so I'm not dead, and though I did declare this story to be discontinued in 2013, after re-reading it and remembering the passion I put into writing just the 5 chapters I have, I have decided to renew the story once again! Thankfully, I managed to find the original story, and it's untouched, nothing's missing except the plot that I had, but it was a rubbish sketch of it, and I can remember what happens for at least the next 10-15 chapters so I can easily get the plot back anew!

I do owe you readers an apology though, I did abandon the story at random and didn't reply as to why I had shut down, It was basically school work had over come me, I went through several breakdowns just after I had stopped writing to focus on my exams for the end of year 11, and forgot about the story completely, along with some other works I had in development in the shadows... most of which are probably buried in my personal cemetery of unfinished work.

My only regret about informing you about my return now is this, I am mere days away from my A-Level exams, thankfully they are spaced out, my art exam is on tuesday, my photography is 2 days in the following week and my media studies is around the 2nd week in May, so I will have space to start writing this up again. But it will all come in due time, In fact, I'm going to start writing up some rough chapters tonight!

But don't expect my updates to be immediate, I haven't been writing in a long while, I've been focusing more on my art than my writing, but I can say that my writing skills have improved since I had last written this, so the story may seem more, mature.. grown up if you will, in terms of descriptions and sensibleness... is that a word? well it is now. Imagination kids, stick with it :D

Anyway, I hope to see you all in my next chapter, and sorry for the break of like... a year... heh 3