Chapter 31

The End?

Part 3

It grew hotter as I went down. I saw something move, in the distance. I walked out of the elevator. Looking everywhere around me. I saw nothing. But, suddenly, something moved. Towards me. I looked at the sword in my hand, and I raced towards her. I pierced her in the leg, her huge leg.

She screeched, and staggered back, but that didn't stop her completely. It felt like forever fighting her. Finally, something came out of her mouth, and it landed near the elevator. I looked at her, and back to the thing lying by the door.

I evaluated my chances of running. But, I knew she was faster than me. I wanted to end it. I screamed as I jumped into the air, and tore her head off. She screamed, too, but only for a second, before she fell on her back. She then transformed into her human form. "Oh crap!" I screamed. But, I rose off of my butt, and ran to the thing that fell onto the floor.

I grabbed it. It was the love potion Mr. Gold was talking about. I went into the elevator. "Pull me up, Regina!" I shouted. The elevator began to rise, and I smiled at the potion in my hand, and the other was my father's sword.

Regina stood, by the crank, pulling me up. "Got it?" She asked. "Yes." I said. She smiled. "Let's go."

We headed for Mr. Gold's shop. "You got the potion?" He asked. "That was fast."

"No games, Gold," I said, placing the potion on the counter. He took it, playing with it in his hands. "Now, how do we save Henry?" I asked. Just then, my cell rang. "Hello?" I asked.

"Mrs. Booth?" a woman's voice asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Your son's condition just got worse, Dr. Whale said he needs you here now." She said.

"Alright." I whispered. I hung up. "I have to go, Henry's worse!"

I ran out of there, and forgetting my car was parked in the front and ran all the way to the hospital.


I was heaving by the time I got there. "Emma?" Ashley asked. I looked up. She looked worried, and she was holding her daughter. She came to me. "Are you alright?" She asked. "I'm alright, Henry…" I trailed. I went to the front desk. "My son's here," I trembled.

"Mrs. Booth, you're here." Dr. Whale said, he was at the other end of the desk. He handed some manila folders to the lady.

"Yes," I said. "Your son's condition is critical, it's possible this time, he won't make it." He said. "What?" I asked. "Mrs. Booth, I think you should be checked out, you don't look so well." Dr. Whale replied.

"I'm fine." I said.

"Sheriff." Dr. Whale said.

"My son needs me!" I cried.

"He won't if you die!" He said. He took my hand and guided me into a room. He took me into a regular check-up room. "You're fine. Just overworked. I think you should rest for a few days after this, Sheriff. Also, drink lots of water." He said.

I quickly nodded. Just then a nurse,rushed into the room. "Doctor, we need you." She said, in a rushed tone. Dr. Whale rushed out of the room along with her, and I followed. They ended up going to Henry's room, only to find a bunch of nurses surrounding Henry and a long, high octave beep of the life support.

"No." I cried.

Then, suddenly, just as quick as it happened, they all backed way. "No." I whispered. Dr. Whale slowly left the room, he rubbed his hands together. "Mrs. Booth, I'm sorry," He began. "No!" I cried, going into the room.

I collapsed onto his unconscious body. "Henry, come back to me!" I cried. No response. "I love you, please come back to me!"

I looked up into his face, before kissing him on the forehead. "You've got to wake up, I can't do this by myself!"

Just then, his eyes opened.


A/N: I'd like to thank you all for taking the time and reading this story. I'd like to tell you all that there will be a sequel to this.