Cullen, Witch, Who Am I?
Elphaba's POV

My name is Elphaba Thropp Cullen. For the past fourteen years—since I disappeared from Oz when I was three—I was raised by Carlisle and Esme Cullen as one of their own kids—I'm actually the only human in my family—besides Uncle Charlie. Aunt Sue and Uncle Billy don't really count, because technically they should be—could be shape-shifters, like my cousins, Jacob Black, Embry Call, Quil Ateara, Leah and Seth Clearwater.

I'm also one of the youngest or oldest, depending on how you look at it. The thing is, every year on my birthday, everyone insists upon having a huge party for me, because I'm actually getting older. Everyone else—they're not aging. Renesmee stopped aging when she was seven. Carlisle stopped aging at twenty-three. Esme stopped aging at twenty-six. Leah stopped aging at twenty. Everyone else stopped in their teens—Jacob, Quil, and Embry all stopped aging when they were sixteen. Seth stopped aging when he was fifteen. Edward and Alice stopped aging at seventeen. Bella, Emmett, Jasper, and Rosalie all stopped aging at eighteen.

During high school, like everyone else in the family, I went to Forks High School. During sophomore year, I dropped out for a couple of years and was homeschooled so I could recover from a car accident that could have killed me. It only temporarily paralyzed me, thanks to Leah's quick thinking, but sometimes I have these attacks—basically, I can't move, so I have to use my wheelchair—not that comfortable and I hate it.