So this is my very first story on here! Please tell me what you think of it.


Hoshi pov

I wound my way through the crowd, tugging my sister behind me gently. Finally reaching Music Room 3, I pushed the doors open to have rose petals float in the air and a strong light blind me. I heard Hime gasp.

I stepped though the doors to be greeted by 7 guys yelling "welcome." Before I could process anything, Hime was bounding forward. Either I followed or fell on my face, I followed. She ran towards our brother with a smile on her face that looked like it hurt.

Hime's pov

I ran and engulfed my brother in a hug. I missed him, I knew Hoshi did too but not as much as me. Kyoya automatically returned the hug and added Hoshi when she reached us. We pulled back and smiled at each other.

"Hoshi, Hime, I'd like you to meet the Host Club. That is Tamaki Suoh, the president." He pointed to a blonde. Tamaki rushed forward and grabbed our hands.

"Oh! Such beautiful princesses!" I blushed at that, actually, I blush at anything a stranger says to me.

"Let go." Hoshi commanded. Tamaki cowered in fear and went into a corner to sulk.

Hoshi's pov

I watched as Tamaki looked depressed in a corner. Hime walked to him, her shoes making little noise. "Tamaki-sempai? Are you okay?"her voice soft like her footsteps, barely audible.

He perked up, "Of course, princess."^-^

Hime smiled softly and nodded, turning on her heels she returned to my side.

"this is Mitsukuni Haninozuka," Kyoya motioned to a small blonde boy, "And Takashi Morinozuka." his finger moved to a tall, somewhat intimidating guy standing behind Mitsukuni. "But everyone calls them Hani and Mori." we smiled and waved. Hani hugged us both, I patted his head and Hime hugged him back. We turned to the next one. "That boy over there is Haruhi Fujioka." upon hearing his name he walked over.

Hime's pov

"Nice to meet you." Haruhi said. I smiled at him and replied,"You too."

"You're a girl, you know." Hoshi said bluntly.

Gasping I said quickly,"Don't be rude,Hoshi."

"But she obviously is."

"No, I don't think so. Why would brother lie?"

"Where have you been, you know money is his life. If he wanted money, he'd do something like this." Hoshi said fiercely.

"I don't believe you." I said quietly. "I'm sorry, Hoshi didn't mean to offend you Haruhi." I told him. He nodded.

Kyoya then introduced the orange-headed twins. "That is Hikaru and Kaoru. The Hitachiin twins." I saw a blush cover Hoshi's cheeks as she looked at Hikaru. I'm sure my face was red too. But not for Hikaru.

Kaoru's pov

Hime was beautiful. Her golden eyes mesmerizing. I was surprised at her gentleness, she pulled Tamaki right out of his rut, and she only said maybe five words. Her voice was soothing, too. And she was so trusting! Kyoya was a god in her eyes! Who would've thought that was possible. I knew Hikaru felt the same about Hoshi.

"Let's play..." Hikaru started.

"Which one is Hikaru!" I finished.

"Close your eyes." we said together.

Hoshi's pov

"Okay, open them!" the twins chanted. I opened my eyes to see both twins with their hair covered."Which one is Hikaru?" they intoned, I assume they were speaking together so as not to give themselves away.

"You can chose." I told Hime. She smiled at me. Narrowing her eyes, she stared at the boys. After a minute, she pointed to the one on the right. The boys looked shocked. I beamed, and said in a singsong voice,"She did it, she did it, hahahahahaaha!" I shared a congratulatory hug with Hime.

Kaoru's pov

I wrapped my arm around Hime's shoulders, as Hikaru did the same to Hoshi. "You are..." I said.

"Our new toys." said Hikaru.

"Toys?" Hime asked looking up at me.

"What does that include?"Hoshi wondered.

"You get to let us dress you up." Hikaru explained.

"In the clothes our mother makes," I continued.

Hoshi said,"As long as I get out of this horrible yellow dress." Hikaru and I high fived.


