Matt Blood; ESU officer with NYPD, Beckett's current romantic interest. First appears as a hostage negotiator in "The Castle on the Hill"

Clair Winter (nee Willingham); motorcyclist, process server, Castle's current romantic interest. First appears as a murder suspect in "Castles in the air"

Chaper Five: In Defense of the Castle

Back at the station Matt is waiting at Beckett's desk. On seeing her he stands up quickly, looking concerned. But then he hesitates, obviously unsure how to proceed on Beckett's home ground. Castle says, "I'll make us some coffees."

Beckett smiles her gratitude, then approaches Matt and says, "I texted you, so you wouldn't worry. What are you doing here?" The words are stern, though her tone is anything but.

He smiles and nods towards the break room, saying, "I just wanted to make sure Rick is ok."

Unable to stop a smile, Beckett admits, "Nicely played."

She approaches close enough to take one of his hands. He latches onto that small contact as if it's enough, entwining his fingers in hers and asks, "You're really ok?"

With her free hand she moves her collar aside enough for him to see the start of the bruise and says, "Just some artwork, no permanent damage. But we probably can't spar for a while."

Matt squeezes her hand and smiles before saying, "I'm sure we can find some way to fill the time."

Also smiling, Beckett says, "Maybe you could start by cooking dinner?"

"Sure, I can do that. So, you're not going to be long?"

Handing over her apartment key, she says, "Just paperwork. You starting at eleven?"

"Yeah; normal shift tonight."

"Ok. I'll be there soon."

She hesitates and Matt says, "You're thinking about kissing me, aren't you?"

"Far too often." Instead, she squeezes his hand before releasing it and says, "I won't be long."

Not very disappointed, Matt says, "Ok. I'll get started on dinner. If you text me before you leave I'll even throw in a hot bath."

"After the day I've had, if I get into a bath I'm not getting out again."

With a huge grin he says, "Well, that sounds like fun too."

Shaking her head, Beckett smiles and says, "You'd better go."

Beckett is watching Matt leave when Castle hands her a coffee and says, "He seems like a good guy."

"Yeah, he is."

"You're not seeing him tonight?"

"Soon as I'm done here."

"Can I help with the paperwork? You know that I haven't got much else going on."

"That'd be great. Thanks, Castle. I'll have to fill in 50 forms just to explain how you got injured again."

He shrugs and says, "Well, that's your own fault. If you'd let me follow, I would have been fine."

Beckett frowns and asks, "How do you figure that?"

"Do you really think that I could have kept up with you down that hill, when those young ESU bucks couldn't even catch you?"

Beckett laughs and says, "I guess not." With a sigh, she adds, "Ok; paperwork."

With the help of his police escort, Castle manages to make it inside his apartment without assaulting a reporter. Even though he called earlier to reassure Alexis and his mother that he's ok, they're still concerned after seeing his bandaged arm. But they've calmed down by the time dinner is over. Castle lets them insist on doing the clearing without him. After getting Alexis to help wrap his bandage in Saran Wrap and duct tape he spends long enough in the shower to wash off the day and falls asleep talking to Clair on the phone.

When Castle's phone goes off around 5am the next morning he first has to find it inside the bed. After seeing that it's Beckett calling, he answers with, "Another one?"

"Yeah, though there's no message apparently. But it's close enough to her MO that we got a call. You feeling up to it?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I actually slept last night. What about you?"

"Other than some pretty impressive bruising, I'm ok. Your car is waiting outside your apartment. They know where to go. You might even beat the reporters this morning."

"Doubt it. I'll see you soon."

The herd of reporters is certainly thinner before dawn. So Castle gets away without incident. His escort informs him that they're heading to Astoria, Queens. They don't know anything else. So Castle tries for a little extra sleep on the way. He wakes up as the car is stopping. It looks like he's the last one to the party, because he can see local police, Shaw's team, Beckett, Ryan and Esposito. The only person missing is Lanie. But he remembers that the FBI likes to handle the autopsy themselves. He can see that the victim is a middle-aged Mediterranean man. FBI crime scene techs are already processing the scene, while everyone else waits their turn. Beckett sees him approaching and says, "Victim was shot twice in the body and once in the head. Nothing else looks the same though. We can't find a message and his name isn't Bishop. So it might be a copy-cat."

