AN: Hi there everyone new at this so please no flames. Also please tell me how I do. With that said to the disclaimer. Sasuke will be Oc in this.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Pokémon.

Summary: Naruto is sent to the Pokémon world during his battle with Sasuke at the valley of end. Found by professor Oak. Who then takes him in as his son. Oh did I mention he's four again. So Naruto will be four years older than both Ash and Gary. Also Naruto will be a Dragon Trainer.

Naruto's Pokémon

Main- Black Charizard (It's a dragon type to me)






Chapter 1: New world

(Valley of End)

Two teens could be seen directly across from each other while standing at the bottom of what looked to be feet for statues. The first teen was had dray skin and what looked like webbed hands sprouting from his back. His hair was a dull grey color that went to his back. His eyes were red with what looked to be three black tomes fiercely circling his pupil. This was Sasuke Uchiha the 'Last' of the famous Uchiha clan. Sasuke's clothing consisted of a blue, short-sleeved shirt with a raised collar and the Uchiha crest on the back and white arm warmers, white shorts and white leg warmers. Blue open toed sandals. But the final piece was a blue Hitai-ate with a leaf in the plate around his head.

The second teen also wore a blue Hitai-ate with a leaf in the middle as well. He had Spiky, unruly sun-kissed blonde hair that seemed to be in frenzy. He had fangs putting from his mouth as well Blood red eyes that were slitted. He had deep whisker mark on each cheek. He wore an orange tracksuit with blue on the upper shoulders area as well as around the waist, a white swirl with a tassel on the left side, a red swirl on the back, a large white collar, orange pants and blue sandals. But covering his body looked like a veil that took the form of a fox. This was Naruto Uzumaki the Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi no Kitsune.

"Naruto…." Sasuke said in a soft growl, his anger proof that he was ready to end their fight.

"Sasuke…." The whiskered Jinchuuriki was feeling the same way too; he will make sure to save Sasuke from going to Orochimaru.

Not another word was said as they knew that words would not finish this long and tough battle. They would finish it with the strongest technique each had at their disposal, passed down to them by great shinobis. Naruto would use his Rasengan, taught to him by the Sannin Jiraiya, the mountain hermit, but originally created by his former student, the fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato. Sasuke would use his Chidori, taught to him by the copycat shinobi Hatake Kakashi, the man who has copied over a thousand jutsus, as well as a fellow wielder of the Sharingan. Kakashi's Sharingan was still a mystery to the raven haired youth since he wasn't a member of the Uchiha clan.

"Chidori". The level two curse seal Sasuke formed a black colored variation of the Chidori with his right hand.

The one tail Kyuubi Naruto extended his right hand and created a spinning sphere of chakra, only this time instead of being its original blue color, it was purple. The color change was obviously due to the fact that Naruto was using the demon fox's red chakra, though it was a mystery why it was purple instead of being red.


Once their attacks were formed, they gave each other one last look before moving to deliver the powerful blow that would end the fight. Sasuke took flight using his long, webbed hand wings while Naruto jumped high, his goal to defeat the Chidori and his best friend. Failure was not an option for either of them. The mighty collision was just seconds away as the shinobis closed in on each other, each of them confident that their technique would defeat the others.




The explosion was incredibly loud and it echoed throughout the valley. A large black sphere formed from the collision, and grew to engulf both Naruto and Sasuke. As the shinobi waited for the explosion that would end the fight, they stared into each other's eyes, and it seemed that in that moment they came to respect each other and treasure their bond. But then something caught Naruto eyes. Looking over Sasuke's shoulder he saw what looked like a hole sucking everything up. Acting quick Naruto pulled Sasuke towards before throwing out of the ball they were.

"Naruto!" He yelled but could only watch as his friend no best friend disappear before passing out from the injuries he had sustained. And if he had been awake he would have seen Kakashi arrive at the scene. Kakashi and Pakkun just looked at the damage of the valley before walking over to Sasuke's prone body.

"Pakkun do you have Naruto scent?" he asked worried that his sensei's son might have been killed.

"I had it but it just disappeared and this rain isn't helping at all either." Kakashi looked down in grief before picking up Sasuke body then looking at one of the giant statues and glaring. "I hope you happy with what has happen to the 'almighty' Uchiha clan.

(Konoha, Main Gate)

Jiraiya was leaning against the wall as he watched Tsunade pace back in forth almost making a trench while waiting for Naruto to return.

