Okay so here is the sequel to The Claiming of an angel, if you haven't read it, then you will not get this story. This story will pick up where that story left off.

Four months have past since Dean was killed and Castiel having escaped with the baby.

This story is less graphic than the first one, should make some happy I guess. Since Mage is no longer watching Supernatural, she had no qualms about me make a sequel to her story, so here it is, and sorry for the long wait.

I know that sequels don't do as well as the original, so if I don't get any reviews, I will place this story with the other. But there have been a few that have asked for it as the original left off with one hell of a cliffhanger.

Hope you enjoy…

The Claiming of an angel, Part Two…

Part one

"Get her into isolation." The head officer said as they hauled a screaming and fighting Lilith into the demon center.

They had been lucky that the tip was accurate. They had just arrived before she could flee and had captured her with no lives lost.

The temp collar was placed around her neck and it had rendered her unconscious with in seconds. The travel had been tedious and long, with her coming to in the middle scaring the life out of some of the new officers that were assigned to guard her.

"Call the angel center; tell them that we have managed to get one of the Winchester slaves."

Sam walked over to where his brother was buried, their mother had been there everyday. She would sit and cry or just sit and read from some of the books that Dean had loved as a child.

"Hey Dean," Sam started as he started pulling some weeds from the area that had grown over night. "Well, a lot has happened since you've been gone, Michael, well we have no clue where he is. We still haven't heard from Castiel, or Lilith," Sam sighed as he rubbed his face with his hand.

"We miss ya bro," Sam turned around and started to walk away when he felt a thump hit the ground. Just as he turned he felt a pulse wave hit him sending him back fifteen feet.

Michael sat on the tombstone, he watched the other Winchester as he flew through the air.

"You shall rise and walk the earth again." he said as he spread his wings taking flight once again.

Castiel looked around at the darkened house, he was standing on the balcony of the very large home, and he could smell the angel inside he cuddled the baby closer to his body as he entered the house threw the window. He had never really done this before, Lilith had always brought food for him and the baby. but she had not returned for days, he feared that she had been taken again.

As he entered, he heard the soft pants of the female angel in the cage; he gave small thanks that she was locked away. The house had been empty for at least an hour. He had waited until the family had left, he was starving and so was his child, he had to do something.

"Soon," he said quietly to his child as she whimpered with hunger. Walking to the kitchen he opened the fridge and found all types of food in the cold box. Grabbing the apple he bit into it and mashed up the food, before spitting some of it out and feeding it to her.

He pulled the bag that he had found in a trash can and filled it full of the food. As he went back to the bedroom he found a dresser that was full of toys, grabbing one of the dildos, he stuffed it in with the rest of the stuff he had taken, and he left the same as he came in.

The angel in the cage never really saw him as she was arching with pleasure.

"Oh my god, Sammy!" a voice came screeching in his ear as he felt himself being pulled up roughly. As he opened his eyes he saw his parents hovering over him. "Sam what happened?"

"I don't know, one minute I was walking away from talking to Dean, then I felt something like an earthquake, then I was knocked back, the next thing I remember I woke up seeing both of you." Sam said sitting up a little better. He smiled weakly at his parents as they just looked at him.

Six feet under the ground, Dean came awake rather suddenly with a cough. He opened his eyes and freaked out when he saw that he was buried alive. "Help," he screamed and immediately started coughing again.

He hit the top of the coffin repeatedly. "Help." He screamed again.

Mary was tending to some of the flowers on her son's grave, when she stopped as she heard something. At first she thought it was her mind playing tricks on her, but then she heard it again. Leaning over she placed her ear to the ground and she heard a faint screaming coming from underneath.

Frantically she started digging, her nails starting hurting from the dirt being pushed up underneath them, but she paid it no mind. John and Sam were still a good ways away, and she started screaming for them and they ran to where she was.

"Mary, what the hell are you doing?" John asked as he tried to stop her, she clawed at him when he grabbed her, he jerked away when she started drawing blood.

"He's alive, oh god, he alive, I'm coming, mommy's coming," Mary screamed to the ground.

John looked over at Sam; he shrugged helplessly as his wife slowly started digging again.

"Sweetie, please, you're upset…" John started and then stopped as he heard a faint sound coming from where Mary was digging. He dropped to his knees and started digging as well, "Sam come here and help us, I hear something." Sam dropped to his knees and started helping.

