Halloween's Date.

Summary: A nameless ghost, a prankster high school student on a Halloween night. KaiShin.

Author's Rant:...I know this is too early for Halloween but I just want to divide this into two parts v^^. Cuz I don't like posting thing too long, over 5k words, well, You and I was an exception v^^. And really, I'm posting it before I somehow accidentally lost my USB again or carelessly delete it xD.

Next part will be up exactly on Halloween :D.

Beware of AU, OOC-ness, my shitty English and uhm...ghosts?

Disclaim: Nah, *pouts* I don't own.

It was early in the morning and Kaito was already dancing around the kitchen happily, getting ready for school. His mother, Kuroba Chikage, watched him with great amusement, what could make him that happy? And then she mentally slapped her forehead, how could she forget? That day was Kaito's most favorite holiday!

"I'm going~! See you later, Kaa-san! I love you!" Kaito yelled cheerfully and Chikage chuckled as the front door slammed close. She wondered how Kaito's classmates would take it this year.

"Ah-ah, he's as enthusiasm as always huh?" an amused voice startled her and Chikage quickly spun around to see- "Ah, Toichi, you almost scared me to death there," she scolded the man, though her eyes softened as she looked at him.

"Welcome home," she smiled and Toichi smiled back.

"Yeah…" he made a move to touch her but stopped himself just in time. Chikage smiled sadly at the gesture but then, she brightened up.

"Where do you want to go to today, dear?"

"Anywhere, as long as I'm with you, love," he grinned cheekily, making Chikage giggle.


The students in class 2-B glanced at the grinning magician/prankster warily, expecting something to happen. It was making them really nervous as nothing had happened so far.

Aoko glanced at Kaito with her narrowing eyes, she thought he would have unleashed something by then already, but nothing had happened so far.

The bell rang loudly and the students scrambled to their seats, waiting for the teacher and class to be started.

Ms. Sanae, who was the class' homeroom teacher walked in caution. She took every step carefully, afraid she might trigger something is she placed her foot on one wrong spot, the entire class, saved for the grinning magician, also held their breath at each step she took.

When she finally got to her desk safely, she released a sigh of relief then ready herself for her next step. She warily shifted her chair by her foot then glanced at Kaito nervously as nothing happened, the magician only flashed her an innocent grin that she knew was faked.

Debating whether or not should she sit down, Ms. Sanae decided to stand and start the class. No, she was not going to risk; after all, that day was 'that' day!

Last year, Kaito had decorated the homeroom into a Graveyard, no one knew how he did it though, each seat was a grave with the name of the student who sat there. The windows were all closed shut and couldn't be opened, so the class had to turn the lights on, because the class still had to start.

They soon got over it but it was only the beginning.

Each time a student or a teacher stepped on a particular spot, the lights would went out, a hollow, evil laughter would echo the room and hands from the graves would shot out to grab at the students, making the boys and girls shrieked fearfully.

In 15 seconds and everything returned to normal as if nothing had happened, leaving the entire class whimpered to each other. They all knew it was his doing but they didn't have any evident so they couldn't turn him in to the Headmaster. And because it was actually fun too, they had to admit.

And lots of things happened after that too but the students and teachers refused to remember those memories. This year, Kaito hadn't done anything saved for the fake cobwebs that looked damn real. Half of the day had gone by and still, nothing happened at all. The students and teachers still kept their guards on, hopeing that Kaito just did something, anything!, the anxiousness and suspense were killing them!

The end of the class came and as soon as the bell rang, the room erupted in black smoke.

Shrieking and yelling were heard and Kaito grinned in satisfaction before slipping out of the room by the window.

When the smoke faded away, the students found themselves in various kinds of costumes, from vampires, werewolves to fairies, mad scientists and all. On the black board was a 'Happy Halloween' in blood red color.

Everyone stared at the board then at each other then stared some more.

Was it all?

…then what the heck had they been anxious for?


Kaito hummed to himself happily as he bounced on his way home.

The day had gone perfectly according to his plan! He head kept everyone on their toes and wary of everything they did. What was better than making people anxious and nervous on Halloween day? And he had succeed by doing nothing at all, enjoying the ways his classmates and teachers carefully glanced around nervously while waiting for his never coming pranks.

Closing his eyes, Kaito mentally high-fived himself for doing such a great job and not knowing that he had done a grave mistake.

Because when he opened his eyes, he was in a Graveyard, surrounded by graves and graves. A shrill laughter could be heard now and then, the creaking sound the skinny trees were making made him jumped back, startling.

"W-what the?"

With wide eyes, Kaito looked around, where the heck was this place? He had never seen a Graveyard like this in Edoka!

