Sanji had nightmares.

Everyone in the crew knew it. And after his heart-wrenching tale of his two years in Hell, who could really blame him? So, after a few months, everyone could ignore a cry of "I'M A MAN, DAMNIT!" in the middle of the night.

Everyone, that is, except Usopp.

Unbeknownst to the rest of his snoring bunkmates, Usopp would always wake up - no matter how much of a catatonic, fatigue-induced sleep he was in - whenever Sanji would cry out in anguish in the deep of the night.

After a few previous attempts to awaken the writhing cook during one of these episodes — resulting in a few kicks, bruises, and subsequent apologetic extra servings at dinner — Usopp had begun to resort to waiting out the wailing with his pillow held firmly over his head and his eyes squeezed tightly shut.

This time, however, was different.

Considering that Sanji hadn't had any nightmares for a few weeks, Usopp had been expecting a particularly violent one so that — as Chopper put it — "Sanji's subconscious could work through his trauma." Whatever Sanji's subconscious needed, Usopp knew that he wasn't going to sleep tonight.

As the rest of the crew nodded off, Usopp waited with his pillow at the ready.

By the time the moon had risen high in the twinkling night sky, Usopp's weariness had begun to take its toll. "Maybe he's finally over it." He thought, laying his head on the plush pillow and closing his eyes for some much needed sleep.

Immediately, his eyes opened as Sanji began to shout. "Or not." Usopp sighed as he twisted into his familiar position.

After a few minutes, Usopp sat up in his bunk bed. "I don't care if he kicks me; I'm waking him up!" Climbing down the ladder to Sanji's adjoining bunk bed, Usopp's "Sanji-" was abruptly cut off by another one of Sanji's shouts: "To hell with it, you bear bastard!"

Dropping down to the floor, Usopp froze. "Bear bastard?" Usopp thought. "Is he talking about...Kuma?"

Breaking him from his thoughts, Sanji cried out "NOT USOPP, YOU SHITTY BEAR...! I'M GOING TO FUCKING KICK YOU INTO A MILLION PIECES!"

Holy shit, was Sanji actually...crying?

"Oi, Sanji! SANJI!" Usopp urged, shaking the sobbing cook by his shoulders.

"Wha— Usopp?" Sanji sniffed, his look of terror melting away as he took in the sniper's form.

"Um, I was, uh, wondering if there was a chance that I could get a midnight snack?" Usopp averted his eyes, trying to preserve Sanji's dignity as he furiously scrubbed away the evidence of his recollections.

"Just this once, alright?" Sanji replied, climbing out of his bunk to place a shaking hand on Usopp's shoulder. "Yeah, just tonight." Usopp replied, leading him out into the cool night air.

My logic for the placement of their bunks was based on this deviantart .com/art/OP-Daily-life-on-Sunny-1-132802881 and this image . wikia .com/onepiece/images/1/1c/Thousand_Sunny_pg. My logic for writing this, however, can't be as easily explained. XD