Merry Christmas everybody!

Also, these drabbles are posted from least fluffiest to fluffiest (In my own opinion)

25th December


Stark's pond. And almost permanently frozen pond where children of all ages came to ice skate and play. But there were no kids today. They were all at home enjoying Christmas.

The only figures near the pond were two teenage boys. They sat side by side, with their hands overlapping.

It was like this every Christmas. Ever since they had become super best friends. Kyle's mum wouldn't let him out of the house in case he was "corrupted" by the Christmas spirit and Stan's family wanted him at home for Christmas.

So for one hour, 10 am to 11 am, the boys would sneak out to meet each other at Stark's pond. And here they would exchange gifts.

Stan would give Kyle a 'Hanukkah' gift, although it didn't have much to do with Hanukkah and sometimes occurred when Hanukkah had already ended.

Kyle would give Stan a Christmas present, all wrapped up in festive paper with a bow on top.

They would thank each other for the gifts and sit happily next to each other until the hour was up. Then they would trudge back to their own homes, knowing they'd meet up tomorrow anyway.

And, while both boys did like the presents the other gave them, what they really loved was the company of their super best friend.


Clyde was on the Black's doorstep. He had been driven out of his own house by his parents own fighting. On Christmas morning. Why couldn't they just get along for one day? He felt tears pricking at the corners of his eyes.

He was yet to ring the doorbell. Maybe he should leave Token alone. It was Christmas morning after all. Functional families were doing Christmas things. Token's family was probably doing Christmas things.

He hung his head and was wandering back down the path. Perhaps he could harass Craig? His family was also quite dysfunctional after all. Or maybe Kevin. They had been good friends for a long time, and his family practically treated him as a second son.

"Clyde?" He heard the deep voice of his boyfriend behind him. That's when the tears started flowing. Great, now Token was going to be upset. Clyde thought he should have walked away quicker.

"Clyde, its cold out, come inside" Clyde allowed himself to be dragged inside.

He expected for awkward silences, maybe even to clear out all the previous joy. What he didn't expect was to be accepted into Token's family traditions, as if there wasn't any tear stains on his face, as though he was a part of the family.

And at the end of it all, Token made him tacos. This could possibly be the best Christmas he'd ever had.

Token indeed saw the tear tracks. He saw how unhappy the brunet was. But he also knew the reason. All Clyde had wanted was a proper Christmas morning.

And Token was more than happy to provide it.


As expected, Cartman got all the presents he asked for. He even got more than he asked for. He got candy and cake and ham on the bone. He had everything that could make him happy.

So why didn't he feel happy?

He thought he knew why, so he packed up some of the presents he had received in a wagon, and set off on his journey.

Now, you may assume his journey is to the Broflovski's, to gloat about his awesome presents. You'd be wrong. He was in fact on his way to Wendy Testaburger's house. He had a bone to pick with her.

He knocked on her door loudly. He was expecting for one of her parents to open the door, but came face to face with hippy bitch herself.

"Took you long enough, hippy bitch!" He snarled at the girl in the doorway.

"What do you want, Lard-ass?" She snarled back.

"I have a bone to pick with you! I have all these presents, so I should be happy and rubbing them in present-less people's faces. But instead, I've caught some of your hippy germs (Probably from those disgusting cookies) and have a weird feeling! I want to know how to make it stop!" Cartmans voice was rather whiney by the end of his speech.

"You mean you aren't happy with your presents" Wendy asked in disbelief.

"No and it's all your fault. Damn hippy" Cartman tried to say more words but Wendy was leading him down the road.

"C'mon, I know what may help"

Wendy led Cartman to the orphanage. Then his new found Christmas spirit took over. He began willingly giving his presents to the children. Can you imagine that? Eric Cartman willingly giving up his presents?

Well, Wendy couldn't either. And that's why she forgave the boy for what he did the other day. She pecked him on the lips and whispered "Merry Christmas, fat ass".

And, some say, that Eric Cartman's heart grew three times the size that day. He'd just say it was big boned.


I was walking to Tweek's house at around 9 o'clock. My family had already gotten the, what felt like, compulsory Christmas niceties. It almost made me queasy. My family didn't do niceties. My family did apathy and the middle finger. That was our tradition.

This is perhaps why I went to Tweek's house on Christmas, present wrapped in green paper with a caramel bow in my arms. Because his family was semi-functional. Still not normal, but they at least tried to be nice to each other. It was actually pretty pleasant. And they didn't seem to mind that I didn't show much emotion. I'm sure Tweek's over-reacting made up for it.

I walked in to their house without knocking. Craig Tucker doesn't need to knock. He just arrives and you better be grateful for that.

And Tweek was grateful. He was always so happy to see the me, even with my apathetic ways. I saw Tweek's parents smile out of the corner of my eye.

"How about we go make you two some coffee?" Mrs Tweek asked and, without waiting for an answer, left the room, dragging her husband behind her before he could make a stupid metaphor that no one understood.

"I –GAH- got you this" Tweek shyly looked down while holding out a box. It was wrapped in blue paper, with a yellow bow on top. The exact same materials I had found him wrapped up in the other day. So he was wrapping my present. That must've been why he was reluctant to call me for help. He'd been wrapped up for a long time before I got there.

"Thanks, and this is for you" I held out my present for him. He looked up with wide coffee-coloured eyes before taking it with shaking hands.

I put my present to the side. I wanted to see his face first.