"Tsunade calm down he'll be alright." He said which got her attention making her stop her pacing. Tsunade could only look at him grimly. "I know but I just have this feeling that something really bad has happen." Jiraiya just frowned at hearing her answer. He then kicked off the wall and walked over to her before placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Tsunade calm down that boy won't…" but he was cut off by a screech from a certain pink haired banshee. Looking over to Sakura they saw her pointing at Kakashi who had Sasuke on his back. Tsunade just ran over to the pair before Kakashi put Sasuke on the ground where she did a quick diagnosis. She just sighed before speaking. "He'll be alright but we need to get him to the…" she stopped when she noticed at certain blonde wasn't with them. Looking at Kakashi who had a pained expression she asked the question that would break her heart.

"Kakashi where's Naruto?" nut as he was going to speak a certain banshee spoke up … well more liked screeched.

"Who Cares Sasuke-kun needs help!" she said trying to get to 'her' Sasuke. But before she could grab him she was hit in the gut by Tsunade who looked pissed at not getting her answer from Kakashi yet. SO turning towards him he began to speak.

"I…I don't know where he is." He started which got surprised looks from Jiraiya and Tsunade before speaking again. "When I got there Sasuke was passed out while Naruto's scent seemed to just disappear. Not even Pakkun could track it was like he there then poof gone." He finished. Looking back at Tsunade she had a blank look before everything processed through her head.

Now a few things happened. First she had a very shocked look, which then turned to hyperventilating to crying her eyes, before it turned to rage which was turned to the unconscious Uchiha. Now when both Jiraiya and Kakashi they moved and tried to restrain her.

"Get The Fuck Off ME!" She screamed while trying to get her hands on Sasuke.

"Tsunade calm down!" Jiraiya yelled while signaling some Anbu that were hidden to hold her down.

"Calm down? CALM DOWN! ARE GODSON IS GONE AND YOU'RE TELLING ME TO CALM DOWN!" Now she was looking at Jiraiya with a look that said 'Are You Fucking Kidding ME!' Jiraiya actually got mad at that look.

"You don't think I'm hurting as well!" He yelled at her shocking many that had showed up. Tsunade was stunned the most out of everyone because Jiraiya never yelled at her. "I loved that kid as well Tsunade but we need the Uchiha alive so we know what happen to Naruto." He said anger still with in his voice. Tsunade seemed to calm down but not fully.

"Fine let's get him to the hospital so I can heal, get my answer's then kill him." That caused the civilians to pale at the thought of the last 'loyal' Uchiha being killed. So they all began to start yelling at their Hokage. But Tsunade just turned towards the crowd that had formed and glared at them with so much hate that some of them actually passed out but not before they pissed themselves.


Sabaku no Gaara was not happy not at all. Why you might ask well his first friend still hadn't showed up. But what was worst was that the Uchiha was being healed. So yeah he was not very happy. Just then the door opened up to show Tsunade. Looking at the busty blonde he began to speak.

"Where is Uzumaki?" he said in his usual monotone voice but his time there was a hint of demand in it. Tsunade just flinched at that which he noticed.

"Come by my office in two hours with you siblings." She said which made Gaara mad that he didn't get his answer right there and then but just nodded and left to go find his brother and sister. Tsunade just sighed before snapping her fingers. Four Anbu then appeared knelling before their Hokage.

"I want you to bring all of Naruto friends and their senseis to my office in two hours." This just got 'Hais' from the four before three of them disappeared. Noticing this Tsunade turned to the Anbu who was the only female of the group. "Yes Neko?" She questioned.

Neko just looked at Tsunade before taking her mask off showing a beautiful woman that looked to be in her twenty. "Tsunade-sama can I also join in the meeting, I was Naruto's caretaker when he was younger." Tsunade just looked at her for few seconds before nodding.

"That fine Yūgao now to your assignment." She said which made Yūgao nod her head before disappearing via Shunshin. Tsunade then walked over to a chair before slumping into it. Putting her hands over her eye's she cried. She cried long and hard for over an hour. A nurse then came out the room she had been in before.

"Tsunade-sama Sasuke is up." She said which made Tsunade's shoot up before her eyes hardened. She then walked into the room before dismissing the staff that was taking care of Sasuke.

"Okay Uchiha I'm just going ask once and only once. Where Is Naruto?" she growled out restraining herself from killing the now duck ass haired teen. Sasuke just looked at her with dead onyx black. He just looked at her before tears began to pour down his face shocking her. Tsunade just looked at the now sobbing teen.

