Hiii! :D So, not my first story, but my first one that I'm putting up. First chapters really short, but bare with me on this. I already have maybe 4 or 5 chapters, much longer than this. Tell me what you think. J ß That comes out as an actual smiley face on my document :P
Oh, wow I'm bored… Anywayyyy ONTO THE STORY

Disclaimer- Don't own OHSHC.. If only

Chapter 1

I have no idea how I got here.

Or where here is for that matter. Last thing I remember is that I was running around my new school, Ouran Academy, the over done school for rich kids, when it started to rain.

Normally, I don't mind storms, and this was no exception. I love the cool air and the wind; the rain dropping on my head and down my face. I especially like the sounds of thunder and watching lightning. They amaze me. I usually go out during storms, if they aren't terrible. They help to clear my head.

I'd just moved to Japan, leaving all of my friends behind, back in America. I hated New York. I've always wanted to leave, but not now. Not in the middle of high school. Not while my friends are all still there.

I feel so alone here.

Deep in thought, I didn't even realize anything going on around me, so it came as a complete shock when the next flash of lightning hit. Maybe I'd have felt something had I not just completely blacked out.