"forgive my rudeness allow me to introduce myself. I am lord hircine and this is my brother Sheogorath. We have come to swear our allegiance to lord Vivec and fight by his side."








Asum groaned as he felt the magic leave his body in the form of a lightning bolt which launched itself from his fingers and struck the charging demora, blasting a hole through its chest and dropping it to the ground. The ground was littered with bodies of the dead and dying demora's. Turning Asum helped one of the injured khajiits to its feet, as he did so he began channeling healing magic into the feline's body. He'd done what Okan had told him to, he'd alerted the khajiit caravan they had been traveling with about the attack on whiterun. He'd helped pack up the camp and had tried to get away, only to be attacked by a small army of demora who had been hell bent of killing him and every khajiit with him. Letting go of the khajiit Asum turned as he heard a large roar coming from behind the group. He watched as two final demora charged at the group, only to stager and fall to the ground with 2 arrows sticking out of their throats and heads.




Relaxing slightly Asum watched as another khajiit slowly emerged from behind the demora; reslinging her bow on her back. Narrowing his eyes Asum noted the armor she was wearing covered very little of her legs and showed a rather sizable amount of her cleavage. "Asum?" Asum's eyes narrowed more. "maybe. Who are you?" the khajiit bowed to him. "my name is Kinja. I've been ordered to bring to you Bleak Falls barrow." Before Asum could speak he felt the khajiits around him move in between him and this new khajiit. "he's not going anywere. Khajiit was tasked with keeping him same by clan-friend." The new khajiit shrugged. "I don't care. I've got my orders. Now you can come with me by choice, or I can drag you kicking and screaming to the barrow. Your choice." Asum weighed his options. On one hand with the help of the other khajiit he could easily over power this new khajiit. But on the other hand he could-. But Asum's thought were cut off as more demora attacked the group. Ducking an arrow that hissed past his head Asum channeled his magic and sent a wave of lightning, towards the demora. Although his lightning did not kill the demora it did weaken them enough to allow the caravan guards time to close the distance and cut down the demora with their blades.




As the demora fell to the ground dead Asum heard the new kahjiit speak again. "the longer we stay out here in the open the more we'll be attacked. Others are gathering at bleak falls barrow. We'll be safe if we go there." Asum bit his lip. That was true, in a group they had a much better chance of surviving. "who sent you?" the khajiit chuckled. "lord hircine. He tasked me with keeping you safe." Asum felt his eyes widen. "take me to him." the khajiit chuckled again. "that's what I'm trying to do."








Okan glared at the 2 daedric lords in front of him. "is that a joke? Vivec died centuries ago. There is no way in oblivion he'd be here now." In front of him the old man Sheogorath chuckled. "Vivec is a third of a daedric lord. Death doesn't mean much to him I promise you that." Next to him hircine raised an eyebrow. "what my…..less than sane brother is trying to say is that vivec is not only alive but also here in skyrim." Okan rolled his eyes. "Even if I believed that; which I don't, how could Vivec help us?" hircine sighed. "Because Vivec is as much involved in this as Almalexia is. Sure one of you mortals MIGHT be able to kill her. But she's just be reincarnated in another 300 years or so and then you'd have to do this whole thing over again. Or Vivec could kill her and end this pointless cycle once and for all." Okan shifted. "What cycle?" hircine sighed. "this is not the first time this has happened. if you don't believe me ask the dwemer they were the last people to go through this." Okan felt his eyes widen. "The dwemer?" Sheogorath chuckled. "such funny people. How they would run and hide from me when I came to visit." Okan sighed exasperatedly. Behind him he felt Jarl-Balgruuf speak. "I care not for your twisted and poisonous words demons. BEGON!" Hircine glared at the Jarl for a moment. "Do us all a favor nord. Shut up."




Jarl-Balgruuf bristled. "You dare tell me to shut I'm?! I'm the jarl of-" but hircine cut him off. "YOU'RE THE JARL OF NOTHING. YOUR CITY, IS GONE! CONSUMED IN THE FLAMES THAT ALMALEXIA SEEKS TO SPREAD TO THE ENTIRE WORLD! SO PISS AND MOAN, AND BITCH AS MUCH AS YOU WANT BUT DO NOT TELL US TO BEGONE! WE'RE YOUR ONLY HOPE OF STOPING THE EVIL THAT YOU HAVE ALLOWED TO SPREAD!" as each word left Hircine's mouth the chamber they were in shook. To the Jarl's credit he did not flinch or stagger at Hircine's words. He did however fall silent. After a short moment Hircine spoke again. "And you…..assassins. Come out. I know you're there." Okan frowned for a moment; but a moment later his hand went to his sword as several people clad in red leather armor seemed to materialize out of the shadows. He watched as one of them, an elf spoke to Hircine. "I've hidden from the best of best….how is it you knew I was there?" Hircine shrugged. "I'm a hunter. I could smell you; death, sweat, and that strange smell of nightshade. Defiantly a dark brotherhood smell." The assassin nodded. "I'm Kura. Leader of the dark-brotherhood. I've been told by the night mother to aid you." Hircine raised an eyebrow. "I'd forgotten about the demi-daedra." Okan sighed and rubbed his head. He really wished Asum was with him to explain what was going on.








