From Enemies to Lovers
By: LochNessie

WARNINGS: Gay stuff... yaoi, profanity. And not to mention this is gets pretty explicit. :] So if you're squeemish or under age, turn your browser around please.

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or anything about or involving it. I do not profit from these writings. This is only for fun. ;)

Ichigo rolled over in his bed moaning softly as he did. His chocolate brown eyes fluttered open slowly. The first thing he saw startled him, making him sit up quickly. He gazed down to see a blue-haired man curled up next to him on the bed, sleeping soundly. He looked so innocent and sweet, but Ichigo knew this man. His name was Grimmjow.

Ichigo had fought Grimmjow in Hueco Mundo during the time of Aizen. Grimmjow was part of Aizen's arrancar army/brute squad. Grimmjow always wanted to pick fights with Ichigo, and he always wanted it to end with Ichigo's death. Considering how much Grimmjow seemed to hate Ichigo, why would he be sleeping next to him? And peacefully at that?

All of the sudden Ichigo's head was throbbing. He clenched his eyes tight and groaned. Even with his eyes shut the room began to feel like it was spinning and rocking back and forth. Was he coming down with something? Maybe he needed water. Ichigo opened his eyes slowly and threw his legs over the bed. When he looked around the room, it didn't seem familiar. Where was he? How did he end up here? Was this Grimmjow's place?

As soon as Ichigo stood up he felt a wave of nausea flood over him. His hand quickly flew to his mouth and clamped over it. He looked around frantically and noticed there was a bathroom on the other side of the room. He sprinted and barely made it to the bathroom in time. He threw the toilet lid open with a loud slam as it hit the tank. Ichigo heaved into the bowl, he heaved until the contents of his stomach where all in the water and then he began to dry heave.

"Hey, you okay?" a groggy sounding voice appeared behind Ichigo who was still curled around the toilet.

"N-no," Ichigo groaned. He heaved again, more bile came up. His mouth was burning and his throat felt raw.

Grimmjow nodded and rubbed his eyes. "You look like shit, dude." He yawned wide and stretched his arms to the ceiling. "You really don't drink much, do you?"

Ichigo coughed hard, trying to hold back any more gaging. "What are you talking about?" He laid his head down on the rim of the toilet seat, tired from all the vomiting.

Frowning, Grimmjow said, "You don't remember last night?"

"No," Ichigo confessed. "I don't remember anything. I know who you are, but how the fuck did I end up here?"

Grimmjow laughed. "I was at the bar last night, hanging out with some friends, and then I saw you and Renji and Rukia and some other of your friends from school. You guys seemed to be celebrating. All of ya were throwin' back shots left and right."

Ichigo looked mystified by this idea. "I was at a bar?"

"Yep. Anyway, you were smashed. You came up to me and started bitchin' about how you wanted to beat my ass or something," Grimmjow chuckled. "As if you were going to win anything in that condition!"

Ichigo's head was spinning again, now all of these new ideas were really confusing him. Why was he at a bar? And back to the main question, why was he here – with Grimmjow?

"Yeah, okay," Ichigo mumbled. "But how the hell did I end up here? Where is 'here' anyway?"

"You're at my condo. I took you home, you were wasted and I dunno, you were all up on my junk," Grimmjow grinned wickedly. "I wanted to have some fun!"

Ichigo blinked in horror. "Fun? Grimmjow what the fuck happened last night?"

"You really don't remember any of it?"


"Wow," Grimmjow brushed back his blue bangs from his face. He looked down at the ground and kept his gaze there for a moment before returning to Ichigo's concerned expression. "We fucked, Ichigo."