"What is his name?"

"Anthony Alfil." Seeing the look on his face, she asks, "You know him?"

"I don't think so. But Alfil sounds familiar."

Shaw has heard the exchange and says something to one of her team. Within seconds they show her the information and she reads out, "The bishop's predecessor in medieval chess was the alfil, meaning elephant. Even today the word is Spanish for the bishop piece."

Castle says, "That'd be it, then. I must have read that somewhere."

Shaw continues, "We'll check, but I'm almost certain we'll find out that Mr. Alfil is of Spanish origin."

Beckett says, "So, not a copy-cat. But where's the message?"

Castle shrugs and says, "Maybe she figures that we don't need it written down anymore."

Shaw reasons, "I don't think so. She'll still want to play the game. It's more likely that, being on the run and injured, she's become even more cautious. I think she'll get the message to us some other way. Hopefully she'll get cocky enough to call us, and we can track her."

Castle says, "She'll probably use a satellite phone." When they look at him, he shrugs and says, "I would. They're harder to trace."

Beckett says, "Just in case she's not as smart as you, we'll prepare anyway."

Castle replies, "Ok, but I'm starting to think she's even smarter than you are…faster too."

Eyes narrowing, Beckett says, "You really want to go there, before I've even had a coffee?"

Holding up his hands in defense, Castle says, "Ok. I'll see you back at the station."

Beckett asks, "You're leaving?"

As he's walking back to the patrol car, Castle explains, "She's already been here and she's not coming back. You're not going to find any new evidence, so we're all better off going over what we've got."

He's already getting in the patrol car, when Shaw says, "He's not wrong."

With a small shrug, Beckett says, "I know. That's possibly the most annoying thing about him; the fact that he's so often right." Ryan and Esposito were smart enough to stay out of the conversation. But they're ready when Beckett says, "Let's go."

Despite deliberately baiting her earlier, Castle has enough sense to have a coffee waiting for Beckett when the team returns to the station. Giving her time to drink it, he asks the guys, "So, what do we know?"

Esposito begins, "Thanks to Beckett, we know that the suspect's weapon is a Ruger Mark II pistol with an integrated silencer. Though she doesn't appear to be using a scope, which means she's a good shot…which also means that she probably meant to wound Beckett."

Castle says, "Beckett; not Bishop. It wouldn't fit with the game to kill her."

Ryan says, "Well, that's good news for the rest of us anyway."

Castle says, "Except that the next victim in the game is a pawn, which could be anyone."

Ryan mouths, "Oh."

Castle asks, "What did you get from the house at Union City? Why did it go up like that?"

Ryan explains, "She'd reinforced all the doors and windows, so that only law enforcement would be able to break in. And every point of entry was booby-trapped with thermite and magnesium strips. Any attack on the house would make it almost explode into flames. So what we got is not much."

"Is it likely that she owns any other properties?"

"It's hard to tell, given that a lot of her money has gone into purchasing fake identities. But FBI thinks not, just because the money must have been nearly used up by now. They're running any Russian names that might be an alias, just in case."

Esposito says, "Oh, we did get a couple of cartridges from the scene. But they're not much use any more, since we already know what gun she's using, though it might help convict her."

Castle asks, "Do we know anything that might help us catch her?"

Ryan and Esposito stare at each other for an embarrassing length of time, before saying, "Beckett?"

"I think you're right about her leaving me alive. She could have killed me. I didn't even know she had the gun until a shot hit the ground in front of me. When I returned fire I saw her aim at me. I'd say she was aiming center mass and shooting a moving target from a moving train is the only reason she didn't hit me in the middle of the vest. So we know that she'll stick to the game plan, even if someone is shooting at her. We need to get a step ahead of her and wait."

