Just cuz, I was watching people play scary computer games, this idea is pure random and the fact I was listening to people screaming reactions (Tobuscus). I do NOT own Ghost Hunt.

Mai's P.O.V.

Just a normal quiet day at SPR, there weren't any appointments today anyway. I got a computer game yesterday from my friend and didn't get a chance to play it, it's called 'Amnesia: The Dark Descent'. I stopped playing with my pencil and went through my purse 'til my fingertips touched the rectangular case.

I pulled it out looking at the cover, there was just a little rose in the middle of water and rocks. I pulled out the disc and put it in the little computer disc holder and pushed it. The download now box appeared on my screen and I clicked yes.

After a not so patient wait, it finally downloaded and I clicked resume game thinking since I didn't play it would let me start, it didn't.

Maybe this is where she stopped playing. I looked at the menu and looked at the controls, after believing to of memorized them I decided to press back to game. I clicked and there was a piece of paper glowing blue.

I saw a door was closed and shrugged it off, before I clicked on the note I heard a scary noise and shrieked a little. Bou-san and Ayako came in as soon as I did and looked over at me. They walked over to me "What's with that look Mai-chan?"

Sighing out loud, I answered, "My friend gave me this game and it sounded interesting since there's nothing to do and I just found this note and before I clicked it there was a creepy noise type growl thing. As soon as I'm done reading this note that thing's gonna get me!"

"Oh it can't be that bad, maybe it was just a ghost in the game." Ayako patted my shoulder and we read the note. I decided to back out and the end of the noise came through, I lit the lantern and there was a banging sound from the door.

We all jumped thinking it was our door though and I looked back at the screen to see the door knocked down and a monster coming for me. In doing so I screamed and paused it. Ayako and Bou-san told me to calm down but they didn't see it!

"Taniyama-san, what's wrong?" Lin questioned from his office door. "Oh-uh nothing Lin-san I'm just playing a game, sorry!" He sighed and went back to his office and closed the door. "Mai just unpause it, it can't be THAT bad calm down." Thank GOD Naru wasn't here yet.

I unpaused the game and Ayako yelped on my left, I ran from it through a dark hall and there was another door I went right up to it, I clicked it as fast as possible when it said 'Cellar Archives'.

Bou-san took the mouse from me and stole my seat, "My turn to show you it's not that scary" He walked a few steps and the screen went black. When it was visible again the floor was covered in water. He took a few more steps and he heard splashing. He kept turning around until there were white ripples right next to him and he yelled "What the hell is that?"

There was a box next to him and he jumped on it and let out a sigh. He jumped from box to box until there weren't anymore. There was another door a little farther ahead. "Screw it, I'm going for it!" He jumped from the box as the splashes echoed behind him.

He got to the door and it was so relieving because he gave me back the mouse and my seat. "Yay! That wasn't so bad was it Bou-san?" He went to the corner and sulked, what a baby.

A little while later…

Everyone else showed up and were watching me play. Nothing bad happened when they were watching, until Naru came in. Since I decided to take the door that didn't look well lit, I realized that was just stupid.

I opened the door and lit the lantern to a monster and almost cried and turned to run. Ayako and Masako screamed while Yasu, Bou-san, John jumped, Lin was just watching, (yeah Lin decided to watch too).

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Is he following me? Oh sweet merry happy thoughts WHY! Go AWAY! GO AWAY! I don't like you! Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh! WHyhyhyhyhhyhy?"

I was panting so hard while everyone was laughing at me and I almost died before I got to the next door. Even Lin had a smirk! Naru just looked at me weird and went to his 'lair'.

Half an hour Later…

I had just gotten past the room with chains and was walking down a hallway. Ayako and Bou'san were sitting next to me while they had popcorn."Mai-chan, you want some?" That monk motioned to the bowl and I shook my head.

I lit the lantern again and I went down the stairs. There was another room and before I went in the creepy music started to play. Another monster! "Waaaaah! Aaaaaaahhhhhh! Gaaaaaaah!" I started to whimper when I paused the game.

"Oh gosh, oh gosh! I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die in this game! I had to pause it, I don't want to unpause it, but I have to!" I kept whimpering. "Okay I'll unpause it, okay, okay! I don't like this!"

Bou-san kept laughing, "This is the most entertaining thing EVER!" He collapsed on the ground. I hovered over 'Back to game' and sighed. "Oh my GOSH! Where do I go? Ah he's hitting me! Oh God SORRY JOHN! Oh gosh why me? I'm gonna die! Leave me ALONE! Oh no no no no non o!" I ran to a door and slammed it shut.

There was more banging at the door. "I'm gonna die! I'm so dead! Oh NO! I'm just! That's it, I'm leaving I can't do this!" I pressed escape but nothing happened. "No oh GOSH! Why is this happening!" I ran through the hallway but it was a dead end.

I screamed again "Are you kidding me? No there's no way!" I turned around and got slashed. My screen went red and I hit my head on the desk.

I looked up to see Naru watching me. I turned off the computer and just put my head down again. "Wow Mai," I glanced up at Naru. "Even though it's just a game you still freak out." I glared when he smirked.

A light bulb went off in my head. I smirked "I'd like to see you try and play this, if you're just so amazing."

"I don't play computer games Mai," Was his response. "I just thought since no one else other than you is unaffected you could get me farther in the game," He glared at me.

"I'll make you some tea without complaining about it,". "Alright Mai, tea." I smiled and turned on the computer.

A few Minutes Later…

I gave Naru his tea, he was at the part I had just died. He was just taking a sip when the monster appeared. He spit out the tea with a shocked expression. Thank you lord, for 'Amnesia: The Dark Descent'.

Well? I just came up with the last part at random. Review Pwease =3

Mai's face for the most part when she was playing ;_; or D= lol!