"Where the hell is this place?" he muttered to himself and kept his Poker Face in place even though he was really scared.

"A Graveyard, oblivious," Kaito never expected a dry tone to answer him so dryly.

He jumped around to see no one. His eyes widened as he stepped back to bump into a grave behind him, making him fall back to sit on the said grave.

"W-who's there?" damn, this place was getting to him. And his eyes widened even more as from the nameless grave in front him, a boy dressed in a high-collared white shirt and white pant and white shoes slowly emerged from the solid surface. He looked deathly sick as he looked so white, saved for his blue eyes and neat black hair, and what's with that cowlick?, though. But what scared Kaito the most was that the other boy looked almost exactly like him.

Kaito stared and stared some more at the boy whose pale lips pulled into an amused smirk, he clearly was enjoying Kaito's surprised and scared expression.

"W-who are you?" Kaito finally regained some sense, he asked, hoping his voice wasn't wavering.

"Well," the boy started, his voice sounded like his too! "You're in a Graveyard, and so, I'm a ghost, what else?"

"No way! Ghosts don't exist!" or he tried to reassure him so.

"Really?" the other raised an eyebrow at that, "Then what do you call me?"

That said, he slowly floated up in the air to lean his face near Kaito's, making Kaito flinch back.

The ghost-boy smirked coyly again before floated up higher, "You're in a Graveyard for ghosts only, human."

"Then how the hell did I get here?" Kaito asked, eyeing the ghost with interest, aww, how he wished he could fly like him without using his glider.

"Hm, good question..." the ghost tapped his chin rather thoughtfully, "I guess it's because some ghost forgot to close the door connected here and the ground, and you somehow walked into it?"

Kaito looked at him, horrify in his purple eyes, "You mean ghosts can walk freely on there?"

"Nah, they'd love that but no, only on Halloween."

Kaito gasped, his favorite holiday!

"It's funny, really, when people try to scare the other and don't even know that maybe there's ghost right in front of them," the boy chuckled in amusement and Kaito's spine went cold at the thought.

He sweat-dropped nervously as the ghost went through him to lean down and read the name on the grave.

"You're sitting on Akai's grave, I think you should get off. He doesn't like people sit on his grave, y'know," the ghost advised and Kaito complied without a second thought, jumping off the grave, he bowed rapidly at the grave.

"I'm sorry, Akai-san! I didn't mean to sit there!" A sound reached his ears while he was trying to make the grave forgive him made him turn around.

As soon as he turned around, he saw the other boy was snickering into his fist, Kaito pouted and glared.

"What's so funny?"

"No..." the other ghost said, no longer snickering but he was chuckling, "It's just that Akai has gone to see his girlfriend and your apologizes are useless for he's not here."

"What? Why didn't you tell me so?" Kaito said, his eyebrows furrowed together.

"It's fun to see you act like that, and I'm bored," the ghost explained, smirking when Kaito gasped at him. Kaito had always been the one who enjoyed pranking the others when he was bored, not the other way around!

But wait, he had more important things to do than sulking right then..."Human can see the ghosts? If yes then how come I've never seen one before?"

The ghost shrugged carelessly, "No, on Halloween, the ghosts can choose who they let see them, and usually, they choose their loved ones...though some choose their enemies so that they can haunt that person."

"Oh...I never knew that..."

"Not many people do," the ghost waved his hand in dismiss. Then he produced a book from no where and sat down on the grave that he had emerged earlier and began to read. Kaito raised an eyebrow at that but say nothing.

Leaving with no one to talk to, Kaito decided to look for a way out. He noticed that he and the other ghost-boy were the only people in the Graveyard. Right, maybe all the other ghosts had gone to see their loved ones.

Once getting used to the place, Kaito decided that it wasn't that scary like he thought at first. It was rather a homely place as on the ground that didn't have any graves, several books were there and four cups of tea, there were also some drawings that looked like a kid's works, a smiley icon on the ground and some packs of cards too.

"Hah...a ghost's life is kinda normal eh?" he asked aloud, the ghost didn't look at him and Kaito thought he wasn't going to answer but the other spoke up a moment later.

"Mh."...that counted as an answer too, right?

"Where do all those things on the ground come from?"

"Their relatives that still alive sent them by burning the things," the ghost replied, his eyes still glued to the book, "The drawings belong to Nanami-san's son, her husband burned them when she asked him to send her that last Halloween. And the other thing has been here long before I came, so I don't know. The cards belong to..."

The ghost trailed off, making Kaito turned to look at him curiously to see a look of realization on his face.


