I do not own any of the characters or settings from Detective Conan... blah blah blah...

a bunch of legal stuff no one ever really reads and/or cares about... All rights reserved to Aoyama Gosho.

Shinichi's POV

He had always prayed for his own happiness. He didn't usually bother trying to make anybody else happy.

He tended to think that it was too much work. He had so much confidence in his own deductions that he never paused to test his theory.

But you see people are more complex than he ever realized. All of his deductions had been patterns created using evidence and logic.

He wasn't used to thinking in the crazed terms of normal people.

No one thinks or acts the same, there is no pattern to follow and no logic to uncover. People are not made from molds.

We each see things differently and act accordingly. The thing we call "humanity" can not be placed into a ready-made catagory. It simply didn't work like that.

And If he ever bothered to look back, he would see exactly that. He would see that he had assumed too much. He would see his over-confidence and perhaps he would correct it.

But he was a logical person, not used to making mistakes. Therefore he would never check, not until he was forced to.

But as it so happens, the day where he would see the truth was rapidly approaching.

That day would shake him out of his happy little world and throm him into the chaos that he had always ignored.

In fact that day was today and it all stated when a familiar face walked into the classroom, distrupting everything that he knew about normal life.

Kuroba Kaito had arrived and he wasn't doing it quietly.

AN: I just recently noticed that in all my other stories Shinchi just accepted that he was gay and moved on so I'm gonna write a fic where he freaks ^_^
I kinda think "freaking" is more Shinichi's style... though he'd call it resisting or some other insufferably fancy word...

Anyways I hope you like and tell me what you think!