Cruelly, Castle says, "And your plan for accomplishing that? She's had three years and over one million dollars to set this up. Even with the combined efforts of NYPD and the FBI, five people are dead and you have no idea where she is or who she'll kill next."

Visibly upset at this harsh truth, Beckett says, "Well, you're our resident chess expert. What do you suggest?"

"At the risk of sounding egotistical, this isn't really about chess, it's about me. Sasha is doing this to get my attention. We need to change the game. I think it's time for me to go."

"How is that going to make any difference?"

"Because I'm going to tell her that I'm leaving for a place that has no phone, no TV, no internet or newspapers."

"How are you going to do that?"

"By using the phone, TV, internet and newspapers."

"I'm still not seeing how this is going to help, Castle."

"She'll work out where I've gone and come after me, and you'll catch her."

"And if you're wrong and she doesn't come after you?"

Castle shrugs and says, "Then she'll keep killing, until you stop her. Same as she is now. And the only difference is that it will be more difficult for her to finish the game."

"I don't like the thought of you going off by yourself, Castle."

Shaking his head, Castle says, "Once I change the game, she's allowed to take other pieces…kill other people. So no one gets to come with me." With a grin, he adds, "I know you've become used to protecting me, but I'm not exactly helpless."

Still reluctant, Beckett says, "Can you give it 24 hours, Castle? I need to think about this."

"On the understanding that you know I'm not actually asking your permission?" At her nod, he says, "Ok; 24 hours."

It's not long before the FBI finds something. Shaw explains, "It's an online chess forum of which Castle is a member. We've been monitoring it since we found a reference to it on the wall at the South Bronx address. This morning a new member "Sasha1969" posted the message Bxc4. Tell Rick he's lucky Byrne kept one knight." Looking at Beckett, Shaw adds, "I presume you're the knight."

Beckett asks, "Any luck finding where she posted from?"

"From a cellphone outside L'Orange Bleue restaurant."

Castle says, "Across from my apartment?"

"Yes. The phone is probably already in the trash."

Beckett says, "She's saying that she's still after Castle and daring us to catch her."

Castle adds, "More than that. She's saying that she knows we have the South Bronx address. She's not going back there."

Nodding her agreement to Castle, Shaw says, "You're probably right, but we'll stay on it anyway."

By the end of the day there are no new developments, despite an early morning raid on L'Orange Bleue. Yawning, Castle says, "Well, that's it for me. Presumably you'll be calling me before dawn in the morning. I'll see you tomorrow."

Wary, Beckett asks, "Planning on ditching us, Castle?"

Rolling his eyes at her mistrust, he says, "If you're worried, come with me. You can join the two police officers and scores of reporters who are following my every move. I'm having dinner at the Water Club with Clair. She's already there and will leave when the crowd has dispersed. You're welcome to join us, if you don't mind your photo in the papers again."

Appeased, Beckett says, "No, that's ok. 'Night, Castle."

Including Ryan and Esposito, he says, "Goodnight."

When he's gone, Esposito asks, "Think he's lying?"

Beckett says, "You saw him today; he was quiet and cooperative, and hasn't given me a hard time since this morning. So what do you think?"

Ryan agrees, "Yeah, definitely un-Castle like."

Beckett muses out loud, "I don't think he's cruel enough or stupid enough to lie about the Shelter Island address. He's just trying to ensure no one else is in the line of fire. But we know where he's going and he won't get much of a head start. Besides, his plan only has a chance if he lets Sasha know that he's leaving. And he hasn't done that."

Esposito asks, "We're staying on him, in case he bolts?"

"I am. But it doesn't take three. You might as well get some sleep, so you can prop me up tomorrow, if it turns out I've wasted my evening."

Obviously reluctant, they nevertheless agree and bid her goodnight. After they've gone, Beckett calls Matt and lets Shaw know what's going on, before heading to the Water Club restaurant. The place is surrounded by news vans. So she knows that Castle is inside. She can see the blue and white currently assigned to protect him directly outside the front door. After parking a short distance away, she sets an alarm on her phone and gets some sleep.