Asum crept along silently next to Kinja. They had spent the last half an hour skirting and running from shadow to shadow as they crossed the wide open expanse of open land. Nearing the other side of the valley, Asum straightened up as they made their way through the seemingly deserted road. "is whiterun the only city under attack?" Kinja shook her head. "I don't know. although I suspect Markharth is battling Mogal bal's forces right now. His shrine is located under the city. But other than that I don't know." Asum opened his mouth but quickly shut it as kinja grabbed him and pushed him off the trail as the sounds of hoof beats met their ears. A few seconds later Asum watched as a ghostly horse and headless rider rode past them. "damn ghosts." Moving out onto the road again Asum followed Kinja for several more minutes until they came to a small side path. Following this path Asum soon found himself standing at the entrance to a large cave. Entering the cave Asum followed Kinja through the caverns and passageways. As they moved deeper into the cave the sound of water met his ears. Emerging through a small opening in the cave wall Asum found himself standing on the edge of a large lake. "Stay low and keep following me." As they moved through the brush and high grasses Asum tried not to think about the source of the smoke smell that wafted through the air and filled his nostrils.








Okan watched nervously as hircine poured over a map of skyrim that had been hastily brought to him, by a Brenton who looked as though he might pass out. Leaning in over the map, Okan listened to what hircine was saying. "Mogal bal will try and take control of the pale. If he does that he'll build a gauntlet of forces and we'll never get close to him. Across the map Sheogorath chuckled. "My brother why are you getting so worked up? Just have twilight sparkle get her friends to use their elements of harmony and banish our brothers from this realm. Problem solved." Everyone at the table gave him a blank stare except for hircine who reached over the map and smacked the back of Sheogorath's head. "What world do you think you're in?" Sheogorath rubbed the back of his head. "Isn't this equestria?" hircine smacked him again. "no. this is skyrim." Sheogorath nodded slowly. "ok. That explains why there hasn't been anyone singing. Ok new plan…..could we bribe them with cheese?" again hircine smacked his brother. "Assassin how can you help us?" Okan watched as the khajiit looked to hircine. "We can spy on the enemy, set up traps, and sabotage the enemies' efforts. We're very versatile."




Okan nodded. "I have a question." Everyone turned to face him. "do we know what the other hold's forces are like? I mean….plans for defense and attack are well and good but…..if we don't have the numbers behind them, then they will all be for nothing." Next to Okan Irileth nodded. "as soon as they are able I'll dispatch runners to the other holds and see what forces they can muster." Okan nodded. "might also be worth contacting the pockets of imperial and stormcloack forces. They'll be needed too; there won't be a skyrim to fight over if we don't push back these daedric hoards." Again Okan nodded. "Why would the daedra capture whiterun? What value does it have beyond being a central location in skyrim?" Sheogorath chuckled again. "because it is the middle of skyrim. Plus it has a wonderfully unobstructed view of the borealis that covers the skies." Everyone ignored him. "Okan opened his mouth to speak only to have a sound behind him cut him off. "Lord hircine, here is the argonian you have requested." Whipping around Okan launched himself at Asum who stood behind a khajiit, and pulled him into a tight hug. "I'm so glad you're ok." Asum hugged him back. "I'm ok." Breaking apart Okan smiled weakly as Asum blushed at everyone looking at them. After a moment hircine spoke.