"Never mind," the ghost-boy dropped the subject suddenly, "And I'm reading, don't bother me."

"Geez..." Kaito puffed annoyingly then turned to look around again, dismissing the question why the ghost dropped the subject.

Come to think of it... "Why are you still here? You don't go to see your loved one?"

"No. I don't remember my name, how am I supposed to know who's my loved one?"

"Ah..." Right, Kaito mused, the grave that the other had emerged from had no name.

He must be lonely stay here alone eh?

Releasing a sigh, Kaito tried his best not to prank the ghost, who knew what the ghost was capable of doing to him.

"Hey, Ghost-san," but he just couldn't stand the silence, "Can you, by any chance, open that door again?"

Turning a page, the other didn't bother looking at him.

"I can," the ghost answered, "But I don't want to."

Kaito immediately turned to the ghost and glared at the other.

"What? Why?"

With a snap of his fingers, the ghost made the book disappear into thin air before looking at him, "When I open the door, meaning I have to walk through it so you can follow. And once I go through it, I can't return here until midnight. I don't feel like going to the ground cause there's nothing to do and so, I'm not going to open the door just for you."

The ghost explained slowly, like he was trying to get a stubborn kid understand his point, his voice was firm and had no room for argument. A kid would understand and probably be sulking right then but Kaito was no mean a kid even if he did act like one sometimes, and so, he would not shut up.

"Oh, come on, Ghost-san~, you can't possibly keep me here forever," Kaito whined and the ghost glanced at him with half-lidded eyes.

"In fact, I can," the ghost-boy drawled out lazily.

"B-but, you said you're bored right?" the ghost was the only one here that could help him, something must be done or he'd never got a chance to prank Hakuba again! Or flipping Aoko's skirt, or eating his mother's new cake! And what about Pandora too? He hadn't destroyed it yet!

"I am, so what?" the ghost's eyebrow raised up in amusement.

"Then if you help me get home, I promise I won't let you be bored on there, okay?"

The other boy blinked then blinked some more.

"Well, I guess it'd be okay…" the ghost then pondered, tapping his chin while doing so.

Then suddenly, he was leaning near Kaito's face, "You'd better keep your promise. Don't try to get rid of me because nothing will work." A dangerous smirk on his lips and his eyes gleamed brightly on his unnatural pale face.

Replying with his own famous KID's smirk, Kaito said confidently.

"You have my word."

The ghost narrowed his eyes for a moment then he pulled back, with a snap of his fingers, a black hole appeared right beside them.

"Coming?" he asked, gesturing toward the hole and Kaito stared in awe.

"That's the door?" and the other nodded in confirm.

As they walked through the door, Kaito wondered how the heck he walked into one without noticing.


The familiar road appeared as he stepped out of the hole, and Kaito almost thought everything was a dream.

But the ghost's presence right beside him confirmed that it was real. Just his luck.

"So, what now?" Kaito looked over at the other boy who had spoken up to see him looking around curiously.

"We'll go to my home first. I need to change and then we can go have some fun~," he decided and flashed the ghost his most charming grin which the ghost replied by rolling his eyes, though his lips turned up a little at the corner.

"I told you you have my word, so no worry, Ghost-san! I never break my promises~," he said cheerfully as they started to walk.

In truth, he didn't promise that so the ghost would open the door for him but also because the loneliness that lighted in those blue eyes made him uncomfortable. He looked so lonely and no one deserved to be alone! So, there was no way he'd leave the ghost alone down there!

"Ghost-san, can you see the other ghosts here too?"

"Ah, yes," the ghost-boy replied absently, "Like there was one that just walked through you."

"What?" Kaito jumped and looked around with wide, startling eyes.

"…I'm kidding," the other boy said airily and walked ahead, like he hadn't just scared Kaito to death then.

Kaito stared at his back disbelievingly before running to catch up with the other…he was just messed with the second time that day and did the ghost even know where his house was?

It was really nice seeing his home again…Kaito sighed in relief.

"I'm home, Kaa-san!" he called and took off his shoes then raise an eyebrow as the ghost didn't do so, weren't you supposed to take off your shoes when you go in someone's house? Ah well, the ghost couldn't touch anything after all.

"Oh, welcome home, Kaito," Chikage smiled at him and he noticed she had her purse in her hand and she wasn't wearing her usual apron.

"You're going out?" Kaito asked though he already knew that answer.

"Uhm. We're out of egg, so I'm going to buy some," she answered and ruffed his messy hair fondly.

"Are you going for trick and treat tonight?"

"Maybe?" he grinned and she giggled before walking off.

"I'll be back soon," she called back.

