Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto bro. I'm too lazy to say this more than once.

Warning: This story has some very adult themes including but not limited to: Rape, incest, sex, more incest, hurt/comfort, more incest, blood, more incest... You get the idea. Also you will not read this story if you are suicidally depressed because I will not be held responsible should you choose to kill yourself.

Do enjoy...

It was a cool desert night. The stars shone in the cloudless sky and the full moon was suspended in the blue, black, hue. The winds blew the ever moving sand buffeting the buildings until the smooth adobe walls were pock-marked and crumbling. The only sounds that disturbed the steady buffeting were those of nocturnal creatures shuffling through the sand. The smell of fermenting cacti fruit wafted on the breeze. The late summer's sun had baked the fallen fruit to perfection and it now waited for some little animal to come and devour its flesh and reveal the seeds inside, the next generation.

Gaara lay in bed awake. He didn't expect to sleep, that would be forbidden. He once spent this dark and quiet time proving his existence and giving into the bloody demands of the monster inside. Never again would this happen. Gaara shivered at the thoughts of killing.

He had once taken the life of a small girl. What might she have become if he hadn't 'proven his existence'? He had killed a young man and a dog and a ninja who had begged for his life. Then he had killed the ninja's family and had been completely satisfied with the screams of his wife and two children. He had loved the way the blood and sand mixed together and he had felt alive. Would they have become something had he not killed them? Yes, he had once spent this time killing but now he spent it in remorse, wondering what might have happened had he let them live. Every night Gaara tortured himself with these thoughts and every night the beast inside of him would beg for more blood.

The pain in his heart, which he had had since childhood, raged, and clutched and caused him to groan into the darkness.

I don't want to be alone.

Gaara sat up in bed and clutched the side of his head. Tears silently fell from his sea foam eyes and made little puddles on his blanket.

Please, I don't want to be alone.

He had gone through this so many times that it seemed ridiculous to the rational part of his brain. The emotion wouldn't stop. It felt like it was eating away at his very soul. The guilt, the remorse, and the loneliness it all chewed at his ever wakeful mind. It tore at his heart with sharp claws.

I need to stop. I need to stop. I need to stop. Please, please, just stop. Just think of something else. Do something else!

You could always kill~

The voice of the beast was as sickly sweet as ever, so… tempting.

I know you remember how much you enjoyed it. The screams and the blood…

"Shut up!"

His fist made contact with the wooden foot of his bed leaving a gaping hole in its wake. The splinters, which would have normally pierced skin, were instantly filed away by his armor of sand. He was now fully 'awake'. The tears quit falling as he regained his static composure.

I will not kill.

Temari woke from her dreams to the noise of Gaara's commanding yell and the sound of breaking wood. She sat up in bed and listened for further sounds of a struggle. She once was afraid of such sounds in the night because they meant that 'he' had awoken but now she was worried, not for herself, but for the safety of her brother. Not everyone in the hidden village had quite accepted Gaara's rise to Kazekage. Gaara had experienced many assassination attempts in his life but they were getting more frequent as a group of rebel ninja tried to take him out of power. They could not see him for what he was now. They only saw the monster once was.

I think that Gaara himself may only see the monster that he was... Even when he has become so much more.

She got out of bed and pulled on a robe.

It was cold outside her room. She, apparently, was the only one in the family that did not have a scorching body heat. It slightly annoyed her that the house was so cold that she had to go out and buy a space heater just to keep herself from freezing at night. She quietly made her way down the hall stopping at the door at the bottom of the stairs. Kankuro's snoring could be heard coming from the other side.

Ha, moron didn't even wake up.

She snorted and shook her head.

And he calls himself a ninja.

Even though all noise had stopped and everything seemed fine she still opted to check on her youngest brother. Ever since his transformation from monster to human she had seen him differently. It had changed her to see how lonely and sad he was… how much like a child. She felt an aching responsibility for not being there for him when he was little and she could tell that Kankuro felt this way as well.

Probably even worse... I just ignored him out of fear…. But Kankuro used to mock him and throw things at him…

She slowly made her way up the stairs and past the first two doors before stopping at the third. She knocked.


Her voice carried through the silent house. She knocked again.

"Gaara? I heard you yell something. Is everything alright?"

She didn't bother to knock again and slid the door open a crack.

"Gaara, I'm coming in."

She slid the door open just enough so that she could comfortably slip through.

Gaara stood silhouetted against the starlit sky. He was surveying the village, his village, from the balcony outside his room. He didn't hear the knocks on his door nor did he hear Temari slip into his room. It wasn't until she was a few steps away from him that he sensed her dormant chakra signature and turned to face her.

"Gaara, it's fucking freezing out here! Aren't you cold?"

Temari gathered her robe more tightly around her as the cold breeze kissed her skin. Gaara walked towards her and put an arm around her protecting her from the wind. It was a kind and thoughtful gesture that he would have never made before. It wasn't uncommon now but it was still surprising to the female ninja.

He is so kind…

The thought was bittersweet and made guilt pierce her heart like an icy dagger.

"You should go inside."

His voice was deep emotionless as he gently guided her back into his room closing the door behind him. It wasn't much warmer inside but at least the wind couldn't get in. He let go of her and focused his eyes on nothing in particular. He could still feel the burn of guilt and death but seeing his sister had helped to quell the hungry loneliness with in him. He had noticed that recently she, and even Kankuro, had been trying their hardest to be kinder towards him and the scared look in their eyes had been completely replaced with concern and, he liked to think, love. He too had been trying to be more kind and less…


He felt a shiver at the thought. Temari looked at him and could see the sadness in his eyes. He was still uncomfortable and awkward with his showings of emotion so when he saw the worry in the eyes of his sister he could do nothing but go blank.

"I'm sorry that I woke you."

His voice was monotonous.

"I was…"

He didn't like to talk about the demon.

"I was having an argument with 'him'."

Temari knew what he meant. It wasn't something the siblings normally talked about but they all knew that Tanuki would sometimes talk to, or, rarely, even through, Gaara. Temari's concern heightened.

"You aren't having any urges, are you?"

He could tell that there was both worry for him and fear for herself wrapped within her question.

Temari don't show me those fearful eyes… I don't want to be alone… Please, I don't want to be alone.

His body shook with a sob and he could no longer hold up his emotionless act.

"I killed them."

His sob hit her core and she could not bring herself to worry about whether or not the monster that she had once known had returned. She remembered the little Gaara sitting alone playing with his sand.

"Shh, it's okay."

She cooed and hugged him petting his hair as he slumped into her embrace. She could feel the tears wetting her shoulder through her robe. She moved him over to his bed and positioned him so that his head was in her lap. She stoked his hair and traced his tattoo with her fingers while speaking softly to try and comfort him. She was his older sister and he was her fragile brother.

Thank you for reading now please review.