He slowly picked at the wrapping paper, as though it might bite him. And knowing Tweek's mind, that's probably exactly what he was thinking.

He pulled out the present and looked at it for a long time. Then he glanced at me, as though asking if it was alright. I nodded, almost laughing at the fact that he felt the need to ask me if it was alright to handle his present. It was kind of cute really.

Then the blonde suddenly hugged it to his chest before jumping up and hugging me to his chest also. He smelled like coffee, suggesting he'd already spilt some on himself that morning.

I looked up at his face and saw the wide smile painted there, glad I was the cause of it.

The present I had gotten Tweek was a pillow. A pillow in the shape of a full coffee cup. It was soft and unbreakable, making it good for the clumsy boy, as well as being large enough to hug. Y'know for nights that I couldn't be there straight away to comfort him.

As Mrs Tweek came back in with coffees, I was almost embarrassed at the smile that had come up on my face. Almost, but not quite, because this wasn't my family, and they were the kind of people that smiled often. I liked them for that fact.

I liked a smile on Tweek's face even more.


Kenny awoke in a warm bed, his head bandaged, and the smell of hot chocolate in his nose and a very warm body snuggled next to him. His little angel, Butters, and so Kenny also assumed he was in his room. He knew it wasn't his, that's for sure. It was far too nice and had no draft.

He heard a yawn and looked down at Butters, or rather at his blonde hair. It was almost good enough for Kenny. Almost.

"Hey sugar, wanna show me those pretty eyes?" Sweet blue eyes flickered up to meet his own, then looked down again in a blush.

"Aw Shucks Kenny, you're too nice" Kenny would disagree. He wasn't nice, the boy next to him was. He was nice, sweet, caring, and best of all, all his.

"You took quite a fall Kenny. I needed to bring you inside and bandage your head. My parents said you could stay because you were injured" Ah. So that's why Kenny was here. He had reached his original goal after all.

"Hey Butters" The sweet boy looked up once more "Thanks"

"What for, Kenny?" Butters questioned, eyebrows furrowing as if trying to remember what he did.

"For caring" And with that Kenny leaned down, capturing Butters lips in a kiss. They both pulled away smiling.

"Now let's go downstairs. It smells like your Mum made hot chocolate" Kenny was already halfway to the door before he heard Butters say with a smile in his voice.

"Merry Christmas Kenny"


Opening presents while out the window the souls of the damned burned in the fires of Hell. Something Pip never thought he'd be doing. And he'd even wish he wasn't doing it, except for the fact that Damien was at his side. That made everything worth it.

They had worked through nearly all their presents, excitedly tearing in to the wrapping pare, discarding it on the floor. The floor that you couldn't even see any more thanks to that.

There had been a few minor incidents throughout the morning. In particular, Damien throwing a fireball at his father. This may seem extreme, but he only did it after opening a present from his father. A present of condoms.

"The gift of safe sex is the greatest gift of all, Son"

Satan had quickly left the two boys alone after that escapade.

There was one present left addressed to Pip. It was from his boyfriend, who was excitedly shoving it in his face.

"Open it, Open it! It's the best one!" The boy was practically bouncing in anticipation, a very strange site considering he's the anti-Christ.

Pip slowly unwrapped the gift. He lifted it out of the box. Then he gasped.

In his hands was a toy merry-go-round, the olden day type with horses of all different colours on it. The people seated on these five horses was what made Pip gasp. On a black stallion was Damien, a white mare had Pip. The remaining three were occupied by Pip's parents and his sister.

A button was located at the base of the merry-go-round. Music started playing, Christmas carols to be precise, and the figures began to move around, as well as up and down, on the merry-go-round. But that wasn't all that moved. The faces on the figurines also moved, showing their delight at the ride.

Tears began to flow down Pip's face. It was so beautiful.

Damien misunderstood these tears. "You don't like it?" He sounded hurt.

Pip leapt at Damien, embracing him in a tight hug.

"Oh Damien, I love it!"

And Damien was just happy he could make his blonde angel happy.


Gregory was sat on his couch, glaring at some Christmas special on the television, eating cereal. You may ask, why is he not with family and friends enjoying his Christmas? The answer was imple. Gregory did not have 'friends' he had acquaintances, and his family had left him in South Park to finish his schooling. Effectively this Christmas Gregory of Yardale was alone.

And he didn't want to be alone. He'd only just started to get into the Christmas spirit. Generally, he thought it was a pointless holiday that interrupted productivity. A holiday for children. Not for mature young adults like himself. No, he was far too pretentious for that.

Only he wasn't really. He was just always told that by his parents. And after experiencing some Christmas festivities this year, while trying to convince Christophe to get into the spirit, he had fallen prey to it as well.

Not that it helped him. He was still alone. But now he was just sadder about being alone than before.

He was about to drown his sorrows in some hot chocolate (It was far too early for the alcohol after all) when a pair of arms wrapped around his shoulders.

"I'm home" The French boy chuckled as his British blonde spun around to look him in the eyes.

"Christophe? But you're meant to be gone for-" Christophe pecked Gregory on the lips to quiet him.

"I know. But I couldn't leave you all alone on such a special day, no?" Christophe had a glint in his eye. A glint that said he may also have some Christmas spirit in him. A glint that was replicated in the Brits eyes.

And that Christmas felt like the very first Christmas either boy had experienced, and they were glad to spend it with each other.

Hope you all got nice presents this Christmas!

It's finally done! Yay! I forgot about it most the time and had to write it late at night.

Reviews are nice!