Beckett wakes up with a start before the alarm. Nothing much has changed, except for a few more reporters hovering outside the restaurant. She calls Shaw and asks, "Anything?"

"No. He's still inside and no sign of our suspect. No luck with any of the security footage or news footage from near his apartment. You'd think with so many cameras on that corner, someone would have captured her image."

"She's probably changed her appearance."

"Yes, we've adjusted the APB for several different disguises. Nothing to do but wait, I'm afraid."

"Ok, thanks. Let me know if anything changes. I'll see him to his front door."

Around 10:30pm Beckett sees Castle emerge from the restaurant and dash to the patrol car. They're soon followed by several news vans. Beckett joins the convoy at a discreet distance all the way to Castle's apartment. Once there he keeps his head down and runs the gauntlet of reporters, with the aid of his escort. Despite the fact that Castle is now safe inside his building, Beckett sense of unease is growing and she calls Shaw again, saying, "I don't like…"

Shaw interrupts, "I was about to call you. He just tweeted I finally understand why Armistead Maupin preferred the shelter of fiction. I'll be off the grid until things blow over."

"But I just saw him go inside…Bastard! It wasn't him! I'll meet you at the chopper."

Once aboard, Shaw says, "How do you know it's not him?"

"It's not something that anyone would notice, unless they'd seen him before he got shot. But he has a very slight limp. The guy I followed from the restaurant must have been a body double. I wasn't close enough to tell the difference. The guy even had a bandaged arm! If Castle survives this, I'll kill him myself."

"He must have had a car waiting nearby."

"I'm afraid it's worse than that. The Water Club is only 200 meters from the 34th Street helipad. I wasn't counting on that. I thought we would beat him. But now he's got a head start."

"Lucky you had a backup plan then."

"Yeah, if he gets there in time."

Sasha parks the rental car at the bottom of the hill, near the spot where Castle crashed his jeep. Still wary, she checks the Ruger yet again and adjusts the night-vision goggles before heading up the hill to the house. She makes it to the edge of the clearing surrounding the building without seeing anyone. After taking a moment to scan the grounds around the house, she flips the goggles away from her eyes to observe the well-lit interior. Castle is moving around inside a large living area, apparently alone. After once again scanning with night vision, she stows the goggles in her backpack and approaches.

Castle is making himself another cup of coffee when he hears the patio door sliding open. Very slowly, he spreads his arms either side of his body and says, "Hey, Sasha. I thought you'd be here sooner."

"I went to the cabin first. Put your hands behind your head and turn around, Rick; slowly."

He does exactly as she says and is surprised to see that she now has very short, white-blond hair. Next he notices that the handgun now has a scope attached to it. Looking down at his chest, he can see a bright-red dot in his shirt and says, "Beckett said you were using a red dot scope."

"Only at night. It's too conspicuous during the day." Confused, she says, "You don't seem afraid. Do you think that I won't shoot?"

Castle shrugs and says, "I've no idea. I just don't think that anything I say or do will make a difference. NYPD and the FBI are already on their way. So, either way, you're not getting back to the city…unless you can swim even faster than you run." Then he grins and says, "I like the new look."

Unable to stop herself lifting a hand towards her hair, she realizes how much the movement reveals and returns a clenched fist to her side before saying, "Don't look at me like that!"

Losing the grin, Castle says, "Ok, Sasha. Take it easy." After a second he says, "So, what now? Would you like a cup of coffee? No, you prefer tea, don't you? I'm sure there's some…"

"Shut up! This isn't a social call, Rick."

Gently, he asks, "Then why are you here? If you only came here to kill me, I'd already be dead." Castle almost feels sorry her as she visibly struggles to answer this simple question and he says, "Can I at least lower my arms?"

Sasha can see that the effort of keeping his injured arm up is causing it to tremble, so she nods and says, "Just keep your hands where I can see them."

"Thank you, Sasha."

"Stop using my name, like we're friends."