"See you later, Kaa-san," he replied cheerfully, noticing the ghost was bowing respectfully at his mother, but it still looked like he was bowing to someone else.

Ah, well.

"Come on, Ghost-san."

The ghost stood still for a moment before following him.

"You father says 'hi'."

Kaito stopped dead in his track; he barely realized that the other had walked through him to the staircase.

"You're not coming?" the ghost-boy called back and snapped Kaito out of his stupor.

"Ah, yeah!" he ran after the other.

"You saw my father?" Kaito asked excitedly as they entered his room.

"Mh, he's following your mother around," the ghost said airily then stared out the window.

"R-really? Did he say anything else?" Kaito looked at the other hopefully, his eyes brightened like a child.

"Yes. He said that he'd come to see you this day next year."

And Kaito fell back on his bed, a goofy grin on his face. He's going to meet his father, his dear father…

And losing in his giddiness, Kaito didn't notice that the ghost had slipped out of the room through the window.


He didn't know what to do anymore, the ghost sighed as he wandered aimlessly. He had seen seven ghosts with their loved ones so far. It left him a bitter feeling.

The day he had come to the Graveyard, two months ago, Kuroba Toichi had been really surprised to see him which he later knew that was because he looked a lots like the man's son. And so, he instantly knew Kaito was Toichi's son the moment he set his eyes on the messy hair boy.

He had been just messing around with the other boy, because it had been really fun to see him panic! And to be honest, he would open the door for Kaito nonetheless as for Toichi had taught him so much about a ghost's life when he had been a newcomer, a completely clueless ghost. And so, helping his son get home was the only thing he could do to repay the favor.

And now he was stuck on the ground with nothing to do and he was not going to force the other boy to entertain him when it was so clearly that no one would want to spend time with a ghost, a stranger ghost at that. And didn't his mother say that he'd go trick and treat? He was not going to ruin the boy's fun, cause that would be too cruel.

He regretted not bringing his book with him, sighing, the ghost-boy sat down on a park bench, hey, when did he get into a park?, which he sat right through it to sit on the ground. He made a face at that. Right, he was a ghost and he could not touch anything other than the ground. So he decided to lie down under a tree and sleep through the day.

Looking up blankly, the ghost felt his heart, if he ever had one, ache in his chest as he remembered Kaito's happy expression when he told the messy hair boy what his father had said.

He didn't remember anything when he came to the Graveyard, not his name, not his life, only a gunshot sound. And he told the people in the Graveyard that, making them call him 'Bullet-kun'. The people there often pranked each other too, for a ghost's life was really boring, and he was always the one who found out who was the prankster. That was why Jodie-san jokingly called him Silver Bullet. 'You're dangerous as a bullet,' as she had explained so.

It never really bothered him about his lack of memory before because the ghosts in the Graveyard treated him really well; the female ones treated him like he was their son and the male ones often joked around with him and all.

But now, lying alone under the tree, he couldn't help but wonder if his parents loved him or not, and did they cry for him when he die? Or well, for all he knew, he could be an orphan too…

And if he had parents, he wondered if his mother was kind like Nanami-san down there, or she was anything like Kaito's mother, or maybe like the woman sat there, smiling at her child who eagerly offered her a wild flower. And his father too. Was he a kind and playful man like Toichi-san, or he was a strict yet loving father?

…he really, really wanted to know.

The ghost-boy quickly stood up as a couple was a bout to sit down where he was lying down. If he hadn't moved that quick, the girl would be sitting on his head, eh well, through his head.

Dusting his pants even though it was perfect clean, the ghost scrambled off fast as the couple was about to kiss, ewwww….

Where to go, what to do now…?

Sighing again, he had been doing that a lot lately, the ghost decided that he wanted to see something related to water because the cold liquid had a calming effect on him.

And so, he jogged to the river that he had seen on the way to Kaito's house and planned to sleep under the bridge there.

Not once did he think Kaito would be looking for him. Why would he anyways?


"Goddamn it! Where the heck could he be?" Kaito cursed as he ran through the crowded street, looking for the ghost.

After having snapped out of his day dream, it took Kaito a mere second to realize that the ghost wasn't there anymore. He had tried called the ghost but no one answered.

Kaito had shrugged it off. If the ghost wanted to go off himself then suited himself, Kaito would not stop him. It was not like he broke his promise anyway.

He had planned to take a short nap before readying himself for his trick and treat but as he closed his eyes, those blue eyes would not leave him alone.

He had wondered what the ghost was doing; didn't the ghost say he had no loved one and nothing to do here? Then why did the ghost go off? And Kaito just had a feeling that even if he didn't promise to entertain him, the other would still open the door.