Two weeks later

Hikaru's pov

I watched as Hoshi left the changing room followed by her sister. Today, they were dressed as princesses. Hoshi's dress was a slim lilac graceful floor length strapless dress. She was stunning. While Hime wore a more classic 'princess' dress, pouffy, pink and girly. The host club was cancelled for the day so we just hung out. We shared cake with Hani and Mori and played commoner's games on the grounds. It was getting late as the girls left to change. Hoshi exited first, calling over her shoulder,"Meet you outside." then to us,"Bye guys, see you tomorrow." Hime shuffled out of the dressing room, her face red as a tomato. Stopping in front of my brother, she handed him a piece of paper then ran out of the room. We gaped in shock. I waited as Kaoru read the letter. He seemed to go into another world. Pulling it out of his hands, I read:

_Dear Kaoru,

I really like you. I hope you don't think me a coward for running away, but will you go out with me? Meet me tomorrow morning in front of the fountain.

Hime Ootori_

I couldn't believe it! Hime, Hime!, had the courage to do this! She was so quiet and she had the nerve to ask Kaoru out, why wasn't Hoshi, the blunt one, able to do something like this? Kaoru told me that Hoshi liked me, he said every time she saw me her face would go red and she'd stare at me when I wasn't looking.

Kaoru's pov

I was shocked and elated. Hime really did like me as much as I liked her. I planned to meet her first thing tomorrow. I was too busy thinking about Hime to notice my brother's incredulous mood.


Next morning

Hime's pov

I stood near the fountain in my best uniform and my hair was actually down for once. I was watching a bird splash in the fountain, so I didn't hear the footsteps until they were right behind me, turning I saw Hikaru.

"Hello Hikaru." I greeted the older twin.

"I'm not Hikaru. I'm Kaoru."

"Um, no. Your not."

"I am. I'm not going to go out with you. You're so dumb you can't even tell us apart!" the twin I thought was Hikaru but who kept denying it yelled. "Besides, your such an ugly coward!"

"I-I-I..." I stuttered. Tears came to my eyes and flooded down my cheeks. Turning, I fled the courtyard.

Kaoru's pov

I was surprised to see Hime running from the fountain just as I was about to enter the courtyard. Tears were streaming down her face. "Hime! Wait!" but she must not of heard me because she kept going. What could've made her cry like that? I entered the courtyard deep in thought. My eyes landed on Hikaru and I knew it was his fault. What did he do to her?


Hoshi's pov

I was just brushing my hair when Hime ran through the room like a whirlwind and straight into the bathroom we shared. I heard the lock click in place. I laid my head against the door asking softly,"Hime, are you okay? What's wrong?" my only answer was a deep sob. I knew that Hime went to see Kaoru, but I knew that if Kaoru turned her down then he would've done it gently. And Hime would've cried but not like this, she wouldn't have locked herself away from me. I was her twin after all. Something was fishy. "I'll be back." I told her and left for Ouran Academy. Stopping once at Kyoya's room to tell him what happened. If she won't answer me then she'll have to answer Kyoya.


Few minutes later

Still Hoshi's pov

I arrived to see a furious and at the same time sad Kaoru. "Kaoru! What happened?" I asked approaching him.

"I don't know." he sounded like he wanted to cry, poor guy. "I got here to see Hime crying and running away, I called to her but she didn't stop. I went to the fountain and saw Hikaru. He wouldn't tell me what happened or why he was there. I'm pretty sure he did it though." Yep, definitely furious.

"Where is he?" now I was angry.

"Don't know, he ran. I know Hikaru, I'm guessing he was jealous because Hime asked me out."

"She told me she did."

"Is she okay?" he asked concerned.

"I don't know, she locked herself in the bathroom and won't come out. I told Kyoya before I left so he might be able to get her out. I'll go check on her. See ya Monday, Kaoru. Good luck."

