Sun light heated up the eyelids of Rachel Roth signalling that it was a brand new day. An alarm clock rang next to her. Rachel slapped her hand down to silence it while she covered her face with a pillow. She groaned as she climbed out of the sheets. A yawn escaped her mouth along with a gasp when she looked in the mirror. Her hair was scruffy and messy.
"Talk about bed head," She examined the purple tangle.
Rachel wandered over to her closet to choose todays clothes. She went with the long sleeve blue shirt, black jeans and a dark blue hoodie. After gathering all her stuff she headed off to the shower.

Richard gelled his hair, paying immense concerntration. After he finished he winked at himself and clicked his fingers.
"I am looking handsom today," He complimented himself.
He placed his dark glasses on that matched his red shirt with a black jacket and black pants. Richard glanced at the mirror once more before leaving for school.

Rachel exited the shower, her hair was dry because she had dried it in the bathroom. She had her clothes on, along with her black converse. She grabbed her ipod and bag as she walked out of her bedroom and out the front door. As she turned around her foot stepped in something wet. A puddle. The rain hammered down, Rachel hadn't even notcied it had started to rain. First it was sunny and now it was wet. She put her hood up and turned on her Ipod.
"Great," She sighed as she trudged down the path and towards school.
A car pulled up beside her and a window slid down. Garfield Logan. The blond haired, green eyed class clown.
"Hey, need a ride?" He offered.
"No," Rachel continued walking as the car followed at her side.
"You sure, you dont look like the type who likes rain,"
Rachel stopped in her tracks.
"Is it that obvious?"
Gar nodded.
Rachel opened the door and climbed in putting her ipod in her bag.
"Dude, why dont you get the bus if you don't like the rain?"
"Too crowded,"

They arrived at the school minutes later. Gar leapt out the car and grabbed Rachel's door handel, opening it for her.
"Oh, Uh, thanks," Rachel climbed out.
Garfield locked the car and walked beside Rachel towards the school.
"What lesson you got?"
"English," Rachel replied in her usual monotone.
"Dude, me too! You like english?"
"I would but I sit next to the most annoying people in the school,"
Gar looked confused.
"You, Richard and Roy,"

(A/N: Hope you liked the first chapter. Sorry if its short. Please R&R)