Mary started crying the closer they got to the grave; they all started digging faster as they heard the pounding on the coffin lid. John told them both to get out when they hit the top; Mary refused and started tearing at the lid as she screamed for her son.

Dean closed his eyes as the sun hit him. Coughing and dragging in huge gulps or fresh air, he felt himself being lifted. He opened his eyes just in time to see his mother slam herself against him and grabbed him in a bear hug crying hysterically.

"Mom?" Dean said his voice was rough from none use, but he wrapped his arms around her anyway and almost crushed her with his hug. He was alive, but wait how was he alive?

John was just standing in shock at seeing the son that he had buried in the arms of his wife, Sam looked over at him with tears in his eyes, and he was feeling a little shaking as well. He looked up as he saw a shadow pass over them.

Michael was back and sitting on the tombstone, John came up and smiled. "You did this?" the angel nodded and John reached out and hugged him. "Thank you." Michael leaned forward in a submissive jester and John understood, he grabbed the collar that was always in his back pocket, it was there just in case this was to happen.

He felt Michael breath deeply when he placed the collar around his neck. Mary watched with a smile as she held her son close to her, "Thank you Michael," she smiled wider when Dean looked up at her. "For bring my son back to me."

"We must hurry, Lilith has been taken, the center has her and I fear for her," Michael said as Dean looked over at him.

"What of Castiel, have you been able to find him?" Sam asked knowing that Dean would want to know, Dean looked over at him grateful as he was having difficulty speaking.

Michael shook his head, "No, but I think that Lilith had been taking care of him, but with her being taken, I fear that he will be next,"

"Baby, what about the baby?" Dean croaked and winced as talking hurt his throat. Michael reached over and handed him something from his pocket. "Drink, this will make you better." He said handing Dean a water bottle.

"Thanks, what about the baby?" he asked again his throat clearing up a little.

"Is still with Castiel, at least that is what she told me, he is keeping her safe." The angel said. Dean sagged in relief.

"Let's get you inside; boy is Bobby going to be surprised." John said as he helped his son to stand, Michael came over and helped to support Dean on the other side. Mary led the way with Sam following up behind them.

Castiel found a hidden place to bed down for the night. He placed his daughter in a pile of leaves, she was full and content and she slept. He had eaten all he could, he didn't want to eat it all, even though he could have, and he needed to save what he could as he didn't know where his next meal was going to come from.

Pulling out the dildo he studied it for a few minutes before he placed it back in the bag, he couldn't do it, Dean, his master was the only one that could ever give him pleasure. Also his cries could wake the baby. So he just curled up next to her and wrapped his wings around the both of them and fell into a fitful sleep.

Lilith screamed as the hot water hit her body, she was naked and tied down on the floor. She had been here for most of the day being tortured by the demon center's officers. They had roughly scrubbed her body raw; she was bleeding from where the steel wool had gone across her body.

She hissed as the head officer had come over to her, "Now, now, is that anyway to treat the ones that found you?" the officer had smirked at her. He felt her and nodded to the guards and they came over, they grabbed her and placed her in a chair. She was tied down and she thrashed while she sat on the chair.

She remember this from when she was getting her medical check up, as she saw the fat tubes coming towards her she struggled to keep her legs closed, but the officers came over and pulled the top of the chair down and it reclined as they pulled her legs apart.

She was then gagged as the tubes were inserted inside of her. She struggled again as she felt the electros sending a pulse of electricity inside her body making her arch against her will. Lilith screamed through the gag as she felt an orgasm coming on strong.

This was the way they controlled demons, and she hated every second of it. Her master was the only one allowed to do this, not some faceless guard. She arched again as the pulse started once more.

She hoped that Michael had done what he set out to do; she knew she had to be patient, Dean; her master would come for her.

Dean sat on the couch with Mary sitting right next to him, he smiled at her and was thankful that she had heard him; he didn't want to think about being in that box. He had heard about what had happened in the four month that he had been dead.

"Sir I'm sorry, you lost the company." Dean spoke quietly; John looked up with a smile.

"Its okay son and I didn't lose the company, its being run by Rufus for the time being," John said as he gazed at his oldest boy. "Let's just consintrate on getting you better, then we can see what it takes to get your slaves back,"

"We need a plan to get Lilith out of the center and get her to find Cas," Dean said as the other nodded, "I would like to hold my daughter."

This is all I have for this chapter, please review and tell me what you think, like I said this will be less graphic, unless you want me to go into detail.

Your choice as always, thanks for reading...

To be contined