"brother Vivec…..it is good to see you again." Asum shook his head. "I'm Asum, not Vivec." Hircine shrugged. "very well, Asum. What should we do?" Asum cocked his head to the side. 'what makes you think I know? I have no idea what is going on right now." Sheogorath smiled. "The world's gone to hell, and I'm missing out on time that could be used to play the new deadpool video game. That's what's happening." Asum was silent for a moment, then… "where are the others Namira, Hermaeus mora, Peryite?" hircine shrugged. "Namira's champion is making his way here with his grotesque dinner court. But I do not know about the others. It's possible they are under attack already." "no they are safe, for now. They're making their way here." Everyone's head snapped towards the sound of nasally voice that had spoken. The sight of a brown mangy dog met their gaze. It was hircine who spoke first. "you're….barbas correct? Clavicus vile's hound?" barbas nodded. "yes. You're lord hircine, king and master of the hunt." Hircine nodded. "indeed. Why have you come here? Shouldn't you be with Vile?" barbas shook his head. "he cast me out shortly before all this started. To honest I no longer wish to be his hound. His ranting and raving has becoming bothersome and his trickery of mortals has become less amusing and more cruel in the past century.. It is time my former master was put down, like the monster he is."




Hircine raised an eyebrow. "I do not trust you hound. But I will work with you. Do not make me regret this decision." Next to hircine Sheogorath laughed out loud. "my dear brother hircine, you know the old saying, never look a gift demonic talking dog in the mouth." Hircine groaned.








She watched as the other grey beards returned to their rooms. They could all feel it. The horrible itching burning feeling against their skin. A sign of what was happening in the world down below. As she entered her room her eyes fell to her closet. Slowly she pulled the wooden doors open; there is stood right where she had left it so long ago. In her time as dragon born she had killed many dragons. When their flesh had finished burning away she had gathered up their bones and scales, and when she felt she was ready she had set about creating a suit of armor from those bones and scales. She had used the skyforge to heat and manipulate the bones and scales; the whole time Eorlund had watched her fascinated. She'd hardly noticed he was there, she'd been in a trance first forming the armor and then setting about carving the names of every dragon she had ever slain into the armor's surface. Soon the letters had blurred together even now she could hardly read some of them. Reaching up Branka touched the dragon scale helmet. The world had gone to hell; it needed her now more than ever. Taking a deep breath Branka began to put on the suit of armor she had sworn to never again wear.








Looking out over the room Asum sighed. A sense of hopelessness had settled over them. next to him Okan sighed as well. "look, we can strategize and plan for battles that may or may not happen; for days. But do we really even know what Almalexia even wants?" hircine groaned. "I've told you before. She wants to kill Vivec and take over your world." Okan nodded. "I know. I've been listening to you blather on about it for the last 3 hours. But what is her plan? Why take whiterun? Why ally herself with lords who will turn on her the moment she shows any weakness. She must have reasons." Hircine stiffened slightly but continued. "no idea. It changes with every attempt she makes. Last time she tried to make it look like Sotha sol was invading." After a moment of silence Sheogorath spoke in an off handed voice. "at least she's not planning to use the eye of Magnus like a soul gem. That would almost certainly work." A rather stunned silence followed this statement. It was Farengar the court wizard who spoke first. "what are you talking about. The eye of Magnus is not a soul gem. It's a vessel that stores power." Sheogorath laughed out loud. "you humans need to open your eyes a little less and think a little harder. The eye of Magnus holds a small sliver of the soul that once belonged to Magnus; it's possible for her to use the eye like a soul gem and trap Vivec's soul. Then there would be no one to oppose her and she could take over Nirn with ease." Hircine stared at Sheogorath. "that's genus." Sheogroath gave a sharp jerk and looked around the room confused. "waaa? I'm sorry I fell asleep, did I say something?" everyone in the room rolled their eyes.




"is there anywhere in nirn that she wont go to?" barbas responded to that question. High Hrothgar. The grey beards are some of the most powerful mortals in the world. She won't bother them…..yet. plus they have the dragon born with them. that's like having a baby daedric lord on your side." Okan nodded. "ok so….it sounds like we need to meet up with the grey beards and stop Almalexia from using the eye of magnus. Can we all agree on that?" everyone in the room nodded. But a voice off to the side cut off what Okan was going to say. "lord Vivec, I apologize for my delay. I wanted to see if anyone had survived the destruction of the college…..no one did." Asum turned to see a man dressed in a green travelers cloak. Under the man's hood Asum could see a dozen glowing green eyes. Barbas chuckled. "nice of you to join us Mora." Hermaous Mora nodded. "and I come bearing a gift. Deep in the east near the town of Riften lays a tomb. Inside the tomb is an item Almalexia will need for her plan to succeed. If you claim the item before she does you will have greatly hampered her plans. Asum nodded slowly. "and what is this item?" Mora chuckled; an odd vibrating chuckle that shook the room. "it is an ancient gauntlet by the name of Wraithguard."





