
It always happens at parties. People are starting to get bored, thinking about going home, all the good music has been played, so the DJ sticks the Macarena on.

Amy's birthday party was no exception.

Before she knew it, she was stood in a line of people dancing along, laughing fit to burst at Jeff across the room, who was trying to both dance and chat up Mels simultaneously. The bouncy music seemed to have woken everyone up, and the entire room was filled with sweaty bodies, all dancing in unison. Amy was just about to finish her third jump, when she became aware that Rory had appeared next to her.

Things had been awkward between them since that evening when she'd found out her gay best friend was not, in fact, gay, and had actually secretly harboured feelings for her for years. She'd gone after him, but a mixture of him needing to get away because of work and neither of them really knowing what to say had left plenty of unanswered questions hanging in the air.

'Amy?' Rory said loudly over the music.

She looked at him and smiled as he tried to fall in with her dancing.

'Can – can I talk to you?'

Rory really wasn't one for discussion at the best of times, and Amy knew how much courage he must have had to work up to come over to her.

'Sure,' she nodded, and then repeated herself louder. 'Sure! As long as you can keep up!'

She giggled at his flailing arms, and waited for him to speak.

'O-Okay. You know the – the other day?' he said, raising his voice as the music grew louder.

'Yes,' she shouted back, as they both turned on the spot.

'I never got to actually s-say it.'

'Say what?' Her heart was beating very fast under her dress, and she wasn't sure it was because of the dancing.

She heard his voice reply, but couldn't make out his words.


Again, she couldn't tell what he was saying.

'I can't hear you!' she yelled.

The song ended, just as Rory opened his mouth and hollered,


There was silence. Nobody spoke. Even the DJ halted, leaving the music off.

Okay. Forget her heart beating fast. It had stopped completely.

She forgot she was in the middle of a room packed with people. All she could see at this minute was Rory, wonderful, ridiculous, stupid, amazing Rory, looking more scared than she had ever seen him in her life. She took a step forwards, and the entire room held its breath.

Then she grabbed the front of his shirt, and kissed him.

Of course, the silence was broken by the yell of 'AND THE PENNY DROPS!' The room burst into noise, the music started again and people began dancing, all of them talking about how it had finally happened.

Amy and Rory couldn't have noticed even if they'd wanted to.

After they broke apart, Amy smiled. She'd always liked the Macarena.