He nodded and began to stare off in space.



Kyoya's pov

"Please come out Hime." I begged for the fifth time. "Please tell me what happened." The door creaked open and she shuffled out. Flopping down on the bed, she burried her head in the pillows. I laid down next to her and stroked her hair.

After a few false starts, I finally got the whole story. it seems she was all cried out for the moment. "You're not ugly or dumb, you're the smartest girl I know and of course you're beautiful, you're an Ootori. As for being a coward, remember that time you saved a kitten from being killed by a rabid dog by jumping in front of it. You could've been seriously hurt. And that one time you stood up against your own twin because you believed what I said even if you could've been wrong. It takes courage to defend someone you just met. You're not a coward, Hime." After awhile, Hime drifted off to sleep. I heard Hoshi come in downstairs, meeting her halfway we exchanged information. 'Hikaru truly was an idiot, maybe even more than Tamaki. Is that even feasible?' I asked myself.



Third person pov

Hime shuffled through school, going from class to class in a daze. She didn't pay any attention to the assignments or other students. Despite her brother's words, she still felt bad. Hoshi tried desperatly to bring her out of her slump. But each attempt failed. Hoshi finally steered Hime to Kyoya during lunch, "Here, your turn." they had previously agreed to take turns watching over their sister. Hoshi headed off to eat lunch with some friends. Tamaki bounded up with Hani and Mori. The president, seeing Hime in a bad mood, hugged her and promised the use of his Teddy bear. Mitsukuni offered to share cake and Mori fondly patted her head. Hime nodded and smiled, but it never reached her eyes. Eating her cake and hugging Tamaki's teddy bear, Hime looked up to notice Kaoru across the room. Looking hurriedly down she avoided eye contact, she realized too late the absence of the others. "Hime." she met Kaoru's eyes. "Hime, I'm sorry about anything Hikaru told you, he was angry and thought that you loved me more than Hoshi did him. Please forgive him, and me. I should've came to you sooner, but I was afraid you wouldn't want to see me again. After Hikaru said that, I thought maybe you believed him. But Kyoya told me what happened, and I was going to meet you to tell you I would love to go out with you." he leaned in close and said gently,"I love you, Hime." he softly kissed her. Unbeknownst to them, the host club minus Hikaru and plus Hoshi were watching. Cheers erupted from the group. They broke the kiss and blushed furiously, smiling like mad.


The next few days were full of happiness for Kaoru and Hime. Despite the absence of his brother, Kaoru was generally cheerful. Hikaru, on the other hand, was morose and unhappy. His plan to make Hoshi notice him didn't work, now she wouldn't even look at him. He just wanted her to see and pay attention to him, then maybe he would get to tell her how he felt. But now that it was over, he realized that he was wrong to have done what he did to Hime and Kaoru. Hikaru was simply blinded and dumbed by love.


Few days later

Hoshi's pov

I was surprised when I was approached by Hikaru. I had just chased a flyaway paper into a corner of the main courtyard when Hikaru showed up.

"Hoshi, I'm-" he didn't get to finish before my hand struck his face. He looked shocked, but then his expression changed, to acceptance? "I know I deserved that. I'm sorry that I made that mess with Kaoru and Hime. I don't know what came over me."

"Kaoru said you were jealous. Why?"

"I-I was jealous because you didn't ask me. I thought maybe you didn't really like me. Maybe you were just pretending so Hime could spend time with Kaoru." he looked at the ground. My face softened, he thought that?

I placed my hand on his cheek,"Of course I like you Hikaru, I love you." his eyes met mine. Then he smiled and brushed his lips against mine. Pulling away, he said "I love you too Hoshi." we smiled and kissed again. Linking hands we left to tell Kaoru and Hime that we had made up, the forgotten paper flapping in the wind.

So, how was it? Please review and let me know. I chose this story as my first because personally, I think it is one of the best things I have ever wrote. Expect me to upload more stories soon!