Clive felt very uncomfortable, for he was not used to being the center of attention. The woman cleared her voice, letting Clive's tie go."The research center is up stairs, on level two,"She smiled at Clive, as she gave him a piece of paper, with her phone number on it,"Call me, babe."

Clive smiled uncomfortably, taking the piece of paper."Thanks..," He and Professor walked away slowly as the woman watched there legs."I've got to say Professor that, that woman was watching us like a hungry lioness." Clive smiled at that thought.

"Well, yes each woman has their own appearance and personality," Professor answered. The two of them walked until they found an elevator. "Why do you want to come here anyhow?"

Clive was silent a moment."Where did Claire, Dimitri, and Bill work on the time machine?"

Professor looked at Clive strangely."Why do you want to know?"

Clive stood in silence, as the elevator swayed slightly. "Professor, how serious were you and Claire?" Clive asked breaking the silence.

Professor straightened the rim of his hat. "Very serious, Clive, in fact we were going to get engaged," Professor paused, not wanting to continue what he was about to say. Clive felt bad for Professor, feeling the pain he felt at that very moment."It's hard losing someone very dear to you..."

"Wait had they ever found her body?" Clive asked with curiosity.

"Not exactly," Professor answered. "They believed that she disinigrated in the explosion." The professor looked down sadly.

"And you believed them? There could have been another explanation," Clive opened a door that led into another room. "This is the room?" He asked.

"Yes Clive this is the room." Hershel was amazed, it was like time stood still. The room was as destroyed as it was eleven years ago. The walls were full of burnt holes, and the white walls were stained with black ash.

Clive walked over to a hole and looked outside at a big pile of dirt where an apartment building use to be. Clive stepped back."So they tore down the apartment building next door, but not the research center?"

"It seems for research on the explosion or something." Professor answered.

"I heard that Dimitri Allen had stopped them from doing that. It's kind of suspicious wouldn't you think?"

"Hey, how did you two get in here, out siders are not allowed!" Professor and Clive were surprised to see a scientist standing at the door, a telephone in hand.

"Sir we can explain-"Clive started.

The man looked furious."Leave at once or I'm calling the cops!" Professor and Clive rushed out the door, walking briskly down the hall.

"Professor, does it seem like that man is hiding something?" Clive asked suspiciously.

Professor nodded."Yes." He pressed the elevator button.

Clive looked back at the scientist, he was on the phone with the police,"Oh great, he's calling the police!" Clive had the look of concern on his face. The elevator was taking a long time. "Come on..." Clive said impatiently.

The scientist got off the phone."You two have five minutes before the police get here."

Clive jogged down the hall."Professor, the stairs!"