's curled up against me, and her breathing becomes softer and softer as she falls asleep.