And he was the one delivered his father's message to him, wasn't he?

Then, before he realized it, he was in his usual clothes and ran around looking for the ghost-boy.

It was 5 pm already, and the ghost only had seven hours to have fun before he had to go back to the Graveyard.

Stopping to take in some breaths, Kaito looked around, hoping to see the familiar cowlick hair but none. He couldn't even ask the people if they had seen the ghost or not unless he wanted them to call the police to take him to the madhouse.

Sighing, he decided if he continued his search like this, he would never find the other, and so, he used his brain.

The ghost seemed to be a quiet person that didn't like crowded place too much and he could sit in one place all day if he wanted to. Also, Kaito remembered when they had walked on the bank that led to his house, the ghost had looked so calm and relaxed, did that mean the other liked water?

A light bulb appeared suddenly above his head and Kaito grinned, mentally congratulating himself as he had an idea where the ghost could be. Under the bridge that placed on the river near his house was a small spot that the water didn't reach and could fit around three persons, it was also his favorite spot, where he would come to whenever he felt like getting away from the real life.

Well, no harm checking it out, Kaito mused and began to run at his full speed.

And indeed, the other boy was there, sleeping soundly, curling up on his side just like a kitten.

Kaito rolled his eyes then sat down beside the sleeping ghost.

"Geez, I'm running around to find you and you're here sleeping…how unfair, Ghost-san…" Kaito whined childishly though kept his voice low to not wake the ghost because the other looked damn cute when he's sleeping.

Wait…Cute?...Ah well, Kaito shrugged it off, if you looked more carefully, the ghost didn't really look like him that much. Like the ghost had long eyelashes, his cheekbones were high and his lips, even though were unnatural pale, they still looked quite full. In general, he was cute while Kaito was, dare he say, manly?

Kaito grinned madly at his new discovery, wondering what the ghost would say if he knew Kaito was thinking like that.

It had long occurred to him that he didn't like girls, or women. And no boys too. In fact, he didn't like anyone. He once thought he liked Aoko but it turned out he was mistaken because she was the only girl that was closed to him and he understood her well enough.

Besides, with his night job, being in a relationship would be too troublesome…

Looking back at the other's sleeping face, Kaito hesitantly raised a hand to his cheek, and he wasn't really surprised when his fingers went through the other, like they were sticking into his head. Retracting his hand with a sigh, Kaito wondered what the heck was happening to him…was he falling for the ghost?

A bitter smile tugged at his lips…even so…it would get no where…A ghost and a human, sounding like a cliché movie eh…

For a moment, Kaito just sat there with the sleeping ghost until he decided that he'd better wake the ghost up, they only had around 6 hours left. He would make this the best day ever for the ghost and maybe he'd come to visit him next year too!

Satisfied with his decision, Kaito chided in a sing-song voice, "Wakie, sleepy head~."

He didn't need to call the second times as the other rolled over to crack an eye open and stare up at him sleepily. Very slowly, the ghost sat up, stretching out and yawn widely…Kaito stared, where was the sadist jerk he had met in the Graveyard? This person, ghost, was surely not him, was he?

Finally, he turned to raise an eyebrow at Kaito.

"What are you doing here?"

"Now now, Ghost-san. That's what I'm supposed to ask you~," Kaito whined, "We're supposed to go on a date!"

"Date?" the ghost blinked.

"Well, yes, spending fun time together is a date~!"

"…I never knew that…"

"You do now!" Kaito grinned cheerfully, "It's not like I'm in love with you or anything, so don't worry~." Or he told himself so.

"C'mon," Kaito stood up and brush the dirt off his pants, "We don't have all day, y'know."

"You don't have to if you don't want, human." Despite saying so, the ghost still stood up.

"Nah, I want to. And my name is not human! Geez, I don't have such dumb name!" Kaito pouted childishly then blinked, "Did I tell you my name?"

The other tolled his eyes, "Nope. Thought it's Kaito, right?"

Kaito brightened up, "Yep! Kuroba Kaito! At you service~!"

And he ran ahead, then stopped to turn around, "Hurry up!"

"…Kay," the ghost answered un-lively as he slowly dragged his feet to Kaito.

Not in love with me eh…?...I'm glad so…

xxxxxX TBC Xxxxxx

Btw...do you say 'at Halloween' or 'on Halloween'? I asked my English teacher and she said it's 'at' but I like 'on' better...so yeah...if it's wrong then do tell me, I'll fix it! Thank you!

And I said 'nameless ghost' but we all know his name eh xD?

Some reviews would help me write faster and post thing in time ^^!