"I'm sorry. But, when we were friends, that's the name you gave me. Would you prefer that I call you Alexandra?"

He can see the flash of anger in her eyes, and she growls, "Not that name either."

"It's going to make conversation difficult, but ok." After a few more seconds' standoff, Castle asks, "Have you thought of an answer yet?"


"Why are you here, Sa…ma'am?" When she still says nothing, Castle says, "All right. I'm going to finish making my coffee, and boil the kettle for your tea. Then we can sit down and play while we wait for the troops to arrive."

It's only then that Sasha notices the chess board on the dining table. Still keeping her gun aimed at Castle, she moves closer to inspect the in-progress game and says, "Move 10?"

"Yes, just before Byrne made his mistake. I'm no Bobby Fischer, but I thought you might enjoy it just the same." When she doesn't argue, he walks to the kitchen counter. Sasha follows him, with the gun trained on him at all times. He notices that she's limping and nods to her leg, before asking, "Are you ok?"

Frowning, she says, "I'm fine. You need to stop talking."

He grins and says, "I get that a lot…ok, shutting up."

When his back is turned he feels the muzzle of the gun press against the back of his neck. Heart already pounding a mile-a-minute, he's now concerned that he'll actually pass out. Sasha starts checking him for weapons. When his heart keeps beating, Castle decides to push her and says, "I can't help but feel we've been here before…though you were wearing a lot less back then."

Sasha says, "Shut up!" and backhands him across the head with the Ruger.

Knocked to the floor, ears ringing and head thumping Castle nevertheless knows that he was right about her, because he's still alive. He can feel blood at the wound, but only a little. So he gets up and walks to the sink before dampening a clean tea towel and holding it to his head. When he turns to face Sasha, he sees even more reason for celebration and nods to her chest before saying, "You're wearing jewelry too."

Confused, Sasha looks down to see the red dot on her chest. She tightens her grip on the Ruger. Castle cautions, "I wouldn't make any sudden moves. If that's who I think it is, he won't miss. I'm sure you're wearing a vest. But I'm guessing he's using ammunition that will punch through it anyway."

Even more confused, Sasha says, "You didn't bring him with you?"

"No, Sasha. I wouldn't risk anyone else. It'll be Sir Beckett that arranged this."

Finally comprehending, Sasha smiles and says, "Your knight. She's a fast runner."

"Not fast enough, apparently or we wouldn't have had this chance to catch up." And then he says, "Ready to lower the gun yet?"

"I could still kill you."

"Yes, but you're not going to. Sasha, please put it down. I don't want anyone else to die."

After considering for another second, Sasha lowers the gun. Being careful to stay out of the red dot's path, Castle takes the gun from Sasha's hand and shows thumbs-up towards the direction of the unseen shooter. After flicking the safety on Castle says, "You should probably be face down on the floor when he gets here. He's ESU. They're picky about that sort of thing."

When Matt enters, rifle at the ready, Castle greets him with, "When did Beckett set this up?"

Matt cuffs Sasha, whilst explaining, "Yesterday evening she asked me if I'd help out. This evening she called and said it was time. So I swapped shifts and got here as fast as I could. Unfortunately, these roads all look the same at night. I'm not sure it would have been worth going back to the city if you were killed because I got lost. I was supposed to get here and stop her from entering the house. When I saw the car at the bottom of the hill, I thought that I'd be cleaning up a mess." Seeing the blood on Castle's head, he says, "You ok?"

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just a lover's tap, right Sasha?"

As Matt hauls Sasha to her feet, she says, "I should never have let you speak."

By the time Beckett and Shaw arrive in the chopper, Sasha is cuffed and sitting at the dining table playing chess with Castle, while Matt sips a coffee and watches over them.

A little incredulous at the domestic scene, Beckett says, "Thanks, Matt."

"Wasn't me. Rick had the situation under control before I even got here and talked her into giving up the gun."

Beckett asks, "What? How?"

Castle looks up from the game to say, "I asked nicely."

Just then Sasha says, "Checkmate."

The End