"I…I don't know. One second we were looking at each other the next he was throwing me away from some tunnel before he disappeared." He just closed his eyes as tears that he thought had died long ago came back at full force. He just clutched the blanket that was over him. Tsunade just looked at the teen before sighing then doing some hand signs. Restraints then wrapped around Sasuke who looked at the woman in confusion before she began to speak.

"These are here told hold you till I come back with an Inoichi to tell me if you are telling the truth." Sasuke just nodded hell even if she didn't use the restraints he would have still stayed.

(Thirty minutes later)

It took about ten minutes for Tsunade to come back with Inoichi and another twenty for him to look over Sasuke. When it was all done everything Sasuke had told Tsunade was all true while telling her everything that had happened during the battle. And hearing that Naruto had tapped into the Kyuubi's chakra was a big for her but none more than Sasuke who had question them on what they were talking about. Because hearing you best friend had the most powerful demon in existent sealed in his gut was huge.

Inoichi just bowed towards Tsunade before giving Sasuke a disapproving look which made the young Uchiha to hang his head. Sasuke just looked at Tsunade before speaking again. "So what happens now?" he questioned only for her to look at him long and had.

"If it was my choice I had killed you right here and now." Sasuke just nodded his head in agreement I mean he had done the same thing his brother had done. And that right there was something he hated about himself now. He had almost followed his brother path. But it was thanks to Naruto that he could think straight again.

"But it not my choice it the council choice but you can bet your ass I'm going to vote for the side that ask for your death." She said in a very deadly voice before walking over to him and releasing his restraints.

"What are you doing?"

"You'll becoming with me when I have to tell all yours and Naruto friends that he's gone." With tears beginning to threating to cascade her face again. Sasuke just nodded his head. He knew this was fair justice they all had lost a great friend and it all because he wanted to power. He then thought back to what Naruto had told him once. 'If you ever need help Sasuke, come to me I'll help as much as I can.' He now wished he had gone to Naruto now. But it was too late He was gone.

(Hokage's Office)

It took another good thirty minutes for every excluding Neji, Chouji and Kiba who in the hospital. It seemed Shikamaru was the only one to come out the one with the least injuries. When everyone got there they were shocked to see Sasuke standing by Tsunade with his head down. Shikamaru looked pissed at seeing Sasuke same as the sensei's and the sand siblings. Both Ino and Sakura to see him and looked ready to jump if it wasn't for their sensei to hold them back.

"Good now that everyone save for the one's in the hospital are let's begin what happened at the valley Sasuke?" Tsunade but saw him flinch at the mention of the battle. But before he could speak Gaara decided to talk.

"Where's Uzumaki?" He asked in a demanding voice. He others also began to notice that Naruto wasn't there. Well everyone except Sakura who looked at Sasuke with heart in her eyes. Tsunade looked ready to cry at hearing Naruto's name.

"He…he's no longer with us." she said which caused everyone to gasp while Hinata fainted and Gaara's sand was coming out of his sand and started to head towards Sasuke. Sasuke just looked up at Gaara with a look that accepted his which actually made Gaara to stop.

"If you're going to do it please do it Please do." He said while waiting for his death by Gaara's hand. But before anyone could anything a blinding light appeared in the office.

(Unknown Location)

Forty six year old Professor Samuel Oak was having a weird day. First of all the Pokémon that he took care of for trainers were acting scared hell even the most vicious Pokémon were scared. Then a storm came out of nowhere causing a black out. So here he was going to his good friend Delia Ketchum house to check on her through a raging thunderstorm. But just then a lightning bolt came crashing down not even 10 feet away from him knocking him down.

With a groan he got back up and looked where the lightning had struck only much to his shock there was a boy laying there. The boy looked no older than four years old and sun-kissed blonde hair and whisker marks on his cheeks. He was wearing a hideous orange jumpsuit and pants that were way too big for him. Samuel also took notice that he had a necklace with some type of crystal around his neck and a headband with metal plating on it that had what looked like a leaf engraved in the middle on his head. Also by the boy was a Pokémon egg.

Oak just rushed towards the boy before walking over to him and checking his pulse; He sighed in relief when he got one. He then spoke out loud. "Where did you come from?" but just shook that off before picking both the boy and the egg up and started to run to Delia's house.

An: And done sorry if it was short. I promise to make it longer.